333 research outputs found

    Political Defamation: The Price of Candidacy

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    The Effects of Colours on Preschoolers’ Behaviour: An analysis of Colour-Mood Association on Preschoolers Aged 4 to 6

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    Typically set up learning environments for preschoolers often end up, with just an interior that is only furnished with posters on walls, paste-up decorations, toys, and a typical furniture layout

    Defining the Parent\u27s Duty After Rejection of Parent-Child Immunity: Parental Liability for Emotional Injury to Abandoned Children

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    Child neglect and abandonment are serious problems in the United States. The number of children in foster care in the United States has risen from a third of a million in 1971 to over 750,000 in 1979. A significant number of these children have been abandoned voluntarily and permanently by their parents. Abandoned children suffer marked psychological consequences; even after receiving the best available foster care, such children suffer adverse emotional effects throughout their adult lives.\u27 Due to the traditional American rule granting parents immunity from personal injury suits by their minor children, abandoned children generally have been uncompensated for these injuries. The recent trend toward abrogation of parental immunity, however, suggests that the prospects for abandoned children are likely to improve. After examining the history of parent-child immunity, this Recent Development details the numerous judicial limitations and exceptions that first signaled the doctrine\u27s demise. This Recent Development then analyzes the reasoning of jurisdictions that have abrogated the rule and the problems faced by courts in determining the scope of parents\u27 liability absent the doctrine\u27s protection. Finally, this Recent Development examines three possible bases of recovery for emotional and physical injury when parents are not immune from suit


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    In positive psychology, flow is described as a holistic mental condition in which an individual delves into an activity with full concentration. Even in software engineering, the promotion of flow experience fosters effects such as positive affect, improved learning, and higher product loyalty in computer-aided environments. However, from a practice-based perspective it is not obvious how to design ICT to support flow experience. With this paper, we, therefore, contribute concrete design implications, paving the way for a good flow experience in ICT. This paper be-gins by examining the current state of flow research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. We then go on to present a study comprising the development and evaluation of design options that aim to support flow in integrated development environments such as Eclipse, one of the most prominent open-source IDEs. The findings reveal practical implications on the use of four flow design options for software engineering and are integrated into a preliminary research framework

    Latent Heat Fluxes over Complex Terrain from Airborne Water Vapour and Wind Lidars

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    Tropospheric profiles of water vapour and wind were measured with a differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and a heterodyne detection Doppler wind lidar collo-cated onboard the DLR Falcon research aircraft in the past two years. The DIAL is a newly developed four-wavelength system operating on three water vapour absorption lines of different strengths, one offline wavelength at 935 nm (each 50 Hz, 40 mJ), and 532 and 1064 nm for aerosol profiling. It is designed as an airborne demonstrator for a possible future space-borne water vapour lidar mission. It operated success-fully during the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) in July 2007 over the Black Forest Mountains in southern Germany, and during the Norwegian THORPEX-IPY field experiment in March 2008 over the European North Sea. For the study of summertime convection initiation over complex terrain and the development of Polar Lows in the North Sea both campaigns included latent heat flux missions where both airborne lidars were pointed nadir-viewing. Using eddy-correlation of the remotely-sensed wind and water vapour fluctuations, a repre-sentative flux profile can be obtained from a single over-flight of the area under investigation. The lidars’ spatial resolution is ~200 m which resolves the domi-nant circulation and flux patterns in a convective boundary layer. This novel instrumentation allows ob-taining profiles of the latent heat flux beneath the air-craft from one single over-flight of any area of interest

    Peran Warna Desain Interior terhadap Perasaan Tenang Pengunjung SPA “Martha Tilaar”

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    Desain Interior pada ruang Spa saat ini menjadi perhatian khusus dalam meningkatkan kualitasnya sebagai pendukung pemulihan psikologis pengunjung guna memberikan ruangan yang nyaman dan tenang salah satunya pertimbangan terhadap warna ruang. Warna merupakan elemen penting interior karena Lapisan cat dapat mengubah interior secara dramatis, menyamarkan masalah desain, bahkan bisa mengubah keadaan psikologis individu yang berada di dalamnya dan jika orang tersebut lelah, warna bisa “menyamarkan”nya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran warna terhadap ruangan Spa dalam efek psikologis yang dirasakan pengunjung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur dan wawancara berkaitan dengan topik pembahasan. Hasil penelitian mengenai warn aini memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan atau penetapan warna tunggal dan perpaduan warna kontras memberikan kesan dan dampak yang berbeda pada psikologis individu dan suasana ruang. Warna tunggal dapat memberikan ketenangan sedangkan warna kontras memberikan efek gairah yang kurang tepat diimplementasikan pada fasilitas Spa. Selain itu, diharapkan juga dapat menjadi referensi perancangan ruang Spa dengan mempertimbangkan warna ruang dan efek psikologisnya terhadap pengunjung Spa.   Kata Kunci: desain interior, pengunjung spa, psikologi warna.The interior design of the Spa room is currently of particular concern in improving its quality as a support for the psychological recovery of visitors in order to provide a comfortable and quiet room, one of which is the consideration of the color of the space. Color is a significant element of the interior since a layer of paint may dramatically modify the interior, disguise design problems can even change the psychological state of the individual who is in the room and if the person is tired, color can "disguise" it. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of color in the Spa room in the psychological effects felt by visitors. This study uses a qualitative method with literature studies and interviews related to the topic of discussion. The results of this study show that the use of a single color (monochrome) and a combination of contrasting colors give a different impression and impact on the individual's psychology and the atmosphere of the room. A monochrome can provide calm while contrasting colors give a passionate effect that is not properly implemented in spa facilities. In addition, it is hoped that this can also be used as a reference for designing spa rooms by considering the color of the space and its psychological effect on spa visitors.   Keywords: Interior Design, Spa visitors, Color psycholog


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    The open platform communication (OPC) is becoming the universal standard for platform independent data sharing and data access. The OPC standard defines communication standards to be followed for data integration in the automation industry. The OPC communication facilitates a language independent way of communication and by using this, all devices can communicate with a centralized or a distributed server in the network. The server will provide clients with facilities such as data monitoring, access and to change values in the devices in the network. The OPC UA provides security add-ons such as security in the transport layer which is mainly the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). But the SSL adds more load on the security as it involves handshake/key-distribution which consists of a costly public key cryptography. This also puts more load on the server to store and maintain multiple keys involving multiple clients. We believe that a if a framework based on shared key is used, which will be persistent for the whole time duration of the relationship, the communication overhead can be reduced in remote access. This helps in reducing the response time of the already time critical OPC UA based architectures which requires devices to work in real time and put as much less load as possible on the server