126 research outputs found

    Field investigation of novel self-sensing asphalt pavement for weigh-in-motion sensing

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    The integration of weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors within highways or bridge structural health monitoring systems is becoming increasingly popular to ensure structural integrity and users safety. Compared to standard technologies, smart self-sensing materials and systems present a simpler sensing setup, a longer service life, and increased durability against environmental effects. Field deployment of such technologies requires characterization and design optimization for realistic scales. This paper presents a field investigation of the vehicle load-sensing capabilities of a newly developed low-cost, eco-friendly and high durability smart composite paving material. The novel contributions of the work include the design and installation of a full-scale sensing pavement section and of the sensing hardware and software using tailored low-cost electronics and a learning algorithm for vehicle load estimation. The outcomes of the research demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system for traffic monitoring of infrastructures and WIM sensing by estimating the gross weight of passing trucks within a 20% error during an autonomous sensing period of two months

    In Situ Hybridization and Monoclonal Antibody Analysis of Plasma Membrane Ca-Pump mRNA and Protein in Submandibular Glands of Rabbit, Rat and Man

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    The degree of supersaturation of saliva with calcium (Ca) is related to the mineral phase of enamel in erupted teeth, the incidence of caries, and the formation of calculus. The mechanisms for regulating salivary Ca concentration are therefore of relevance to dentistry. Sections of rabbit, rat and human submandibular gland (SMG) were processed for immuno-histochemistry with a specific anti-plasma membrane Ca-pump antibody, 5F10. Western blots confirm that the molecular weight of the proteins identified by our antibody (135 kDa) is consistent with an appropriate molecular weight for PMCA antigen (135-150 kDa). Tissue sections were also processed for in situ hybridization to study the distribution of the PMCA mRNA isoforms. In mammals, the PMCAl gene is reported to code for a PMCA protein with a role in maintaining the intracellular Ca levels in both epithelial and non-epithelial cells. Other genes including the PMCA2 and PMCA4 genes may code for PMCA proteins specific to Ca transporting tissues. Our studies demonstrate cytoplasmic labeling of PMCA mRNA with hPMCA-1 and hPMCA-4 specific cDNA probes in humans, and rPMCA-1 and rPMCA-2 specific oligonucleotide probes in rats. Labeling of PMCA protein and all mRNA isoforms was found in the cytoplasm of the interlobular and intralobular ducts (except for intercalated ducts). The demonstrated presence of PMCA in SMGs of rabbit, rat, and man, may suggest a role for PMCA in the regulation of intracellular Ca and in a mechanism for regulating and maintaining the high concentration of Ca in saliva

    Reduced Protein Expression of the Na+/Ca2++K+-Exchanger (SLC24A4) in Apical Plasma Membranes of Maturation Ameloblasts of Fluorotic Mice

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    Exposure of forming enamel to fluoride results into formation of hypomineralized enamel. We tested whether enamel hypomineralization was caused by lower expression of the NCKX4/SLC24A4 Ca2+-transporter by ameloblasts. Three commercial antibodies against NCKX4 were tested on enamel organs of wild-type and Nckx4-null mice, one of which (a mouse monoclonal) was specific. This antibody gave a prominent staining of the apical plasma membranes of maturation ameloblasts, starting at early maturation. The layer of immuno-positive ameloblasts contained narrow gaps without immunostaining or with reduced staining. In fluorotic mouse incisors, the quantity of NCKX4 protein in ameloblasts as assessed by western blotting was not different from that in non-fluorotic ameloblasts. However, immunostaining of the apical plasma membranes of fluorotic ameloblasts was strongly reduced or absent suggesting that trafficking of NCKX4 to the apical membrane was strongly reduced. Exposure to fluoride may reduce NCKX4-mediated transport of Ca2+ by maturation stage ameloblasts which delays ameloblast modulation and reduces enamel mineralization

    Technical and Comparative Aspects of Brain Glycogen Metabolism.

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    It has been known for over 50 years that brain has significant glycogen stores, but the physiological function of this energy reserve remains uncertain. This uncertainty stems in part from several technical challenges inherent in the study of brain glycogen metabolism, and may also stem from some conceptual limitations. Factors presenting technical challenges include low glycogen content in brain, non-homogenous labeling of glycogen by radiotracers, rapid glycogenolysis during postmortem tissue handling, and effects of the stress response on brain glycogen turnover. Here, we briefly review aspects of glycogen structure and metabolism that bear on these technical challenges, and discuss ways these can be overcome. We also highlight physiological aspects of glycogen metabolism that limit the conditions under which glycogen metabolism can be useful or advantageous over glucose metabolism. Comparisons with glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle provide an additional perspective on potential functions of glycogen in brain

    Lactate Produced by Glycogenolysis in Astrocytes Regulates Memory Processing

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    When administered either systemically or centrally, glucose is a potent enhancer of memory processes. Measures of glucose levels in extracellular fluid in the rat hippocampus during memory tests reveal that these levels are dynamic, decreasing in response to memory tasks and loads; exogenous glucose blocks these decreases and enhances memory. The present experiments test the hypothesis that glucose enhancement of memory is mediated by glycogen storage and then metabolism to lactate in astrocytes, which provide lactate to neurons as an energy substrate. Sensitive bioprobes were used to measure brain glucose and lactate levels in 1-sec samples. Extracellular glucose decreased and lactate increased while rats performed a spatial working memory task. Intrahippocampal infusions of lactate enhanced memory in this task. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of astrocytic glycogenolysis impaired memory and this impairment was reversed by administration of lactate or glucose, both of which can provide lactate to neurons in the absence of glycogenolysis. Pharmacological block of the monocarboxylate transporter responsible for lactate uptake into neurons also impaired memory and this impairment was not reversed by either glucose or lactate. These findings support the view that astrocytes regulate memory formation by controlling the provision of lactate to support neuronal functions
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