77,229 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of negative-index refraction in wedge-shaped metamaterials

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    A wedge-shaped structure made of split-ring resonators (SRR) and wires is numerically simulated to evaluate its refraction behavior. Four frequency bands, namely, the stop band, left-handed band, ultralow-index band, and positive-index band, are distinguished according to the refracted field distributions. Negative phase velocity inside the wedge is demonstrated in the left-handed band and the Snell's law is conformed in terms of its refraction behaviors in different frequency bands. Our results confirmed that negative index of refraction indeed exists in such a composite metamaterial and also provided a convincing support to the results of previous Snell's law experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Lagrange Model for the Chiral Optical Properties of Stereometamaterials

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    We employ a general Lagrange model to describe the chiral optical properties of stereometamaterials. We derive the elliptical eigenstates of a twisted stacked split-ring resonator, taking phase retardation into account. Through this approach, we obtain a powerful Jones matrix formalism which can be used to calculate the polarization rotation, ellipticity, and circular dichroism of transmitted waves through stereometamaterials at any incident polarization. Our experimental measurements agree well with our model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Theory and experimen

    Variable - temperature scanning optical and force microscope

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    The implementation of a scanning microscope capable of working in confocal, atomic force and apertureless near field configurations is presented. The microscope is designed to operate in the temperature range 4 - 300 K, using conventional helium flow cryostats. In AFM mode, the distance between the sample and an etched tungsten tip is controlled by a self - sensing piezoelectric tuning fork. The vertical position of both the AFM head and microscope objective can be accurately controlled using piezoelectric coarse approach motors. The scanning is performed using a compact XYZ stage, while the AFM and optical head are kept fixed, allowing scanning probe and optical measurements to be acquired simultaneously and in concert. The free optical axis of the microscope enables both reflection and transmission experiments to be performed.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the journal "Review of Scientific Instruments

    A study of the parity-odd nucleon-nucleon potential

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    We investigate the parity-violating nucleon-nucleon potential as obtained in chiral effective field theory. By using resonance saturation we compare the chiral potential to the more traditional one-meson exchange potential. In particular, we show how parameters appearing in the different approaches can be compared with each other and demonstrate that analyses of parity violation in proton-proton scattering within the different approaches are in good agreement. In the second part of this work, we extend the parity-violating potential to next-to-next-to-leading order. We show that generally it includes both one-pion- and two-pion-exchange corrections, but the former play no significant role. The two-pion-exchange corrections depend on five new low-energy constants which only become important if the leading-order weak pion-nucleon constant hπh_\pi turns out to be very small.Comment: Published versio

    Simulating Z_2 topological insulators with cold atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We propose an experimental scheme to simulate and detect the properties of time-reversal invariant topological insulators, using cold atoms trapped in one-dimensional bichromatic optical lattices. This system is described by a one-dimensional Aubry-Andre model with an additional SU(2) gauge structure, which captures the essential properties of a two-dimensional Z2 topological insulator. We demonstrate that topologically protected edge states, with opposite spin orientations, can be pumped across the lattice by sweeping a laser phase adiabatically. This process constitutes an elegant way to transfer topologically protected quantum states in a highly controllable environment. We discuss how density measurements could provide clear signatures of the topological phases emanating from our one-dimensional system.Comment: 5 pages +, 3 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Superconductivity at 38 K in Iron-Based Compound with Platinum-Arsenide Layers Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5

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    We report superconductivity in novel iron-based compounds Ca10(PtnAs8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5 with n = 3 and 4. Both compounds crystallize in triclinic structures (space group P-1), in which Fe2As2 layers alternate with PtnAs8 spacer layers. Superconductivity with a transition temperature of 38 K is observed in the n = 4 compound with a Pt content of x ~ 0.36 in the Fe2As2 layers. The compound with n = 3 exhibits superconductivity at 13 K.Comment: OPEN SELECT article, 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Entanglement in a two-identical-particle system

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    The definition of entanglement in identical-particle system is introduced. The separability criterion in two-identical particle system is given. The physical meaning of the definition is analysed. Applications to two-boson and two-fermion systems are made. It is found new entanglement and correlation phenomena in identical-boson systems exist, and they may have applications in the field of quantum information.Comment: 4 page