125 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium phononic first-order phase transition in a driven fermion chain

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    We study the direct laser drive of infrared-active phonons that are quadratically coupled to a spinless fermion chain. Feedback is incorporated by phonon dressing of the electronic dispersion, which enables effective non-linearities in the phonon dynamics. We uncover a first-order phase transition in the phononic steady state in which hysteretic effects allow either large or small phonon occupation depending on the drive protocol. We discuss the implications of these findings for probing phase transitions in real driven materials.Comment: 7+7 pages, 4+6 figure

    Time Series Imputation via L1 Norm-Based Singular Spectrum Analysis

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    Missing values in time series data is a well-known and important problem which many researchers have studied extensively in various fields. In this paper, a new nonparametric approach for missing value imputation in time series is proposed. The main novelty of this research is applying the L1 norm-based version of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), namely L1-SSA which is robust against outliers. The performance of the new imputation method has been compared with many other established methods. The comparison is done by applying them to various real and simulated time series. The obtained results confirm that the SSA-based methods, especially L1-SSA can provide better imputation in comparison to other methods

    Ultrafast dynamics of a fermion chain in a terahertz field-driven optical cavity

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    We study the effect of a terahertz field-driven single cavity mode for ultrafast control of a fermion chain with dissipation-induced nonlinearity and quadratic coupling to an infrared-active phonon mode. Without photon loss from the cavity, we uncover a first-order phase transition in the nonequilibrium steady state only for the lower phonon-polariton, accompanied by polaritons whose frequency response is asymmetric with respect to the photon frequency due to the direct laser-induced dressing effect on the photon. A weak laser field fails to induce the phase transition but renders the polaritons symmetrical. Finally, we show that sufficiently strong photon loss from the cavity eliminates the polaritons and the associated phase transition. The experimental feasibility of these phenomena is also proposed

    Laser-enhanced magnetism in SmFeO3_3

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    The cross-talk between two magnetic ions, Sm3+^{3+} and Fe2+^{2+}, in samarium ferrite (SmFeO3_3) leads to a strong interaction of spins and phonons at low temperatures, while the magnetic interactions are weak. In this work, we simulate the dissipative spin dynamics in SmFeO3_3 that are coupled to laser-driven infrared-active phonons via linear and quadratic modulation of the exchange energy to coherently enhance spin interactions, referred to as magnetophononics. When linear coupling dominates, we discover a dynamical first-order phase transition in the nonequilibrium steady state which can inhibit strong enhancement of magnetic interactions. By contrast, when quadratic spin-phonon coupling dominates, no phase transition exists at experimentally relevant parameters. By utilizing a chirp protocol, we see that the phase transition can be engineered, enabling stronger magnetic interactions in the steady state, a key goal of magnetophononics. We also discuss the route for experimental observation of our results, as well as the potential application of our theory for functional materials and spintronics

    Skeletogenesis in the Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus and its correlation with gene expression of vitamin K‐dependent proteins during larval development

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    The present study describes morphological development of the skeleton in the Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus and discusses the hypothesis that expression of genes encoding vitamin K‐dependent proteins (VKDP) might be correlated with the mineralization of skeletal tissues during early development in sturgeons. Results showed that development of cartilage started just after hatching (mean ± S.D., 10·9 ± 0·7 mm in total length, LT) in the head and notochord, whereas the first signs of mineralization occurred in the dentary and in the dermopalatine and palatopterygoid elements of the upper jaw, coinciding with the onset of exogenous feeding (20·1 ± 1·5 mm LT). All branchial arch elements developed between 19·3 and 22·3 mm LT, whereas mineralization was only observed in tooth plates associated with the hypobranchial 1 and gill rakers at 20·8 ± 1·5 mm LT and 48·4 ± 6·4 mm LT, respectively. Quantitative real‐time PCR showed that transcripts of VKDP genes including bone Gla protein (bgp), matrix Gla protein (mgp) and Gla rich protein (grp) genes were significantly up‐regulated during the transition to exogenous feeding, supporting hypotheses about relevance of the above‐mentioned genes in chondrogenesis at early developmental stages. The strong mineralization of skeletal elements from 21·5 to 27·3 mm LT (20 days post hatch) was in accordance with the maximal levels of bgp, mgp and grp expression indicating a correlation between development of the skeleton and the expression of VKDP genes. These data are important for evaluating A. persicus larval quality, understanding the influence of rearing biotic and abiotic factors on skeletogenesis and recognizing the occurrence of skeletal deformities in this species.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Slow uniform electrical activation during sinus rhythm is an indicator of reentrant VT isthmus location and orientation in an experimental model of myocardial infarction.

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    BACKGROUND: To validate the predictability of reentrant circuit isthmus locations without ventricular tachycardia (VT) induction during high-definition mapping, we used computer methods to analyse sinus rhythm activation in experiments where isthmus location was subsequently verified by mapping reentrant VT circuits. METHOD: In 21 experiments using a canine postinfarction model, bipolar electrograms were obtained from 196-312 recordings with 4mm spacing in the epicardial border zone during sinus rhythm and during VT. From computerized electrical activation maps of the reentrant circuit, areas of conduction block were determined and the isthmus was localized. A linear regression was computed at three different locations about the reentry isthmus using sinus rhythm electrogram activation data. From the regression analysis, the uniformity, a measure of the constancy at which the wavefront propagates, and the activation gradient, a measure that may approximate wavefront speed, were computed. The purpose was to test the hypothesis that the isthmus locates in a region of slow uniform activation bounded by areas of electrical discontinuity. RESULTS: Based on the regression parameters, sinus rhythm activation along the isthmus near its exit proceeded uniformly (mean r2= 0.95±0.05) and with a low magnitude gradient (mean 0.37±0.10mm/ms). Perpendicular to the isthmus long-axis across its boundaries, the activation wavefront propagated much less uniformly (mean r2= 0.76±0.24) although of similar gradient (mean 0.38±0.23mm/ms). In the opposite direction from the exit, at the isthmus entrance, there was also less uniformity (mean r2= 0.80±0.22) but a larger magnitude gradient (mean 0.50±0.25mm/ms). A theoretical ablation line drawn perpendicular to the last sinus rhythm activation site along the isthmus long-axis was predicted to prevent VT reinduction. Anatomical conduction block occurred in 7/21 experiments, but comprised only small portions of the isthmus lateral boundaries; thus detection of sinus rhythm conduction block alone was insufficient to entirely define the VT isthmus. CONCLUSIONS: Uniform activation with a low magnitude gradient during sinus rhythm is present at the VT isthmus exit location but there is less uniformity across the isthmus lateral boundaries and at isthmus entrance locations. These factors may be useful to verify any proposed VT isthmus location, reducing the need for VT induction to ablate the isthmus. Measured computerized values similar to those determined herein could therefore be assistive to sharpen specificity when applying sinus rhythm mapping to localize EP catheter ablation sites

    Comparison of the cardiovascular presentations, complications and outcomes following different coronaviruses' infection: A systematic review

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    Manifestations caused by coronavirus family have presented it in many ways during the previous years. The aim of this systematic review was to gather all possible cardiovascular manifestations of the coronavirus family in the literature. Adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane and ProQuest which were updated on May 1, 2020 for the last time. Regarding to the novelty and speed of publications on COVID-19, we searched Google Scholar and also references of included studies and review articles in the systematic search results were searched manually. The searched keywords were the combination of the following MeSH terms: "COVID-19", "SARS", "MERS"and "cardiovascular presentation". The systematic review was registered with ID CRD42020180736 in International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). After screening, 28 original articles and ten case studies (five case reports and five case series) were included. Most of the studies were focused on COVID-19 (20 original articles and five case studies) while the only studies about Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) was a case report. Almost all the cardiovascular presentations and complications including acute cardiac injury, arrhythmias and the thrombotic complications were more prevalent in COVID-19 than severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and MERS. The cardiac injury was the most common cardiovascular presentation and complication in COVID-19 whereas thrombotic complications were commonly reported in SARS. The cardiac injury was the predictor of disease severity and mortality in both COVID-19 and SARS. Coronavirus 2019 may present with cardiovascular manifestations and complications in signs and symptoms, laboratory data and other paraclinical findings. Also, cardiovascular complications in the course of COVID-19 may result in worse outcomes. © 2021 The Author(s)

    Evidence gap and knowledge map of physical activity research in diabetes in Iran: A scoping review

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    Context: The important role of physical activity in the prevention and management of diabetes necessitates a review of current research to shed light on gaps in national diabetes guidelines. Evidence Acquisition: This scoping review was part of the Iran Diabetes Research Roadmap (IDRR) study. A systematic search was used based on the Arksey and O�Malley method consisting of six steps. The descriptive analysis was done with SPSS software. Additionally, VOS veiwer software was used to draw the knowledge map of the included studies. Results: There were 169 articles included from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2019 in Iran. Aerobic and resistance exercises were types of physical activity with more number of articles. Most of the included clinical studies were randomized clinical trials and had a level of evidence two. Also, there was more interest in outcomes such as glycemic control and insulin sensitivity, metabolic syndrome, metabolism, and cardiovascular health. The network of co-authorship was drawn, and "controlled study", "male", and "rat" were the most frequent keywords. Conclusions: The number of Iranian diabetes researchers on physical activity is increasing, and the majority of clinical studies had a high level of evidence. With maintaining previous interests and investigations, there should be more emphasis on research in elderly and children age groups as evidence gap in Iran. Also, longitudinal cohort studies should be highlighted and Iranian researchers should be encouraged to participate in new topics of research worldwide. Copyright © 2021, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

    Classification of sex and maturity stages of farmed great sturgeon (Huso huso) using blood plasma steroid hormone and calcium ion levels

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    Twenty four farmed great sturgeon, Huso huso (including 8 males and 16 females) over 6 years old were used to develop a method for determination of sex and maturity stages. Seasonal gonadal tissue and blood samples were collected from farmed great sturgeon for three years. The sex and stages of maturity were determined by histology and laparoscopy at the beginning and end of experiment. Plasma sex steroid hormone levels [testosterone (T), 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P)] were measured by radioimmunoassay, and plasma calcium ion levels were measured by spectrophotometer. Mean concentrations of testosterone, progesterone and estradiol in blood plasma of H. huso at maturity stages II, III and IV were 10.86±1.63, 54.14±3.1, 112.41±7.4; 0.84±0.12, 15.66±2.18, 50.75±3.63 ng/ml in males and 9.0±1.39, 6.51± 0.64, 2.95±2.29, 5.45±0.29, 9.47±0.97 and 4.15±0.7 ng/ml in females, respectively. Testosterone and estradiol levels showed significant differences at various stages. Calcium level at stages II, III and IV of sexual maturity in females (8.05 ± 0.09, 10.4 ± 0.34 and 9.6 ± 0.6 mg/dl) was more than males (7.73 ± 0.16, 8.58 ± 0.13 and 8.76 ± 0.11 mg/dl). Results showed that steroid hormone concentration and calcium level of blood plasma in males and females vary between different stages of sexual maturity. Therefore it can be used to determine the stages of sexual maturity in farmed H. huso

    HRS white paper on clinical utilization of digital health technology.

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    This collaborative statement from the Digital Health Committee of the Heart Rhythm Society provides everyday clinical scenarios in which wearables may be utilized by patients for cardiovascular health and arrhythmia management. We describe herein the spectrum of wearables that are commercially available for patients, and their benefits, shortcomings and areas for technological improvement. Although wearables for rhythm diagnosis and management have not been examined in large randomized clinical trials, undoubtedly the usage of wearables has quickly escalated in clinical practice. This document is the first of a planned series in which we will update information on wearables as they are revised and released to consumers