149 research outputs found

    A New Fluorescent Sensor Based on 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]quinoline Skeleton. Part 2

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    A novel fluorescent dye bis-(pyridin-2-yl-methyl)-(1,3,4-triphenyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]quinolin-6-ylmethyl)-amine (P1) has been synthesized and investigated by means of steady state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. This compound acts as sensor for fluorescence detection of small inorganic cations (lithium, sodium, barium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc) in highly polar solvents such as acetonitrile. The mechanism which allows application of this compound as sensor is an electron transfer from the electron-donative part of molecule (amine) to the acceptor part (pyrazoloquinoline derivative), which is retarded upon complexation of the electro-donative part by inorganic cations. The binding constants are strongly dependent on the charge density of the analyzed cations. The 2/1 complexes of P1 with Zn++ and Mg++ cations posses large binding constants. Moreover, in the presence of these cations a significant bathochromic shift of fluorescence is observed. The most probable explanation of such behaviour is the formation of intramolecular excimer. This is partially supported by the quantum chemical calculations

    Characterization of the thermal and photoinduced reactions of photochromic spiropyrans in aqueous solution

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    Six water-soluble spiropyran derivatives have been characterized with respect to the thermal and photoinduced reactions over a broad pH-interval. A comprehensive kinetic model was formulated including the spiro- and the merocyanine isomers, the respective protonated forms, and the hydrolysis products. The experimental studies on the hydrolysis reaction mechanism were supplemented by calculations using quantum mechanical (QM) models employing density functional theory. The results show that (1) the substitution pattern dramatically influences the pKa-values of the protonated forms as well as the rates of the thermal isomerization reactions, (2) water is the nucleophile in the hydrolysis reaction around neutral pH, (3) the phenolate oxygen of the merocyanine form plays a key role in the hydrolysis reaction. Hence, the nonprotonated merocyanine isomer is susceptible to hydrolysis, whereas the corresponding protonated form is stable toward hydrolytic degradation