21 research outputs found

    A BiomeBGC-based Evaluation of Dryness Stress of Central European Forests

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    Dryness stress is expected to become a more common problem in central European forests due to the predicted regional climate change. Forest management has to adapt to climate change in time and think ahead several decades in decisions on which tree species to plant at which locations. The summer of 2003 was the most severe dryness event in recent time, but more periods like this are expected. Since forests on different sites react quite differently to drought conditions, we used the process-based growth model BiomeBGC and climate time series from sites all over Germany to simulate the reaction of deciduous and coniferous tree stands in different characteristics of drought stress. Times with exceptionally high values of water vapour pressure deficit coincided with negative modelled values of net primary production (NPP). In addition, in these warmest periods the usually positive relationship between temperature and NPP was inversed, i.e., under stress conditions, more sunlight does not lead to more photosynthesis but to stomatal closure and reduced productivity. Thus we took negative NPP as an indicator for drought stress. In most regions, 2003 was the year with the most intense stress, but the results were quite variable regionally. We used the Modis MOD17 gross and net primary production product time series and MOD12 land cover classification to validate the spatial patterns observed in the model runs and found good agreement between modelled and observed behaviour. Thus, BiomeBGC simulations with realistic site parameterization and climate data in combination with species- and variety-specific ecophysiological constants can be used to assist in decisions on which trees to plant on a given site

    The control of ozone uptake by Picea abies (L.) Karst. and P. sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. during drought and interacting effects on shoot water relations

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    Exposure to O3 alone has not yet been shown to reproduce the symptoms of the various types of spruce decline which have been identified in Europe. However, there is increasing evidence that this pollutant has physiological effects which interact with those of other environmental factors in ways which may be important in determining tree condition and growth. The effects of O3 episodes and drought on O3 uptake, gas exchange and water relations of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and P. sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. were investigated in two experiments. In the first a rapidly drying soil mixture was used, and seedlings of P. abies were exposed to short (2 h) daily episodes of O3 at 80 nl 1?1 on each day of a 5 d drought. Photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) were significantly decreased (P= 0.01) by water deficit and as a consequence, uptake of O3 by the plants was also significantly decreased. Exposure to O3 did not affect A or gs for this species. In the second experiment a soil mixture designed to give a slower development of water deficit was used and 1 + 1 transplants of P. sitchensis were exposed to a single O3 episode (up to 100 nl 1?1 for 3 h) after water had been withheld for 7 or 14 d. Hofler diagrams showed that mild water deficits did not affect shoot water relations. However, O3 significantly increased solute potential (?s) after 7 d of drought, an effect which was lost after 14 d of drought. Flux of O3 to the watered plants was greater than to the unwatered plants at all concentrations, the effect being more marked at higher concentrations. This effect was partly attributable to the greater stomatal conductances recorded for the well watered plants, but was also partly due to stomatal opening caused by O3, an effect which was diminished or reversed for unwatered plants

    Nanoporous-gold-based composites: toward tensile ductility

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    Collagen forms the structural scaffold of connective tissues in all mammals. Tissues are remarkably resistant against mechanical deformations because collagen molecules hierarchically self-assemble in fibrous networks that stiffen with increasing strain. Nevertheless, collagen networks do fracture when tissues are overloaded or subject to pathological conditions such as aneurysms. Prior studies of the role of collagen in tissue fracture have mainly focused on tendons, which contain highly aligned bundles of collagen. By contrast, little is known about fracture of the orientationally more disordered collagen networks present in many other tissues such as skin and cartilage. Here, we combine shear rheology of reconstituted collagen networks with computer simulations to investigate the primary determinants of fracture in disordered collagen networks. We show that the fracture strain is controlled by the coordination number of the network junctions, with less connected networks fracturing at larger strains. The hierarchical structure of collagen fine-tunes the fracture strain by providing structural plasticity at the network and fiber level. Our findings imply that low connectivity and plasticity provide protective mechanisms against network fracture that can optimize the strength of biological tissues.</p