2,383 research outputs found

    Raios gama na sobrevivência de plantas de maracujazeiro amarelo inoculadas com Fusarium oxysporum f sp. Passiflorae.

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    A murcha de Fusarium ou fusariose ocorre em diversas regiões produtoras de maracujá amarelo e tem ocasionado grandes danos devido à morte das plantas. A mutagênese associada à seleção in vitro utilizando fitotoxinas possibilita a aplicação de uma pressão de seleção sobre um grande número de propágulos e, assim, pode direcionar a seleção dos mutantes específicos. Neste trabalho, foi analisado o efeito de raios gama sobre a sobrevivência de plantas de maracujazeiro amarelo inoculados com F. oxysporum f. sp. passflorae. Brotações foliares provenientes de segmentos caulinares de P. edulis irradiados a 20Gy foram submetidas a dois ciclos de seleção em meio de cultura suplementado com o filltrado da cultura fúngica (40% e 50% de filtrado). As plantas selecionadas foram inoculadas com a suspensão de conídio em casa de vegetação e após, transferidas para o campo em local com histórico da doença. Ao final da etapa de seleção in vitro, sobreviveram 17,05% das plantas irradiadas e nenhuma planta do tratamento testemunha. A inoculação com a suspensão de conídio não resultou em diferenças significativas na sobrevivência das plantas irradiadas e não irradiadas. No entanto, em condições de campo, foi confirmado o efeito da radiação no aumento da sobrevivência das plantas, sendo verificada a sobrevivência de 77,78% das plantas irradiadas e a morte de todas as plantas do tratamento testemunha

    Climate system modeling in the framework of the tolerable windows approach: The ICLIPS climate model

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    The computational burden associated with applications of theTolerable Windows Approach (TWA) considerably exceeds that oftraditional integrated assessments of global climate change. Aspart of the ICLIPS (Integrated Assessment of Climate ProtectionStrategies) project, a computationally efficient climate model hasbeen developed that can be included in integrated assessmentmodels of any kind. The ICLIPS climate model (ICM) is implementedin GAMS. It is driven by anthropogenic emissions of CO2,CH4, N2O, halocarbons, SF6, andSO2. Theoutput includes transient patterns of near-surface airtemperature, total column-integrated cloud cover fraction,precipitation, humidity, and global mean sea-level rise. Thecarbon cycle module explicitly treats the nonlinear sea watercarbon chemistry and the nonlinear CO2 fertilized biosphereuptake. Patterns of the impact-relevant climate variables arederived form empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis andscaled by the principal component of temperature change. Theevolution of the latter is derived from a box-model-typedifferential analogue to its impulse response function convolutionintegral. We present a description of the ICM components and someresults to demonstrate the model's applicability in the TWA setting

    Effectiveness evaluation of STOL transport operations

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    A short-takeoff and landing (STOL) systems simulation model has been developed and implemented in a computer code (known as STOL OPS) which permits evaluation of the operation of a STOL aircraft and its avionics in a commercial airline operating environment. STOL OPS concentrated on the avionics functions of navigation, guidance, control, communication, hazard aviodance, and systems management. External world factors influencing the operation of the STOL aircraft include each airport and its geometry, air traffic at each airport, air traffic control equipment and procedures, weather (including winds and visibility), and the flight path between each airport served by the route. The development of the STOL OPS program provides NASA a set of computer programs which can be used for detailed analysis of a STOL aircraft and its avionics and permit establishment of system requirements as a function of airline mission performance goals

    Investigation of the flexibility of bronchoscopes

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    The tolerable windows approach: Theoretical and methodological foundations

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    The tolerable windows (TW) approach is presented as a novel scheme for integrated assessment of climate change. The TW approach is based on the specification of a set of guardrails for climate evolution which refer to various climate-related attributes. These constraints, which define what we call tolerable windows, can be purely systemic in nature - like critical thresholds for the North Atlantic Deep Water formation - or of a normative type - like minimum standards for per-capita food production worldwide. Starting from this catalogue of knock-out criteria and using appropriate modeling techniques, those policy strategies which are compatible with all the constraints specified are sought to be identified. In addition to the discussion of the basic elements and the general theory of the TW approach, a modeling exercise is carried out, based on simple models and assumptions adopted from the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The analysis shows that if the global mean temperature is restricted to 2 degrees C beyond the preindustrial level, the cumulative emissions of CO2 are asymptotically limited to about 1550 Gt C. Yet the temporal distribution of these emissions is also determined by the climate and socio-economic constraints: using, for example, a maximal tolerable rate of temperature change of 0.2 degrees C/ dec and a smoothly varying emissions profile, we obtain the maximal cumulative emissions, amounting to 370 Gt C in 2050 and 585 Gt C in 2100

    Ileal Adenocarcinoma with Liver Metastasis in Patient with Crohn\u27s Disease: A 9-Year Survival.

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    Small bowel adenocarcinoma is a rare but well-known complication of Crohn\u27s disease. The diagnosis of small bowel adenocarcinoma remains difficult since its presentation is highly variable and mimics active or obstructive Crohn\u27s disease. The diagnosis is often delayed and typically detected only at surgery in an advanced stage with a poor prognosis. We report a case of metastatic ileal adenocarcinoma in a patient with Crohn\u27s disease with prolonged survival. Our case describes serial promising treatment options of these advanced malignancies and raises a possible role for checkpoint immunotherapy

    UFV-M7: mutant yellow passionfruit genotype with photoperiod insensitivity for flowering.

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    The development and characteristics of UFV-M7, a mutant with photoperiod insensitivity to beginning of flowering, are described. This genotype was fortuitously obtained by regeneration of nodal segments, exposed to gamma radiation. The possibil-ity of incorporating photoperiod insensitivity into cultivars for producing regions is discussed for latitudes where the photoperiod determines the seasonality of harvest