37 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Cara Pandang Siswa Terhadap Bimbingan Konseling (Bk) Melalui Layanan Informasi Bagi Siswa Ma

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    The research objective of this class action is to facilitate the management of students' perspective towards Counseling (BK) for students of classes X Madrasayh Aliyah Public 2 Bengkulu City. This classroom action research conducted in MA Public 2 Bengkulu City. The method used in the study of this class action is to provide some action on information services. Subjects were students of class X Madrasah Aliyah Public 2 Bengkulu city, amounting to 36 students. The results showed that information services can work to change the way students of the Guidance and Counseling from the poor and afraid to come alone (consultation) into the perspective of the Counseling well and be a friend to the students, it can be concluded both theoretically and empirically that through information services may seek conversion of perspective students to the Counseling for students of classes X Madrasah Aliyah Public 2 Bengkulu City.e

    Layanan Konseling dengan Metode Pemecahan Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to find out how to provide counseling services with problem-solving methods in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of student learning. The research is a counseling action research conducted in class XII MIA MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu. The data were obtained by using several instruments and techniques of data gathering, namely: interview, questionnaire and observation. In Cycle I, the problem-solving approach through discussion of how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning is still not well implemented. In the discussion the students still have not dared to express an opinion, still does not look good cooperation. In Cycle II, through the guidance of supervising teachers / BK, students carrying out problem solving discussions have done well, besides through the discussion of learning problem solving approach effectively, students can find effective and efficient ways of learnin

    Design and Development of Gas Leakage Monitoring System Using Arduino and ZigBee

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    Gas leakage in industrial area causes many health issues. Thus, to prevent such disasters happen, the atmosphere of a workplace should be regularly monitored and controlled, in order to maintain the clean air environment. However, efforts in industrial air quality control have been impeded by the lack of science-based approaches to identify and assess atmosphere air quality and level of dangerous gas. Therefore, a monitoring system for gas leakage detection needs to be developed. For the development of this system, the combustible gas sensor (MQ9) was used in order to detect the present of methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide gas (CO). This sensor will detect the concentration of the gas according to the voltage output of sensor and operated in the alarm system, autonomous control system and monitoring system by using Arduino uno as the microcontroller for the whole system. Whereas the Zigbee will send the data reading from the gas sensor to monitoring system that display on LabVIEW Graphical User Interface (GUI). Besides, user can take immediate action upon the leakage occurs, else the gas supply and the system will shut down automatically within 10 minutes to prevent the condition becoming worst

    Genetic Diversity Among Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Genotypes as Shown by Randomly Amplified Polymorphic Dna (Rapd)

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    This experiment was conducted to reveal genetic diversity among 38 genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) using RAPD markers. The population consisted of 8 genotypes from Australia, 7 from Africa, 10 from America, and 13 from Asia. Genetic similarity was ranging from 17% to 97% , with the average of 57%. UPGMA dendrograms divided the population into three major groups i.e. group 1, 2, and 3 which consist-ed of 23, 10, and 5 genotypes, respectively. Each major group comprised genotypes of different geographical origins. The dendrogram divided each group into some subgroups. There were 8 subgroups i.e. 4 subgroups in group 1, 2 sub-groups in group 2, and 2 subgroups in group 3. Some genotypes of same geographical origin were clustered into in at least 3 different sub-groups, meaning that they were genetically dis-similar. On the other hand, some other geno-types of different geographical origin were clustered into the same subgroup, meaning that they were genetically similar. This data would help sugarcane breeders to select parents for hybridization in order to maximize heterosis. This could be conducted by selecting parents of dis-similar genotypes

    Sistem Monitoring Photoplethysmograph Berbasis Zigbee Dan Labview

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    Information heartbeat's per minute and characteristics of heart rate is an essential to be monitored, it shows normal and abnormal condition of heart rate person's characteristic. The normal heart rate is usually 60-100 bpm. This paper present a system monitoring based on Zigbee and Labview. It monitors heartbeat's per minute, heart rate characteristic and respiratory rate per minute displayed though Labview GUI. From experimental the heartbeat's of 89 bpm was obtained, it indicated in normal condition. The heart rate is less than 60 bpm indicated bicardia characteristic, and the heart rate is more than 100 bpm indicated tachicardi characteristic

    Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Perkara Perdata pada Pengadilan Negeri Samarinda Berbasis Jaringan

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    Pengadilan Negeri Samarinda merupakan . Sampai saat ini pengolahan data persediaan suku cadang mobil masih dilakukan dengan cara manual dan menggunakan perangkat komputer dengan pengolahan data laporan menggunakan aplikasi Ms. Excel. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi metode pengumpulan data yaitu penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan. Sedangkan metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem informasi ini adalah metode waterfall terdiri dari perencanaan sistem, analisis sistem, desain sistem, penerapan sistem, dan perawatan sistem. Dengan bantuan tools seperti flow of document (FOD), data flow document (DFD), hierarchy input proses output (HIPO), struktur database dan desain input output program. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Perkara Perdata Pada Pengadilan Negeri Samarinda berbasis Jaringan ini yang dapat diakses oleh bagian administrasi dan staff bagian perdata.Aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan dengan sistem ini meliputi proses pengolahan Data pengolahan perkara perdata berupa input penggugat, hakim, panitera, pemohon, proses gugatan, proses banding, proses kasasi dan proses peninjauan kembali serta pelaporannya. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan databasenya dibangun dengan menggunakan MySQL, karena kebutuhan yang selalu berkembang, maka kekurangan pada sistem ini nantinya dapat diperbaiki pada pengembangan sistem selanjutnya

    Effect of selected sago starch modifications on its properties and quality of instant ‘keropok lekor’

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    ‘Keropok lekor’ is a perishable food which has short shelf life at room temperature. Therefore, this research was conducted to produce instant powder of ‘keropok lekor’ that are shelf stable at room temperature by incorporating modified sago starch in the formulation. Thus, this study was carried out to evaluate the sago starch properties after being modified chemically and the effect of its incorporation on the final properties of ‘keropok lekor’. Sago starch was modified using cross-linking and succinylation methods before incorporated into the ingredients. Sago starches used were in its unmodified (native), crosslinked, succinylated and a mix of cross-linked and succinylated form. Results showed that sago starch retained its morphological features after modifications. Cross-linking increased the swelling power of sago starch. Both cross-linking and succinylation decreased oil absorption capacity and retarded starch retrogradation. Thermal scanning temperatures of cross-linked sago starch were elevated to higher degree of onset (To) and peak temperatures (Tp). Cross-linking and succinylation of sago starch brought some changes in the physicochemical properties of the fried samples. The most significant result was the improvement of expansion property where the sample with cross-linked starch showed the highest (15.0%) with low hardness values. In conclusion, the application of modified sago starch had shown its potential in the development of acceptable instant ‘keropok lekor’


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    The purpose of this study are: 1) to determine and describe the transparency and accountability of the management of social assistance expenditure; 2) to identify inhibiting factors in the implementation and administration of social assistance expenditure; 3) to provide altenative solution of the inhibiting factors. The study is descriptive with case study approach. The result shows that: 1) the transparency and accountability of the implementation and administration of social assistance expenditure in the governmental working units Sigi District has not been fully implemented; 2) the inhibiting factors in the management of social assistance expenditure in Sigi District are: the lack of understanding of the mechanism of social assistance expenditure distribution, accountability reports that are not yet in accordance with the provisions, and the lack of human resources both in quantity and quality; 3) activities need to performed are: socialization of social assistance expenditure, to increase and improve the quality of employees, verify and survey the acceptance of social assistance, and revise regulations related to the provision of social assistance

    Prevalence of DDC genotypes in patients with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency and in silico prediction of structural protein changes

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    Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder affecting the biosynthesis of dopamine, a precursor of both norepinephrine and epinephrine, and serotonin. Diagnosis is based on the analysis of CSF or plasma metabolites, AADC activity in plasma and genetic testing for variants in the DDC gene. The exact prevalence of AADC deficiency, the number of patients, and the variant and genotype prevalence are not known. Here, we present the DDC variant (n = 143) and genotype (n = 151) prevalence of 348 patients with AADC deficiency, 121 of whom were previously not reported. In addition, we report 26 new DDC variants, classify them according to the ACMG/AMP/ACGS recommendations for pathogenicity and score them based on the predicted structural effect. The splice variant c.714+4A>T, with a founder effect in Taiwan and China, was the most common variant (allele frequency = 32.4%), and c.[714+4A>T];[714+4A>T] was the most common genotype (genotype frequency = 21.3%). Approximately 90% of genotypes had variants classified as pathogenic or likely pathogenic, while 7% had one VUS allele and 3% had two VUS alleles. Only one benign variant was reported. Homozygous and compound heterozygous genotypes were interpreted in terms of AADC protein and categorized as: i) devoid of full-length AADC, ii) bearing one type of AADC homodimeric variant or iii) producing an AADC protein population composed of two homodimeric and one heterodimeric variant. Based on structural features, a score was attributed for all homodimers, and a tentative prediction was advanced for the heterodimer. Almost all AADC protein variants were pathogenic or likely pathogenic