67,844 research outputs found

    Rapid identification and differentiation of the vaccine strain Rac H from EHV 1 field isolates using a non-radioactive DNA probe

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    A method for rapid differentiation between the EHV 1 live vaccine strain Rac H and field isolates is described. Total DNA was isolated from virus-infected small scale cell cultures. DNA fragments digested with restriction endonuclease BamHI were separated, transfered and immobilized on filter membranes. A Digoxigenin-labeled probe derived from EHV 1 was used for hybridization. This probe hybridized specifically to sequences of the inverted terminal repeat region which in case of Rac H include a deletion of 0.8 kb. By comparing the different migration patterns after blot hybridization it could be shown that in 65 isolates from cases of abortion the live vaccine strain Rac H was not involve

    High-Precision Thermodynamics and Hagedorn Density of States

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    We compute the entropy density of the confined phase of QCD without quarks on the lattice to very high accuracy. The results are compared to the entropy density of free glueballs, where we include all the known glueball states below the two-particle threshold. We find that an excellent, parameter-free description of the entropy density between 0.7Tc and Tc is obtained by extending the spectrum with the exponential spectrum of the closed bosonic string.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Weekend School Effect on Perceived Cognitive and Social Competences: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Experiment

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    This study reports the results of a randomized controlled experiment in the Netherlands that was conducted in 2005 to examine if a Weekend School did positively affect perceived competences. For this purpose, 216 Dutch 7thgraders (aged 10/11) were randomly assigned to a Weekend School program and a waiting list. This study focuses on the following competences: scholastic competence, social acceptance, behavioral conduct, global self-worth and outspokenness. These competences are measured before and 10 months after the start of the Weekend School program. Experimental results suggest that the Weekend School program did not affect children's perceived competences.Weekend School, Perceived Competence, Random Assignment

    Correlations in Ultracold Trapped Few-Boson Systems: Transition from Condensation to Fermionization

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    We study the correlation properties of the ground states of few ultracold bosons, trapped in double wells of varying barrier height in one dimension. Extending previous results on the signature of the transition from a Bose-condensed state via fragmentation to the hard-core limit, we provide a deeper understanding of that transition by relating it to the loss of coherence in the one-body density matrix and to the emerging long-range tail in the momentum spectrum. These are accounted for in detail by discussing the natural orbitals and their occupations. Our discussion is complemented by an analysis of the two-body correlation function.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Excitations of Few-Boson Systems in 1-D Harmonic and Double Wells

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    We examine the lowest excitations of one-dimensional few-boson systems trapped in double wells of variable barrier height. Based on a numerically exact multi-configurational method, we follow the whole pathway from the non-interacting to the fermionization limit. It is shown how, in a purely harmonic trap, the initially equidistant, degenerate levels are split up due to interactions, but merge again for strong enough coupling. In a double well, the low-lying spectrum is largely rearranged in the course of fermionization, exhibiting level adhesion and (anti-)crossings. The evolution of the underlying states is explained in analogy to the ground-state behavior. Our discussion is complemented by illuminating the crossover from a single to a double well.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Polarization phenomena in the reaction NN to NNpi near threshold

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    First calculations for spin-dependent observables of the reactions pp→ppπ0pp \to pp\pi^0, pp→pnπ+pp \to pn\pi^+ and pp→dπ+pp \to d\pi^+ near threshold are presented, employing the J\"ulich model for pion production. The influence of resonant (via the excitation of the Δ(1232)\Delta (1232)) and non-resonant p-wave pion production mechanisms on these observables is examined. For the reactions pp→pnπ+pp \to pn\pi^+ and pp→dπ+pp \to d\pi^+ nice agreement of our predictions with the presently available data on spin correlation coefficents is observed whereas for pp→ppπ0pp \to pp\pi^0 the description of the data is less satisfying.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    23. Areogeophysical Investigations over the Bowers Mountains, North Victoria Land; Antarctica

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    Observation of the Cosmic Ray Electron- Positron Ratio from 100 Mev to 3 Bev in 1964

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    Balloon flight data on cosmic ray electron- positron ratio from 100 MeV to 3 Be

    Heavy Meson Production in NN Collisions with Polarized Beam and Target -- A new facility for COSY

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    The study of near--threshold meson production in pp and pd collisions involving polarized beams and polarized targets offers the rare opportunity to gain insight into short--range features of the nucleon--nucleon interaction. The Cooler Synchrotron COSY at FZ--J\"ulich is a unique environment to perform such studies. Measurements of polarization observables require a cylindrically symmetrical detector, capable to measure the momenta and the directions of outgoing charged hadrons. The wide energy range of COSY leads to momenta of outgoing protons to be detected in a single meson production reaction between 300 and 2500 MeV/c. Scattering angles of protons to be covered extend to about 45∘45^{\circ} in the laboratory system. An azimuthal angular coverage of the device around 98% seems technically achievable. The required magnetic spectrometer could consist of a superconducting toroid, providing fields around 3 T.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Czechoslovak Journal of Physic
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