1,086 research outputs found

    Seiberg-Witten Description of the Deconstructed 6D (0,2) Theory

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    It has recently been suggested that, in a large N limit, a particular four dimensional gauge theory is indistinguishable from the six dimensional CFT with (0,2) supersymmetry compactified on a torus. We give further evidence for this correspondence by studying the Seiberg-Witten curve for the "deconstructed" theory and demonstrating that along the reduced Coulomb branch of moduli space (on the intersection of the Higgs and Coulomb branches) it describes the low energy physics on a stack of M5-branes on a torus, which is the (0,2) theory on a torus as claimed. The M-theory construction helps to clarify the enhancement of supersymmetry in the deconstructed theory at low energies, and demonstrates its stability to radiative and instanton corrections. We demonstrate the role of the theta vacuum in the deconstructed theory. We point out that by varying the theta parameters and gauge couplings in the deconstructed theory, the complex structure of the torus can be chosen arbitrarily, and the torus is not metrically S^1 x S^1 in general.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Deficits in Beam-Walking After Neonatal Motor Cortical Lesions are not Spared by Fetal Cortical Transplants in Rats

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    Adult rats that sustained unilateral motor cortical lesions at birth demonstrated deficits in traversing an elevated narrow beam. These deficits, manifested by hindlimb slips off the edge of the beam, were not spared in animals that received fetal cortical transplants into the lesion cavity immediately after lesion placement

    Clustering and Alignment of Polymorphic Sequences for HLA-DRB1 Genotyping

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    Located on Chromosome 6p21, classical human leukocyte antigen genes are highly polymorphic. HLA alleles associate with a variety of phenotypes, such as narcolepsy, autoimmunity, as well as immunologic response to infectious disease. Moreover, high resolution genotyping of these loci is critical to achieving long-term survival of allogeneic transplants. Development of methods to obtain high resolution analysis of HLA genotypes will lead to improved understanding of how select alleles contribute to human health and disease risk. Genomic DNAs were obtained from a cohort of n = 383 subjects recruited as part of an Ulcerative Colitis study and analyzed for HLA-DRB1. HLA genotypes were determined using sequence specific oligonucleotide probes and by next-generation sequencing using the Roche/454 GSFLX instrument. The Clustering and Alignment of Polymorphic Sequences (CAPSeq) software application was developed to analyze next-generation sequencing data. The application generates HLA sequence specific 6-digit genotype information from next-generation sequencing data using MUMmer to align sequences and the R package diffusionMap to classify sequences into their respective allelic groups. The incorporation of Bootstrap Aggregating, Bagging to aid in sorting of sequences into allele classes resulted in improved genotyping accuracy. Using Bagging iterations equal to 60, the genotyping results obtained using CAPSeq when compared with sequence specific oligonucleotide probe characterized 4-digit genotypes exhibited high rates of concordance, matching at 759 out of 766 (99.1%) alleles. © 2013 Ringquist et al

    Couplings of the Rho Meson in a Holographic dual of QCD with Regge Trajectories

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    The couplings gρHHg_{\rho HH} of the ρ\rho meson with any hadron H are calculated in a holographic dual of QCD where the Regge trajectories for mesons are manifest. The resulting couplings grow linearly with the exciting number of H, thus are far from universal. A simple argument has been given for this behavior based on quasi-classical picture of excited hadrons. It seems that in holographic duals with exact Regge trajectories the gρHHg_{\rho HH} universality should be violated. The ρ\rho-dominance for the electromagnetic form factors of H are also strongly violated, except for the lowest state, the pion. Quite unexpected, the form factor of the pion is completely saturated by the contribution of the ρ\rho. The asymptotic behavior of the form factors are also calculated, and are found to be perfectly accordant with the prediction of conformal symmetry and pertubative QCD.Comment: 9 page

    Hamiltonian light-front field theory within an AdS/QCD basis

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    Non-perturbative Hamiltonian light-front quantum field theory presents opportunities and challenges that bridge particle physics and nuclear physics. Fundamental theories, such as Quantum Chromodynmamics (QCD) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) offer the promise of great predictive power spanning phenomena on all scales from the microscopic to cosmic scales, but new tools that do not rely exclusively on perturbation theory are required to make connection from one scale to the next. We outline recent theoretical and computational progress to build these bridges and provide illustrative results for nuclear structure and quantum field theory. As our framework we choose light-front gauge and a basis function representation with two-dimensional harmonic oscillator basis for transverse modes that corresponds with eigensolutions of the soft-wall AdS/QCD model obtained from light-front holography.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Light-Cone 2009: Relativistic Hadronic and Particle Physics, July 8-13, 2009, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazi

    Pion and Vector Meson Form Factors in the Kuperstein-Sonnenschein holographic model

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    We study phenomenological aspects of the holographic model of chiral symmetry breaking recently introduced by Kuperstein and Sonnenschein (KS). As a first step, we calculate the spectrum of vector and axial-vector mesons in the KS model. We numerically compute various coupling constants of the mesons and pions. Our analysis indicates that vector meson dominance is realized in this model. The pion, vector meson and axial-vector meson form factors are obtained and studied in detail. We find good agreement with QCD results. In particular, the pion form factor closely matches available experimental data.Comment: v1: 27 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; v2: minor changes, added more general discussion of vector meson dominance; v3: minor changes and additions, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Virtual Compton Scattering off a Spinless Target in AdS/QCD

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    We study the doubly virtual Compton scattering off a spinless target γPγP\gamma^*P\to\gamma^*P' within the Anti-de Sitter(AdS)/QCD formalism. We find that the general structure allowed by the Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance of the Compton amplitude is not easily reproduced with the standard recipes of the AdS/QCD correspondence. In the soft-photon regime, where the semi-classical approximation is supposed to apply best, we show that the measurements of the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of a target like the charged pion in real Compton scattering, can already serve as stringent tests.Comment: 21 pages, version to be published in JHEP

    Constraints on the SU(3) Electroweak Model

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    We consider a recent proposal by Dimopoulos and Kaplan to embed the electroweak SU(2)_L X U(1)_Y into a larger group SU(3)_W X SU(2) X U(1) at a scale above a TeV. This idea is motivated by the prediction for the weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W = 1/4, which naturally appears in these models so long as the gauge couplings of the high energy SU(2) and U(1) groups are moderately large. The extended gauge dynamics results in new effective operators that contribute to four-fermion interactions and Z pole observables. We calculate the corrections to these electroweak precision observables and carry out a global fit of the new physics to the data. For SU(2) and U(1) gauge couplings larger than 1, we find that the 95% C.L. lower bound on the matching (heavy gauge boson mass) scale is 11 TeV. We comment on the fine-tuning of the high energy gauge couplings needed to allow matching scales above our bounds. The remnants of SU(3)_W breaking include multi-TeV SU(2)_L doublets with electric charge (+-2,+-1). The lightest charged gauge boson is stable, leading to cosmological difficulties.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures embedded, uses JHEP.cl

    Fundamental matter, meson spectroscopy and non-critical string/gauge duality

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    We discuss the incorporation of quarks in the fundamental representation of the color group into the non-critical string/gauge duality. We focus on confining theories and address this question using two different approaches: (i) by introducing flavor probe branes and (ii) by deriving backreacted flavored near extremal gravity backgrounds. In the former approach we analyze the near extremal AdS_6 model with D4 and anti-D4 probe flavor branes included. We study the meson spectrum and discuss the role played by the constituent quark mass, related to the integration constant that defines the embedding. As for the second approach we derive a class of flavored AdS_{n+1} x S^k black hole solutions. In particular we write down the flavored AdS_6 and AdS_5 black holes and the near extremal AdS_5 x S^1 backgrounds. We analyze several gauge dynamical properties associated with these models.Comment: 46 pages, 7 figures. v.2: some references and a comment about the comparison with analogous critical models were added. v.3: a comment added; published versio

    Rapid detection of snakes modulates spatial orienting in infancy

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    Recent evidence for an evolved fear module in the brain comes from studies showing that adults, children and infants detect evolutionarily threatening stimuli such as snakes faster than non-threatening ones. A decisive argument for a threat detection system efficient early in life would come from data showing, in young infants, a functional threat-detection mechanism in terms of “what” and “where” visual pathways. The present study used a variant of Posner’s cuing paradigm, adapted to 7–11-month-olds. On each trial, a threat-irrelevant or a threat-relevant cue was presented (a flower or a snake, i.e., “what”). We measured how fast infants detected these cues and the extent to which they further influenced the spatial allocation of attention (“where”). In line with previous findings, we observed that infants oriented faster towards snake than flower cues. Importantly, a facilitation effect was found at the cued location for flowers but not for snakes, suggesting that these latter cues elicit a broadening of attention and arguing in favour of sophisticated “what–where” connections. These results strongly support the claim that humans have an early propensity to detect evolutionarily threat-relevant stimuli