13,498 research outputs found

    Nickel-cadmium Battery Cell Reversal from Resistive Network Effects

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    During the individual cell short-down procedures often used for storing or reconditioning nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries, it is possible for significant reversal of the lowest capacity cells to occur. The reversal is caused by the finite resistance of the common current-carrying leads in the resistive network that is generally used during short-down. A model is developed to evaluate the extent of such a reversal in any specific battery, and the model is verified by means of data from the short-down of a f-cell, 3.5-Ah battery. Computer simulations of short-down on a variety of battery configurations indicate the desirability of controlling capacity imbalances arising from cell configuration and battery management, limiting variability in the short-down resistors, minimizing lead resistances, and optimizing lead configurations

    Gravity gradient attitude control system Patent

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    Gravity gradient attitude control system with gravity gradiometer and reaction wheels for artificial satellite attitude contro

    Contribution of thermal noise to the line width of Josephson radiation from superconducting point contacts

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    Contribution of thermal noise to line width of Josephson radiation from superconducting point contact

    Development and Validation of Preenlistment Screening Composites for Army Enlisted Personnel

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    Prepared for: US Army Recruiting Command Program Analysis and Evaluation Directorate Research and Studies Divisionhttp://archive.org/details/developmentvalid56zimmNAN

    Real time charge efficiency monitoring for nickel electrodes in NICD and NIH2 cells

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    The charge efficiency of nickel-cadmium and nickel-hydrogen battery cells is critical in spacecraft applications for determining the amount of time required for a battery to reach a full state of charge. As the nickel-cadmium or nickel-hydrogen batteries approach about 90 percent state of charge, the charge efficiency begins to drop towards zero, making estimation of the total amount of stored charge uncertain. Charge efficiency estimates are typically based on prior history of available capacity following standardized conditions for charge and discharge. These methods work well as long as performance does not change significantly. A relatively simple method for determining charge efficiencies during real time operation for these battery cells would be a tremendous advantage. Such a method was explored and appears to be quite well suited for application to nickel-cadmium and nickel-hydrogen battery cells. The charge efficiency is monitored in real time, using only voltage measurements as inputs. With further evaluation such a method may provide a means to better manage charge control of batteries, particularly in systems where a high degree of autonomy or system intelligence is required

    Screen test for cadmium and nickel plates as developed and used within the Aerospace Corporation

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    A new procedure described here was recently developed to quantify loading uniformity of nickel and cadmium plates and to screen finished electrodes prior to cell assembly. The technique utilizes the initial solubility rates of the active material in a standard chemical deloading solution at fixed conditions. The method can provide a reproducible indication of plate loading uniformity in situations where high surface loading limits the free flow of deloading solution into the internal porosity of the sinter plate. A preliminary study indicates that 'good' cell performance is associated with higher deloading rates

    The space station assembly phase: Flight telerobotic servicer feasibility, volume 1

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    The question is addressed which was raised by the Critical Evaluation Task Force (CETF) analysis of the space station: if a Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) of a given technical risk could be built for use during space station assembly, could it save significant extravehicular (EVA) resources. Key issues and trade-offs associated with using an FTS to aid in space station assembly phase tasks such as construction and servicing are identified. A methodology is presented that incorporates assessment of candidate assembly phase tasks, telerobotics performance capabilities, development costs, operational constraints (STS and proximity operations), maintenance, attached payloads, and polar platforms. A discussion of the issues is presented with focus on potential FTS roles: (1) as a research-oriented test bed to learn more about space usage of telerobotics; (2) as a research-based test bed with an experimental demonstration orientation and limited assembly and servicing applications; or (3) as an operational system to augment EVA, to aid the construction of the space station, and to reduce the programmatic (schedule) risk by increasing the flexibility of mission operations. During the course of the study, the baseline configuration was modified into Phase 1 (a station assembled in 12 flights), and Phase 2 (a station assembled over a 30 flight period) configuration

    Coal-shale interface detection system

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    A coal-shale interface detection system for use with coal cutting equipment consists of a reciprocating hammer on which an accelerometer is mounted to measure the impact of the hammer as it penetrates the ceiling or floor surface of a mine. A pair of reflectometers simultaneously view the same surface. The outputs of the accelerometer and reflectometers are detected and jointly registered to determine when an interface between coal and shale is being cut through

    Turbine Engines for High-Speed Flight

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    This analysis investigates the application of gas turbine engines at a cruise Mach number of 4

    Self-Regulation in a Web-Based Course: A Case Study

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    Little is known about how successful students in Web-based courses self-regulate their learning. This descriptive case study used a social cognitive model of self-regulated learning (SRL) to investigate how six graduate students used and adapted traditional SRL strategies to complete tasks and cope with challenges in a Web-based technology course; it also explored motivational and environmental influences on strategy use. Primary data sources were three transcribed interviews with each of the students over the course of the semester, a transcribed interview with the course instructor, and the students’ reflective journals. Archived course documents, including transcripts of threaded discussions and student Web pages, were secondary data sources. Content analysis of the data indicated that these students used many traditional SRL strategies, but they also adapted planning, organization, environmental structuring, help seeking, monitoring, record keeping, and self-reflection strategies in ways that were unique to the Web-based learning environment. The data also suggested that important motivational influences on SRL strategy use—self-efficacy, goal orientation, interest, and attributions—were shaped largely by student successes in managing the technical and social environment of the course. Important environmental influences on SRL strategy use included instructor support, peer support, and course design. Implications for online course instructors and designers, and suggestions for future research are offered
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