159 research outputs found

    Stick-slip motion of solids with dry friction subject to random vibrations and an external field

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    We investigate a model for the dynamics of a solid object, which moves over a randomly vibrating solid surface and is subject to a constant external force. The dry friction between the two solids is modeled phenomenologically as being proportional to the sign of the object's velocity relative to the surface, and therefore shows a discontinuity at zero velocity. Using a path integral approach, we derive analytical expressions for the transition probability of the object's velocity and the stationary distribution of the work done on the object due to the external force. From the latter distribution, we also derive a fluctuation relation for the mechanical work fluctuations, which incorporates the effect of the dry friction.Comment: v1: 23 pages, 9 figures; v2: Reference list corrected; v3: Published version, typos corrected, references adde

    Exact power spectra of Brownian motion with solid friction

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    We study a Langevin equation describing the Brownian motion of an object subjected to a viscous drag, an external constant force, and a solid friction force of the Coulomb type. In a previous work [H. Touchette, E. Van der Straeten, W. Just, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 445002, 2010], we have presented the exact solution of the velocity propagator of this equation based on a spectral decomposition of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. Here, we present an alternative, exact solution based on the Laplace transform of this equation, which has the advantage of being expressed in closed form. From this solution, we also obtain closed-form expressions for the Laplace transform of the velocity autocorrelation function and for the power spectrum, i.e., the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function. The behavior of the power spectrum as a function of the dry friction force and external forcing shows a clear crossover between stick and slip regimes known to occur in the presence of solid friction.Comment: v1: 14 pages, 5 figures; v2: new figures, some text added, typos correcte

    Calculation of the Voronoi boundary for lens-shaped particles and spherocylinders

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    We have recently developed a mean-field theory to estimate the packing fraction of non-spherical particles [A. Baule et al., Nature Commun. (2013)]. The central quantity in this framework is the Voronoi excluded volume, which generalizes the standard hard-core excluded volume appearing in Onsager's theory. The Voronoi excluded volume is defined from an exclusion condition for the Voronoi boundary between two particles, which is usually not tractable analytically. Here, we show how the technical difficulties in calculating the Voronoi boundary can be overcome for lens-shaped particles and spherocylinders, two standard prolate and oblate shapes with rotational symmetry. By decomposing these shapes into unions and intersections of spheres analytical expressions can be obtained.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Weak-noise limit of a piecewise-smooth stochastic differential equation

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    Y.C. was supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council, the Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation for Postgraduates (Grant No. CX2011B011), and NUDT’s Innovation Foundation (Grant No. B110205). W.J. gratefully acknowledges support from EPSRC through Grants No. EP/H04812X/1 and No. SFB91

    Joint Probability Distributions for a Class of Non-Markovian Processes

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    We consider joint probability distributions for the class of coupled Langevin equations introduced by Fogedby [H.C. Fogedby, Phys. Rev. E 50, 1657 (1994)]. We generalize well-known results for the single time probability distributions to the case of N-time joint probability distributions. It is shown that these probability distribution functions can be obtained by an integral transform from distributions of a Markovian process. The integral kernel obeys a partial differential equation with fractional time derivatives reflecting the non-Markovian character of the process.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Brownian motion with dry friction: Fokker-Planck approach

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    We solve a Langevin equation, first studied by de Gennes, in which there is a solid-solid or dry friction force acting on a Brownian particle in addition to the viscous friction usually considered in the study of Brownian motion. We obtain both the time-dependent propagator of this equation and the velocity correlation function by solving the associated time-dependent Fokker-Planck equation. Exact results are found for the case where only dry friction acts on the particle. For the case where both dry and viscous friction forces are present, series representations of the propagator and correlation function are obtained in terms of parabolic cylinder functions. Similar series representations are also obtained for the case where an external constant force is added to the Langevin equation.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures (in color

    Anomalous Processes with General Waiting Times: Functionals and Multipoint Structure

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    Many transport processes in nature exhibit anomalous diffusive properties with non-trivial scaling of the mean square displacement, e.g., diffusion of cells or of biomolecules inside the cell nucleus, where typically a crossover between different scaling regimes appears over time. Here, we investigate a class of anomalous diffusion processes that is able to capture such complex dynamics by virtue of a general waiting time distribution. We obtain a complete characterization of such generalized anomalous processes, including their functionals and multi-point structure, using a representation in terms of a normal diffusive process plus a stochastic time change. In particular, we derive analytical closed form expressions for the two-point correlation functions, which can be readily compared with experimental data.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Path integral approach to random motion with nonlinear friction

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    Using a path integral approach, we derive an analytical solution of a nonlinear and singular Langevin equation, which has been introduced previously by P.-G. de Gennes as a simple phenomenological model for the stick-slip motion of a solid object on a vibrating horizontal surface. We show that the optimal (or most probable) paths of this model can be divided into two classes of paths, which correspond physically to a sliding or slip motion, where the object moves with a non-zero velocity over the underlying surface, and a stick-slip motion, where the object is stuck to the surface for a finite time. These two kinds of basic motions underlie the behavior of many more complicated systems with solid/solid friction and appear naturally in de Gennes' model in the path integral framework.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    The Impact of Charcoal Production on Forest Degradation: a Case Study in Tete, Mozambique

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    Charcoal production for urban energy consumption is a main driver of forest degradation in sub-Saharan Africa. Urban growth projections for the continent suggest that the relevance of this process will increase in the coming decades. Forest degradation associated to charcoal production is difficult to monitor and commonly overlooked and underrepresented in forest cover change and carbon emission estimates. We use a multi-temporal dataset of very high-resolution remote sensing images to map kiln locations in a representative study area of tropical woodlands in central Mozambique. The resulting maps provided a characterization of the spatial extent and temporal dynamics of charcoal production. Using an indirect approach we combine kiln maps and field information on charcoal making to describe the magnitude and intensity of forest degradation linked to charcoal production, including aboveground biomass and carbon emissions. Our findings reveal that forest degradation associated to charcoal production in the study area is largely independent from deforestation driven by agricultural expansion and that its impact on forest cover change is in the same order of magnitude as deforestation. Our work illustrates the feasibility of using estimates of urban charcoal consumption to establish a link between urban energy demands and forest degradation. This kind of approach has potential to reduce uncertainties in forest cover change and carbon emission assessments in sub-Saharan Africa

    Space-time Phase Transitions in Driven Kinetically Constrained Lattice Models

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    Kinetically constrained models (KCMs) have been used to study and understand the origin of glassy dynamics. Despite having trivial thermodynamic properties, their dynamics slows down dramatically at low temperatures while displaying dynamical heterogeneity as seen in glass forming supercooled liquids. This dynamics has its origin in an ergodic-nonergodic first-order phase transition between phases of distinct dynamical "activity". This is a "space-time" transition as it corresponds to a singular change in ensembles of trajectories of the dynamics rather than ensembles of configurations. Here we extend these ideas to driven glassy systems by considering KCMs driven into non-equilibrium steady states through non-conservative forces. By classifying trajectories through their entropy production we prove that driven KCMs also display an analogous first-order space-time transition between dynamical phases of finite and vanishing entropy production. We also discuss how trajectories with rare values of entropy production can be realized as typical trajectories of a mapped system with modified forces