3,146 research outputs found

    An XMM and Chandra view of massive clusters of galaxies to z=1

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    The X-ray properties of a sample of high redshift (z>0.6), massive clusters observed with XMM-Newton and Chandra are described, including two exceptional systems. One, at z=0.89, has an X-ray temperature of T=11.5 (+1.1, -0.9) keV (the highest temperature of any cluster known at z>0.6), an estimated mass of (1.4+/-0.2)x10^15 solar masses and appears relaxed. The other, at z=0.83, has at least three sub-clumps, probably in the process of merging, and may also show signs of faint filamentary structure at large radii,observed in X-rays. In general there is a mix of X-ray morphologies, from those clusters which appear relaxed and containing little substructure to some highly non-virialized and probably merging systems. The X-ray gas metallicities and gas mass fractions of the relaxed systems are similar to those of low redshift clusters of the same temperature, suggesting that the gas was in place, and containing its metals, by z=0.8. The evolution of the mass-temperature relation may be consistent with no evolution or with the ``late formation'' assumption. The effect of point source contamination in the ROSAT survey from which these clusters were selected is estimated, and the implications for the ROSAT X-ray luminosity function discussed.Comment: 9 pages, in Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 3: Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution, ed. J. S. Mulchaey, A. Dressler, and A. Oemler. See http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium3/proceedings.html for a full-resolution versio

    The X-ray emission from Nova V382 Velorum: I. The hard component observed with BeppoSAX

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    We present BeppoSAX observations of Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel), done in a broad X-ray band covering 0.1-300 keV only 15 days after the discovery and again after 6 months. The nova was detected at day 15 with the BeppoSAX instruments in the energy range 1.8-10 keV and we attribute the emission to shocks in the ejecta. The plasma temperature was kT~6 keV and the unabsorbed flux was F(x)~4.3 x 10(-11) erg/cm**2/s. The nebular material was affected by high intrinsic absorption of the ejecta. 6 months after after the outburst, the intrinsic absorption did not play a role, the nova had turned into a bright supersoft source, and the hot nebular component previously detected had cooled to a plasma temperature kT<=1 keV. No emission was detected in either observation above 20 keV.Comment: 1 tex file, 2 figures as .ps, and 1 .sty file of MNRA

    Collapse of superconductivity in a hybrid tin-graphene Josephson junction array

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    When a Josephson junction array is built with hybrid superconductor/metal/superconductor junctions, a quantum phase transition from a superconducting to a two-dimensional (2D) metallic ground state is predicted to happen upon increasing the junction normal state resistance. Owing to its surface-exposed 2D electron gas and its gate-tunable charge carrier density, graphene coupled to superconductors is the ideal platform to study the above-mentioned transition between ground states. Here we show that decorating graphene with a sparse and regular array of superconducting nanodisks enables to continuously gate-tune the quantum superconductor-to-metal transition of the Josephson junction array into a zero-temperature metallic state. The suppression of proximity-induced superconductivity is a direct consequence of the emergence of quantum fluctuations of the superconducting phase of the disks. Under perpendicular magnetic field, the competition between quantum fluctuations and disorder is responsible for the resilience at the lowest temperatures of a superconducting glassy state that persists above the upper critical field. Our results provide the entire phase diagram of the disorder and magnetic field-tuned transition and unveil the fundamental impact of quantum phase fluctuations in 2D superconducting systems.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Pair-breaking quantum phase transition in superconducting nanowires

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    A quantum phase transition (QPT) between distinct ground states of matter is a wide-spread phenomenon in nature, yet there are only a few experimentally accessible systems where the microscopic mechanism of the transition can be tested and understood. These cases are unique and form the experimentally established foundation for our understanding of quantum critical phenomena. Here we report the discovery that a magnetic-field-driven QPT in superconducting nanowires - a prototypical 1d-system - can be fully explained by the critical theory of pair-breaking transitions characterized by a correlation length exponent ν1\nu \approx 1 and dynamic critical exponent z2z \approx 2. We find that in the quantum critical regime, the electrical conductivity is in agreement with a theoretically predicted scaling function and, moreover, that the theory quantitatively describes the dependence of conductivity on the critical temperature, field magnitude and orientation, nanowire cross sectional area, and microscopic parameters of the nanowire material. At the critical field, the conductivity follows a T(d2)/zT^{(d-2)/z} dependence predicted by phenomenological scaling theories and more recently obtained within a holographic framework. Our work uncovers the microscopic processes governing the transition: The pair-breaking effect of the magnetic field on interacting Cooper pairs overdamped by their coupling to electronic degrees of freedom. It also reveals the universal character of continuous quantum phase transitions.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Infrared spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas). IV. A closer look at the dust

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    Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas) was an archetypical dust-forming nova. It displayed a deep minimum in the visual light curve, and spectroscopic evidence for carbon, hydrocarbon and silicate dust. We report the results of fitting the infrared spectral energy distribution with the DUSTY code, which we use to determine the properties and geometry of the emitting dust. The emission is well described as originating in a thin shell whose dust has a carbon:silicate ratio of ~2:1 by number (1.26:1 by mass) and a relatively flat size distribution. The 9.7micron and 18micron silicate features are consistent with freshly-condensed dust and, while the lower limit to the grain size distribution is not well constrained, the largest grains have dimensions \~0.06micron; unless the grains in V705 Cas were anomalously small, the sizes of grains produced in nova eruptions may previously have been overestimated in novae with optically thick dust shells. Laboratory work by Grishko & Duley may provide clues to the apparently unique nature of nova UIR features.Comment: 11 pages, 9 fugure

    A cryogenic rotation stage with a large clear aperture for the half-wave plates in the Spider instrument

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    We describe the cryogenic half-wave plate rotation mechanisms built for and used in Spider, a polarization-sensitive balloon-borne telescope array that observed the Cosmic Microwave Background at 95 GHz and 150 GHz during a stratospheric balloon flight from Antarctica in January 2015. The mechanisms operate at liquid helium temperature in flight. A three-point contact design keeps the mechanical bearings relatively small but allows for a large (305 mm) diameter clear aperture. A worm gear driven by a cryogenic stepper motor allows for precise positioning and prevents undesired rotation when the motors are depowered. A custom-built optical encoder system monitors the bearing angle to an absolute accuracy of +/- 0.1 degrees. The system performed well in Spider during its successful 16 day flight.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Published in Review of Scientific Instruments. v2 includes reviewer changes and longer literature revie

    Geotechnical Field Reconnaissance: Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015 and Related Shaking Sequence

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    The April 25, 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake and its related aftershocks had a devastating impact on Nepal. The earthquake sequence resulted in nearly 9,000 deaths, tens of thousands of injuries, and has left hundreds of thousands of inhabitants homeless. With economic losses estimated at several billion US dollars, the financial impact to Nepal is severe and the rebuilding phase will likely span many years. The Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association assembled a reconnaissance team under the leadership of D. Scott Kieffer, Binod Tiwari and Youssef M.A. Hashash to evaluate geotechnical impacts of the April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and its related aftershocks. The focus of the reconnaissance was on time-sensitive (perishable) data, and the GEER team included a large group of experts in the areas of Geology, Engineering Geology, Seismology, Tectonics, Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. The GEER team worked in close collaboration with local and international organizations to document earthquake damage and identify targets for detailed follow up investigations. The overall distribution of damage relative to the April 25, 2015 epicenter indicates significant ground motion directivity, with pronounced damage to the east and comparatively little damage to the west. In the Kathmandu Basin, characteristics of recorded strong ground motion data suggest that a combination of directivity and deep basin effects resulted in significant amplification at a period of approximately five seconds. Along the margins of Kathmandu Basin structural damage and ground failures are more pronounced than in the basin interior, indicating possible basin edge motion amplification. Although modern buildings constructed within the basin generally performed well, local occurrences of heavy damage and collapse of reinforced concrete structures were observed. Ground failures in the basin included cyclic failure of silty clay, lateral spreading and liquefaction. Significant landsliding was triggered over a broad area, with concentrated activity east of the April 25, 2015 epicenter and between Kathmandu and the Nepal-China border. The distribution of concentrated landsliding partially reflects directivity in the ground motion. Several landslides have dammed rivers and many of these features have already been breached. Hydropower is a primary source of electric power in Nepal, and several facilities were damaged due to earthquake-induced landsliding. Powerhouses and penstocks experienced significant damage, and an intake structure currently under construction experienced significant dynamic settlement during the earthquake. Damage to roadways, bridges and retaining structures was also primarily related to landsliding. The greater concentration of infrastructure damage along steep hillsides, ridges and mountain peaks offers a proxy for the occurrence of topographic amplification. The lack of available strong motion records has severely limited the GEER team’s ability to understand how strong motions were distributed and how they correlate to distributions of landsliding, ground failure and infrastructure damage. It is imperative that the engineering and scientific community continues to install strong motion stations so that such data is available for future earthquake events. Such information will benefit the people of Nepal through improved approaches to earthquake resilient design

    Anisotropic Coarsening: Grain Shapes and Nonuniversal Persistence

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    We solve a coarsening system with small but arbitrary anisotropic surface tension and interface mobility. The resulting size-dependent growth shapes are significantly different from equilibrium microcrystallites, and have a distribution of grain sizes different from isotropic theories. As an application of our results, we show that the persistence decay exponent depends on anisotropy and hence is nonuniversal.Comment: 4 pages (revtex), 2 eps figure