5 research outputs found

    Analisis Asam Valproat Dalam Plasma Secara Kromatografi Gas

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    Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant drug that works by increasing the levels ofγ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Determination of valproic acid is quite difficultbecause it has no chromophore groups in its structure. Aa analytical method usinggas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector for the determination ofvalproic acid in human plasma has been developed and optimized. Valproic acid wasextracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction method using diethyl ether. Theoptimum analysis conditions for valproic acid in plasma were achieved by regulatedgas chromatography injector and detector at a temperature of 250oC and temperatureprogramming with an initial temperature of 70oC and 5oC temperature increasingper minute until a temperature of 100oC, then held for 1 minute. Then the temperaturewas increased by 2°C per minute until the column temperature to 150oC. Theoptimum conditions of analysis took 32 minutes. In the concentration range from40.0 to 100.0 µg/mL yielded a linear calibration curve with correlation coefficient (r)of 0.9894. Accuracy (% diff) of this method was -13.67% to 12.33% with precision(CV) between 9.33% to 14.92%, and relative recovery test was 86.33% to 112.33%

    Analisis Adduct DNA Setelah Pemberian Natrium Nitrit Dan Dimetilamin Secara Berulang Pada Tikus

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    Nitrosodimethylamine is a carcinogenic compound which can be formed from the reaction of nitrite and dimethylamine that is found in food. Nitrosodimethylamineis activated in liver and alkylates the DNA base and producing a DNA adductssuch as O6-methylguanine and N7-methylguanine that have a role incarcinogenesis. In this research, DNA was isolated from rat’s blood which waspreviously given nitrosodimethylamine’s precursor, sodium nitrite anddimethylamine. DNA adducts can be obtained from hydrolysis in hydrochloricacid 0.1 N for 30 minutes at 7000C. Then the adducts were analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), with a strong cation exchangecolumn (Supelcosil LC-SCX, 5 μm, 250 x 4.6 mm), mobile phase consisting ofammonium phosphate with a final concentration of 40 mM, pH 3.00, flow rate 1.5mL/minute, column temperature 30oC and detected at exitation wavelength 286 nm and emission wavelength 366 nm. This method gave an acceptable validation result according to accuracy and precicion test results that fulfill the requirementand linear calibration curve with a quantitation limit of 22,5403 ng/mL. Rats were divided into six groups that two groups were given nitrosodimethylamine aspositive control, three groups were given prekursor, and the other was normalcontrol.Blood samples were collected in 1,2 and 4 hour after last induced. Aftergiving sodium nitrite 110 mg/kg bw and dimethylamine (1:5) orally for a week,N7-methylguanine and O6-methylguanine had not been detected in rat’s blood

    Characterization and functional properties of gelatin extracted from goatskin

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    Gelatin from goatskin pretreated with hydrochloric acid and extracted with distilled water at 60o C for 9 hours was characterized and compared to that of bovine skin gelatin (BSG). A yield of 10.26% (wet weight basis) was obtained. Goatskin gelatin (GSG) had high protein (86.58%), suitable moisture (9.58%), low fat (1.46%) and low ash (0.11%) content. The functional properties of GSG including gel strength (301 g bloom) and emulsion activity index (94.27%) were higher than the functional properties of BSG including gel strength (192 g bloom) and emulsion activity index (49.74%). The foaming property of GSG (102%) was lower than that of BSG (164.67%). This study shows that GSG has a high potential for application as a source of commercial gelatin


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    Objective: A transdermal hydrogel dosage form consists of a three-dimensional polymer network that binds water in large quantities and is usedfor drug delivery. The study’s aim was to prepare coprocessed excipients as a matrix for a transdermal hydrogel containing diclofenac sodium andexamine in vitro and in vivo drug penetrations.Methods: Four types of coprocessed excipients were produced using two methods that combined crosslinking and coprocessing steps. The producedexcipients were formulated as transdermal gels containing sodium diclofenac. An in vitro penetration test was then performed using a Franz diffusioncell to pass the drug through a rat skin membrane. An in vivo penetration test was performed by applying the hydrogel to the abdominal skin of maleSprague-Dawley rats and then measuring the plasma drug concentration.Results: In vitro penetration results showed that the flux from Co-CLA6-XG 1:2, Co-CLA12-XG 1:2, CL6-Co-A-XG 1:2, and CL12-Co-A-XG 1:2 transdermalhydrogels was 655.23±116.43 μg∙cm−2/h, 569.08±26.58 μg∙cm−2/h, 867.42±101.27 μg∙cm−2/h−1, and 736.99±15.39 μg∙cm−2/h−1. The in vivo studyresulted in area under the curve for the Co−CLA6−XG 1:2, Co−CLA12−XG 1:2, CL6−Co−A−XG 1:2, and CL12−Co−A−XG 1:2 transdermal hydrogels was32.08±5.40 μg∙ml−1∙h, 34.27±8.34 μg/ml∙h, 6.20±2.90 μg/ml∙h, and 14.38±2.38 μg/mL∙h, respectively.Conclusion: The study results showed that the excipients could be processed to form a matrix within a transdermal hydrogel formulation and deliversodium diclofenac into systemic circulation in a controlled release manner