191 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV B SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this research is the lack of science students' learning outcomes, as seen from the average value of students is 74.25. Of the 40 students who reach KKM only 18 students (45%), while students who have not yet reached KKM were 22 students, KKM value specified is 70. Based on these problems need to be done penilitian class action by applying Quantum Teaching Model. This research aims to improve learning outcomes IVB grade science students of SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru the academic year 2014/2015 the number of students 40 students consisting of 15 male students and 25 female students. This study was conducted by two cycles. At each cycle I and II consist of three meetings, which consists of two face to face meetings and one times daily test at the end of the cycle. With the implementation of Quantum Teaching applying the model, it can improve student learning outcomes IPA, it is seen from the increase in student learning outcomes from the base score is an average of 74.25 be increased by 76.5% in the first cycle and the second cycle becomes 82.875 by a margin of 8.625 points, an increase of 11.6% from the base score. The percentage of teacher activity also increased, as seen from the percentage of teacher activity, in the first cycle the first meeting be increased by 75%, then increased again by 86% and increased 14.7% from the first meeting. At the first meeting of the second cycle increased by to 89% increased 4.65% .In the second meeting of the second cycle of 97% was obtained which increased 8.98%. Aktivita percentage of students also increased, as seen from the percentage of activity in the first cycle the first meeting of the results obtained by 69% in the second meeting of student activity obtained at 79% which is an increase of 14.5%. Based on research outputs can be concluded that the adoption of the model Quantum Teaching to improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students of SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru B can improve student learning outcomes and in this case achieving completeness criteria learning outcomes

    The evidence of high performance work systems in professional service firms

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    The study draws on the high-performance work systems (HPWS) to explore the different types of HPWS implemented in professional service firms, specifically in Australian law firms. Although there has already been considerable empirical effort toward understanding the relationship between HPWS and organisational performance outcomes, there is no agreement on what constitutes HPWS and more importantly, there is limited evidence exploring how HPWS are implemented in practice. Based on interviews with 21 Managing Partners and Partners of Australian law firms to gain an in-depth understanding of HPWS practices implemented by the firms, we found evidence of nine (9) HPWS practices of recruitment and retention, creating positive organisational culture, training and development, organisational sharing and learning, developing an effective organisational structure, performance management, rewards, job mobility, and succession planning. The research findings offer contributions to theory and practice on the implementation of HPWS in professional service firms

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Perizinan Hutan Tanaman Industri (Hti) di Kabupaten Pelalawan(studi Kasus PT. Rapp Tahun 2013-2015)

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    Regulations permit Plantation Forestry in many abused by some companies in Pelalawan them is PT. RAPP causing a forest fire and haze in Riau Province. Haze is the worst in 2015 which went on for three months. This is due to permit violations of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) by PT. RAPP in Pelalawan Riau Province. Therefore the violations permission Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) and the consequences are detrimental to society then the purpose of the policy is not tercapai.Tujuan forest productivity and production of this study is to evaluate and determine what factors affecting Implementation Evaluation and Licensing of Industrial Plantation Forest ( HTI) in Pelalawan (Case Study PT.RAPP Year 2013-2015) Researchers used the theory of William N Dunn stating that a policy evaluation criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, grading, responsiveness and permanence. This study used descriptive qualitative method, data collection through observation and interviews in which the parties involved in this study as an informant. The evaluation results indicate that the implementation of the licensing Licensing of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) in Pelalawan (Case Study PT. RAPP Year 2013-2015) as seen from the sixth indicator has not done well in which the purpose of the policy is yet to be achieved. Then this policy still had a negative impact or a negative impact on society around such problems occurred, namely making public land belonging to the conversion of industrial plantations and forest fires which occurred during the opening of new land, causing smog that harm society Riau Province. Factors - factors that affect Implementation Evaluation and Licensing of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) in Pelalawan (Case Study PT.RAPP Year 2013-2015) is the Communication and Coordination

    Praktik Keselamatan Kebakaran pada Operator SPBU di Kabupaten Blora

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    Risk Factors Concerning The Fire Safety Practices of The Fuel Station Operator in Blora; A fuel station is a place having a major fire hazard accident level, in which, if an accident happens, it may cause major loss in both casualties and other material loss; and such accident had ever taken place a fuel station in Blora. This research had an objective to finding out the factors effecting fire safety practices of the fuel station operator in Blora. The used research type was an explanotory research; the used method was a survey with a cross sectional study approach. The samples used in this research were the total population as many as 73 respondents. The research result showed that there were correlation between the fire safety practices and age, sex, educational level, marital status, knowledge, attitude, rules, facilities / amenities, supervision, coworkers. There most dominant variable affecting the fire safety practises, with was attitude, with the significance value of 0.044 and OR value of 5.01

    Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Unggulan Hapanasan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Rokan Hulu

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    Development of flagship object tourist Hapanasan important done. Every object tourist thatdeveloped, built, and managed properly will increase the number of tourists as well as OriginalIncome area. In the implementation of the Development Department of culture and tourism of RokanHulu has a strategy that is, complete facilities and infrastructure repair, improved sights, as well asenhancing community participation. However, the implementation of the development are still notoptimally performed. How the actual implementation of development strategy flagship object touristHapanasan by Department of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu, and what are the factors affectingthe development of the flagship object tourist Hapanasan by Department of culture and tourism ofRokan Hulu.The concept of the theory used is adaptive strategy researcher, Miles and Snow in Heene (2010)which consists of the technology, the determination of the authorities, coordination, implementationand system settings. This study uses qualitative methods research with descriptive data analysis. Theauthor uses data collection techniques interviews, observation, documentation, and library studies.With the use of Key Informants as a source of information and using the technique of triangulationas a source in the vadilitas test data.Based on the results of the research, strategy development flagship object tourist Hapanasan byDepartment of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu hasnt been done optimally, since there are stillefforts that have not realized by the Department of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu in theimplementation of the development. Factors that affect the implementation of the strategy is the lackof funds owned, human resources have not been sufficient good quality as well as quantity, as well asregulatory policies that can support the development of a flagship object tourist does not exist.Keywords: Strategy, Development, Tourist Objec

    Perancangan Modul Kanban Praktikum Perancangan Sistem Kerja di Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

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    Sistem kanban adalah suatu sistem informasi yang secara harmonis mengendalikan "produksi produk yang diperlukan dalam jumlah yang diperlukan pada waktu yang diperlukan" dalam tiap proses manufakturing dan juga diantara Perusahaan. Kanban adalah suatu kartu yang berfungsi si sebagai alat kontrol produksi Just in Time. Just In Time merupakan pendekatan didasarkan pada sistem manufaktur ramping yang berkembang untuk mengoptimalkan dan meningkatkan efisiensi manufaktur dengan mengurangi manufaktur lead time melalui menghilangkan pemborosan Penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan SOP sistem Kanban untuk praktikum di labolatorium Teknik Industri Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, karena pada saat ini belum ada alat untuk mensimulasikan sistem kanban untuk praktikum. Perencanaan sistem kanban perlu digunakan secara optimal untuk dapat mengendalikan persediaan. Untuk memulai praktikum sistem kanban diperlukan bentuk Kanban kirim dan kanban produksi yang akan digunakan. Untuk menghitung jumlah kontainer yang akan digunakan dibutuhkan waktu siklus setiap stasiun kerja yang didapatkan dari pengamatan waktu proses dari masing-masing staisun kerja sebanyak 30 kali pengamatan. Praktikum sistem kanban di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, sebaiknya terdapat lima proses produksi yaitu proses 1, proses 2 ,proses 3, proses 4 dan proses 5 dan terdapat 2 buah GBB untuk bagian A empat bagian B serta 1 GBJ, terdapat juga dempatua buah In Process Storage. Dengan waktu baku masing-masing stasiun kerja yaitu 200,1 detik; 70,4 detik ; 239,2 detik ; 76,6 detik; dan 41 detik. Dengan kapasitas kontainer sebanyak 2 buah produk menggunakan 2 buah kontainer sesuai dengan kebutuhan maksimal kontainer, untuk kapasitas kontainer 3 buah produk menggunakan 1 buah kontainer sesuai dengan kebutuhan maksimal kontainer dan untuk kapasitas kontainer 4 buah digunakan 1 buah kontainer sesuai dengan kebutuhan maksimal kontainer. Prosedur untuk melakukan praktikum sistem terdapat 11 langkah yang harus dipenuhi dengan menggunakan tiga stasiun kerja yang telah ditentukan dan mengikuti dari aturan sistem kanban yang telah ada

    Energy Spectra and Wave Function Analysis of q-Deformed Modified Poschl-Teller and Hyperbolic Scarf II Potentials Using NU Method and a Mapping Method

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    The solution of Schrodinger equations for q-deformed modified Poschl-Teller and hyperbolic Scarf II potentials are investigated using Nikiforov-Uvarov method and a mapping method. By applying a translation of spatial variable non-deformed potentials are mapped on to deformed potential or vice versa and as a product the potential’s parameters scaling obtained. The bound state energy spectra obtained using NU method are given in the close form and the corresponding wave functions are formulated in terms of the Jacobi Polynomials. The energy spectra and the radial wave functions of the system are also produced by a mapping using potential’s parameters scaling from the non-deformed to the deformed potential

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Alokasi Dana Desa (Add) di Desa Rambah Jaya Kecamatan Bangun Purba Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Village Allocation Fund (ADD) is a part of the central and regional equalization funds devoted tothe village in implementing government services and community empowerment. But in reality theeffectiveness of the implementation and management is still not maximized. The existance of humanresources is inadequate, the construction of facilities and infrastructure are still yet to be realized, thegovernment needs to increase coordination between the government of village and the civil community. Theproblem in this research is how the effectiveness Rambah Jaya village government in achieving its goal inutilizing the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) and the factors that influence the effectiveness of.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of utilization of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) Inthe village of Bangun Rambah Jaya District of Rokan Hulu and to find out the Village Fund AllocationUtilization Effectiveness (ADD) In the village of Bangun Rambah Jaya District of Rokan Hulu. The conceptof the theory that researchers use is organizational effectiveness by using Gibsons theory by looking at thegoals to be achieved Clarity, Clarity goal attainment strategy, process analysis and formulation of policysteady, careful planning, preparation of appropriate programs, availability of infrastructure andsurveillance systems and control didactic.The method used is qualitative research with descriptive data assessment. In collecting the data, theresearcher used interview techniques, observation and documentation specified by snowball samplingtechnique. The results showed that the utilization of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) In the village ofBangun Rambah Jaya District of Rokan Hulu has not been effective because there are many village fundallocation unrealized. Also found are also government programs that have not been implemented village.The factors that influence the effectiveness of the utilization of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) In thevillage of Bangun Rambah Jaya district of Rokan Hulu is a lack of human resources, poor coordination andlack of community participation in the implementation of.Keyword: Effectiveness, Utilization,Village Allocation Fund (ADD
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