1,946 research outputs found

    Feasibility Of One–Dedicated–Lane Bus Rapid Transit ⁄Light–Rail Systems And Their Expansion To Two–Dedicated–Lane Systems: A Focus On Geometric Configuration And Performance Planning, MTI Report 08-01

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    This report consists primarily of two parts, the first on feasibility and the next on space minimization. In the section on feasibility, we propose the concept of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or light–rail system that effectively requires only one dedicated but reversible lane throughout the system to support two-way traffic in the median of a busy commute corridor with regular provision of left–turn lanes. Based on key ideas proposed in that section, the section on space minimization first addresses how to implement a two–dedicated–lane BRT or light–rail system with minimum right–of–way width and then proposes ways to expand a one–dedicated–lane system to two dedicated lanes. In a one–dedicated–lane system, traffic crossing is accommodated on the otherwise unused or underused median space resulting from provision of the left–turn lanes. Although not necessary, some left–turn lanes can be sacrificed for bus stops. Conceptual design options and geometric configuration sketches for the bus stop and crossing space are provided in the section on feasibility, which also discusses system performance in terms of travel speed, headway of operations, distance between two neighboring crossing spaces, and number of crossing spaces. To ensure practicality, we study implementation of such a system on an existing corridor. Such a system is also useful as an intermediate step toward a two–dedicated–lane system because of its potential for facilitating transit–oriented development. In typical existing or planned BRT or light–rail systems implemented with two dedicated traffic lanes, a space equivalent to four traffic lanes is dedicated for a bus stop. In the section on space minimization, we propose implementations requiring only three lanes at a bus stop, based on two key ideas proposed for a one–dedicated–lane system. That section also discusses ways to expand a one–dedicated–lane system to its corresponding two–dedicated–lane system

    Genetic Variability of Polymesoda Erosa Population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

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    Mud clams Polymesoda erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap are highly exploited by the local communities for daily consumption. This is presumed causing population decline and potentially causing loss of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity level within population can be obtained by population genetic study using molecular marker such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Here we amplified RAPD marker using ten arbitrary primers to assess genetic diversity of P. erosa population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap to provide genetic data for its sustainable use. The result proved that the used RAPD marker has high polymorphisms. The mud clam population was also showed a high level of heterozigosity and genetic diversity. This has important implication for the management plan towards ustainable use of P. erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

    Idulfitri Marketing

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    Marketing of led fitr is a seasonal marketing. More than 200 million people in Indonesia are moslem and as a moslem they have an obligation to do fasting in ramadhan month before the led fitr. Unfortunately, moslems in lndonesia have mixed the value of lslam with their tradition such as "mudik” becomes an important part of people tradition in celebrating led fitr. During the period of ramadhan, demands of products are very high therefore it creates an opportunity for the marketer to reach higher sales and bigger profit particularly for those who understand consumer behavior. All variables in marketing mix should be changed based on changes of consumer behavior during ramadhan and ied fitr

    Servqual Dan Importance-performance Analysis Untuk Perguruan Tinggi

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    When student do not focus solely on academic quality but focus on service quality too. It is essential for student perception of service quality to be evaluated and managed by the university. We can employ SERVQUAI and Important Performance Analysis methods to know the quality of service of the university. The information that result from application of these methods are very important for the university to improve the quality of service and what attribute should be concentrate to improve

    Fotografi Endorse Pada Aplikasi Instagram Sebagai Media Periklanan Dalam Akun @Awkarin Tahun 2017

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    Fotografi adalah alat perekam gambar atau seni yang pengolahan memakai kamera foto. Pada penerapannya, fotografi menjadi salah satu unsur yang penting dalam hal desain yang berkaitan dengan periklanan (commercial advertising). Pada era modern saat ini media yang dapat digunakan dalam periklanan sangat berkembang. Media periklanan merambah ke media berbasis digital yang disebut dengan media baru (new media). Salah satu media baru yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana periklanan adalah media sosial Instagram. Instagram merupakan salah satu media sharing yang banyak diminati oleh pengguna internet (netizen). Dalam Instagram, salah satu strategi periklanan bisnis adalah dengan endorse. Salah satu selebgram Indonesia yang sering menerima endorese dari  adalah @awkarin. Dari sini peneliti merasa perlu adanya penelitian tentang fotografi milik akun @awkarin dalam fotografi endorse miliknya yang dirasa menjadi strategi perikalan yang cukup efektif bagi banyak pelaku bisnis serta menjadi referensi fotografi instagram bagi banyak orang meskipun akun tersebut cukup kontraversional dan mendapat penolakan di kalangan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh deskripsi tentang (1) analisis kecenderungan fotografi endorse pada aplikasi Instagram dalam akun @awkarin. (1) analisis perkembangan fotografi endorse pada aplikasi Instagram dalam akun @awkarin tahun 2017 dalam hal  kuantitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dalam satu tahun total fotografi endorse yang diunggah sebanyak 547 dari total 1.264 unggahan pada tahun 2017. Fotografi pada aplikasi Instagram cenderung berbeda dengan fotografi pada umumnya. Pada Instagram fotografi yang menarik memiliki konsistensi tema. Hal ini terkait dengan keselarasan feed pada Instagram. Fotografi Instagram lebih menekankan unsur sederhana, ringan, dan kejelasan objek yang diangkat. Kata Kunci : Fotografi Endorse, Aplikasi instagram, Strategi Pemasaran, Akun @Awkarin

    Personal Image

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    Lndividuals develop their personal image through interaction with other people or groups which they have relationships for years. Personal image is how a person would others to see her/him, which generally believed that people will try to develop their persona! image white competition increases especially in public sectors such as campaign of city mayor, election of house representative member, promotion, and election of dean- People will evaluate personal image through to what extent their behavior consistent with their own personal image. If they behavior is not consistent with their personal image, they wilt loss their credibility thus it will be difficult to rebuild their own personal image

    Dimorfisme Seksual Dan Nisbah Kelamin Ikan Arwana {Scleropages Spp.) [Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Ratio and of Asian Arwana (Scleropages Spp.)]

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    Preliminary study of biological reproduction aspects of Asian Arwana (S. jardinii and S. formosus) particularly sexual-dimorphism and sex-ratio of gender is very important as a base for captivity breeding. Up to the present, it is difficult to identify the sex identity of these Asian Arwanas that lead the difficulties in making sex-ratio description. The relible sex-ratio in captive breeding would increase the production. The result of this research would be useful for reference in the identification of the gender of Asian Arwanas
