2,233 research outputs found

    Regulation and marketisation in the Portuguese higher education system

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    This paper builds on the ongoing discussion on regulation and marketisation of higher education. It aims at investigating the higher education market (des)equilibrium. Teixeira, Rosa and Amaral (2004) have analysed the presence/absence of market mechanisms in the Portuguese higher education sector. We go a step further in quantifying the (mis)mactching between demand and supply, by suggesting and computing a set of indicators, which provide the starting point for a ranking-based analysis. Institutional rankings are central to overcome the problem of absence of information on quality in higher education systems, which is a basic requirement for a real higher education market.higher education market, demand, supply

    Geological and geomorphological heritage of Avelada-Baçal area (Montesinho Natural Park, NE Portugal)

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    O Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM) fica situado no Nordeste de Portugal, abrange a parte norte dos concelhos de Vinhais e Bragança e engloba as serras da Coroa e Montesinho. Geologicamente o PNM situa-se nas unidades autóctones da Zona Centro Ibérica e nas unidades parautóctones e alóctones da Zona Galiza-Trás-os-Montes. Nesta primeira abordagem acerca do Património Geológico do PNM, faz-se a analise da região situada entre Aveleda e Baçal, cuja clareza das formas de relevo e a definição das relações com a geologia e com a tectónica, no seio de uma área protegida, são razões para a sua valorização. Assim, no presente trabalho descrevem-se e interpretam-se os aspectos geomorfológicos desta região. A partir de locais de observação estabelecidos é possível constatar que a região de Aveleda-Baçal corresponde ao bloco abatido de um graben controlado por falhas de orientação NNE-SSW, com destaque para a falha de Portelo que origina uma escarpa pelo soerguimento do bloco ocidental e abatimento a leste. No bloco ocidental deste acidente tectónico estão representados restos de uma superfície de aplanamento a cotas superiores a 900 metros (superfície de Espinhosela) e para norte a serra de Montesinho (1481 m), um bloco mais elevado de topos relativamente aplanados.The Montesinho Natural Park (MNP) is located in NE Portugal (Vinhais -Bragan~a region), comprising the Coroa and Montesinho mountains. The geology of the area is characterised by the occurrence of mafic and ultramafic rocks defining the Bragança massif, one of the four massifs in the northwest Iberia. Geologically the MNP is placed both in the autochthonous sequences of the Central Iberian Zone and in the pile of thrust units of the "Galiza-Trás-os-Montes" Zone. These nappes comprises from bottom to the top: 1) parautochthonous thrust complex, including metasediments of Silurian-Devonian age having lithological affinities with the subautochthonous; 2) lower allochthonous thrust complex (H-P metamorphism, peralcaline bimodal volcanism) of Lower Palaeozoic for the bottom to Upper Palaeozoic age for the top of the unit; 3) a fragmented Palaeozoic ophiolite complex; 4) an upper continental allochthonous terrane of Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age. They are thrusted over a Silurian-Devonian subautochthonous metasediment sequence. Ordovician quartzites and slates mainly form the autochthonous. Finally, Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary events left their imprints on the landscape, namely with the presence of three unconforrnity-bounded sedimentary sequences. The late variscan tectonic episodes break up the Iberian Meseta plateau in several parts. The Aveleda-Baçal surface is a graben controlled by the NNE-SSW (Portelo fault) and N-S (Aveleda fault) fault systems. The Portelo fault belongs to a major lineament of the late-variscan tectonic episode of the NW Iberia (Bragança-Vilariça fault system). This is a left -lateral strike -slip fault with the uplift of the western block. The Aveleda fault is reactivated as dextral strike slip fault in late-variscan episodes. This complex geology is responsible for unique landscape features, having an important role on the natural heritage of the park. In this first overview, the Espinhosela area was selected for its distinguishing landscape features, clearly controlled by geological and tectonical events. The geomorphological features are described and interpreted from distinct observation sites. It is possible to define several local surfaces, traces of the Iberian Meseta plateau. In the western uplift block three surfaces are defined: 1) Espinhosela surface (900 m) tectonically controlled by the major thrusts between the allochthonous units; lithologically this surface is defined on the Espinhosela gneisses; 2) the Soutelo surface (1000-1100 m) bordered by the two major thrusts between parautochthonous and subautochthonous units; 3) to the north of this thrust, the Montesinho upper surface (1400 m) is defined on the granite intrusion. In the Aveleda-Baçal graben (locally known as "Baixa Lombada") two surfaces can be defined: Aveleda surface (800-900 m) defined on Cenozoic sediments and Baçal surface (600-700 m) defined on gneisses. The eastern limit of the graben is a complex conjugation of N/S and WNW/ESE faults rising the eastern block up to 900 m ("Alta Lombada").Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Instituto de Conservação da Natureza (ICN)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ganho médio diário de peso de borregos inteiros, de escroto curto e castrados e crescimento testicular de borregos inteiros da raça Churra Galega Bragançana

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    Este ensaio foi feito com o objectivo de estudar a acção de diferentes tratamentos testiculares ou escrotais sobre o aumento médio diário de peso dos borregos Churros Bragançanos e o crescimento testicular dos borregos inteiros desta raça, entre o desmame e os 80% do seu peso adulto. Um lote de 32 borregos da raça Churra Galega Bragançana foi dividido, aleatoriamente, em quatro grupos (I, EC25%, EC50% e C) de 8 animais cada: Grupo I, composto por animais inteiros, Grupo EC25%, aplicação dum anel de borracha a cerca de 1/4 do comprimento do escroto, relativamente à sua extremidade inferior, Grupo EC50%, aplicação dum anel de borracha sensivelmente a meio do comprimento do escroto e Grupo C, castração dos borregos - método do elastrador. Enquanto que os animais castrados apresentam um GMD estatisticamente inferior ao dos restantes animais (P0,05). Neste período da vida dos borregos, ambos os testículos crescem dum modo muito idêntico e global. O peso corporal e a idade cronológica devem ser utilizados, preferencialmente em conjunto, na estimação do crescimento testicular dos borregos inteiros da raça Churra Galega Bragançana

    Interesse patrimonial dos aspectos geológicos e geomorfológicos da região de Aveleda-Baçal, Parque Natural de Montesinho, NE de Portugal

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    O Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM) fica situado no Nordeste de Portugal, abrange a parte norte dos concelhos de Vinhais e Bragança e engloba as serras da Coroa e Montesinho. Geologicamente o PNM situa-se nas unidades autóctones da Zona Centro Ibérica e nas unidades parautóctones e alóctones da Zona Galiza-Trás-os-Montes. Nesta primeira abordagem acerca do Património Geológico do PNM, faz-se a análise da região situada entre Aveleda e Baçal, cuja clareza das formas de relevo e a definição das relações com a geologia e com a tectónica, no seio de uma área protegida, são razões para a sua valorização. Assim, no presente trabalho descrevem-se e interpretam-se os aspectos geomorfológicos desta região. A partir de locais de observação estabelecidos é possível constatar que a região de Aveleda-Baçal corresponde ao bloco abatido de um graben controlado por falhas de orientação NNE-SSW, com destaque para a falha de Portelo que origina uma escarpa pelo soerguimento do bloco ocidental e abatimento a leste. No bloco ocidental deste acidente tectónico estão representados restos de uma superfície de aplanamento a cotas superiores a 900 metros (superfície de Espinhosela) e para norte a serra de Montesinho (1481 m), um bloco mais elevado de topos relativamente aplanados

    Etnobotânica do Nordeste Português: saberes, plantas e usos

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    Publicação complementar em papel do Relatório final das actividades do projecto entregue à FCT on-lineEsta publicação descreve todas as actividades realizadas no âmbito do projecto Etnobotânica do Nordeste Português e em particular os resultados obtidos através da realização de estudos de caso e da aplicação de diversas metodologias etnográficas.FC

    Variação do comportamento sexual de carneiros da raça Churra Galega Bragançana ao longo do Inverno

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    Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo estudar a variação do comportamento sexual de carneiros da raça Churra Galega Bragançana ao longo do Inverno. Neste sentido, na cidade de Bragança (latitude 41° 49' N, longitude 6° 40' W e altitude 720 metros), mais precisamente na Quinta de Santa Apolónia, pertencente à Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança (ESAB), 16 carneiros desta raça, todos eles com 3 anos de idade, foram submetidos à determinação do tempo de reacção, do número total de saltos efectuados, do número de falsas tentativas de cavalgamento realizadas entre saltos e da duração dos intervalos de tempo produzidos entre eles. O comportamento sexual dos carneiros da raça Churra Galega Bragançana elevou-se ligeiramente entre o início e o fim do Inverno. Esta elevação resultou apenas de um aumento da percentagem de carneiros que realizaram dois saltos por sessão de recolha de dados, em detrimento da percentagem de carneiros que produziram somente um salto

    Assessing performance of post-fire hillslope erosion control measures designed for different implementation scenarios in NE Portugal: simulations applying USLE

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    Wildfires are common in NE Portugal, annually affecting large areas and contributing to increase soil degradation in a territory under severe erosion risk. Wildfires dominantly occur in forests and scrubland that cover mountain areas all over the region. Post-fire measures, required for erosion control in such hillslopes, if applied, currently lack background design. The research aimed at assessing the performance of erosion control measures in hillslopes representing different implementation scenarios in Bragança District, NE Portugal (6608 km2). Methodology applied involved building up regional scenarios for simulated application of common post-fire measures (seeding and contour barriers), using USLE procedures. Variability of precipitation, soil and slope gradient across the region was represented by 14 simulation scenarios, for which potential erosion was calculated with USLE R, K and S factors, regionally assessed in previous work by the authors. Scenarios correspond to a range of susceptibility of burnt areas across the region, represented by potential erosion. Different sediment retention degrees and spacing of contour barriers (made with burnt vegetation residues) were simulated, exploring USLE L factor to estimate their effectiveness in reducing erosion. Seeding herbaceous vegetation as a post-fire measure was simulated applying USLE C factor and considering vegetation growth rates typical of each scenario. Post-fire measures were classified according to their performance in reducing potential erosion to tolerable rates in the different implementation scenarios: low, moderate, and high performance with, respectively, erosion rates > 10 Mg ha-1 y-1, 10 – 2 Mg ha-1 y-1, and < 2 Mg ha-1 y-1. Seeding is a low performance measure and reseeding next post-fire year is recommended. Contour barriers show generally high performance, yet dependent on design parameters. In fact, increasing barrier retention degree is more effective than reducing the spacing between barriers, a result that highlights the need for well-built contour barriers. The combination of the two measures has a high performance in most scenarios, thus recommending its wide application across the region. These results point out the importance of adequately designed post-fire measures, adapted to the regional diversity of potential erosion conditions, in order to mitigate impacts and accelerate recovery of NE Portugal burnt areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Jefferson Scale of Empathy: a nationwide study of measurement properties, underlying components, latent variable structure, and national norms in medical students.

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    The Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) is a broadly used instrument developed to measure empathy in the context of health professions education and patient care. Evidence in support of psychometrics of the JSE has been reported in health professions students and practitioners with the exception of osteopathic medical students. This study was designed to examine measurement properties, underlying components, and latent variable structure of the JSE in a nationwide sample of first-year matriculants at U.S. colleges of osteopathic medicine, and to develop a national norm table for the assessment of JSE scores. A web-based survey was administered at the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year which included the JSE, a scale to detect good impression responses, and demographic/background information. Usable surveys were received from 6009 students enrolled in 41 college campuses (median response rate = 92%). The JSE mean score and standard deviation for the sample were 116.54 and 10.85, respectively. Item-total score correlations were positive and statistically significant (p \u3c 0.01), and Cronbach α = 0.82. Significant gender differences were observed on the JSE scores in favor of women. Also, significant differences were found on item scores between top and bottom third scorers on the JSE. Three factors of Perspective Taking, Compassionate Care, and Walking in Patient\u27s Shoes emerged in an exploratory factor analysis by using half of the sample. Results of confirmatory factor analysis with another half of the sample confirmed the 3-factor model. We also developed a national norm table which is the first to assess students\u27 JSE scores against national data

    Predicting the carcass composition of lambs by a simultaneous equations model

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    The objective of this study was to develop models to predict lamb carcass composition by simultaneous equations model (SEM), and to compare t he efficiency of the ordinary least squares (OLS), weight least squares (WLS), and seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) estimators. Forty male lambs, 22 of Churro Galego Bragançano Portuguese local breed and 18 of Suffolk breed were used. Lambs were slaughtered and carcasses were weighed approximately 30 min after slaughter in order to obtain hot carcass weight (HCW). After cooling at 4°C for 24-h, the subcutaneous fat thickness measurement (C3) was taken between the 12th and 13th ribs. The left side of al l carcasses was dissected into muscle, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, bone, and remainder (major blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, and thick connective tissue sheets associated with muscles). The carcasses lean meat percentage (LMP), total fat percentage (FP), and bone percentage (BP) were calculated. A SEM model was fited by OLS, WLS and SUR estimators. Models fitting quality was evaluated by the coefficient of determination, the root mean square error, and Log-likelihood statistic. This study shows that SUR estimates are consistently better than the OLS and WLS estimates for modeling the carcass composition of lambs, and this trend was noticeably visible for the LMP

    The Echo: November 3, 1972

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    Orchestra will perform two concerts this week – Council informs colleges of international concerns – Ewbank directs lab for ISTA meeting – Open the Library – Help your brother – In Other Words – Seize the day – Letters to the Editor – ‘I believe in McGovern’ – Swallow-Robin gets name – Prohibitionist funds dormitory – Students select Au Sable Trails – Campus editors fly to New York City – SUB series speakers push prison reform – Taylor students rehearse for Marion Philharmonic – Commentary – Domestic issues face voters – Candidates express racial busing policies – Education needs funding – Election sparks tax reform – Nixon stresses welfare plan – ‘LeTreteau de Paris’ – Students attend comedy – Fishers of men – Jacob’s Well presents… -- Fish and fruit expert to speak at seminar – Trojanes to play in area tournament – Around Campus – Area Entertainment – Chapel Notes – Language Placement Tests – Theme needed – Menu – Hop’s Heresy – Playing better than watching – Sports shorts… -- Final touchdown evades Trojans in 10-7 loss – Harriers triumph in District contesthttps://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-1972-1973/1008/thumbnail.jp