776 research outputs found

    Coulomb Charging at Large Conduction

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    We discuss the suppression of Coulomb charging effects on a small metallic island coupled to an electrode by a tunnel junction. At high temperatures the quantum corrections to the classical charging energy Ec=e2/2CE_c=e^2/2C, where CC is the island capacitance, are evaluated. At low temperatures the large quantum fluctuations of the island charge cause a strong reduction of the effective EcE_c which is determined explicitly in the limit of a large tunneling conductance.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum Conductance of the Single Electron Transistor

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    The quantum conductance of the single-electron tunneling (SET) transistor is investigated in this paper by the functional integral approach. The formalism is valid for arbitrary tunnel resistance of the junctions forming the SET transistor at any temperature. The path integrals are evaluated by the semiclassical method to yield an explicit non-perturbation form of the quantum conductance of the SET transistor. An anomaly of the quantum conductance is found if the tunnel resistances are much smaller than the quantum resistance. The dependence of the conductance on the gate voltage is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages including some mathe details of cond-mat/990806

    State estimation for discrete-time neural networks with Markov-mode-dependent lower and upper bounds on the distributed delays

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    Copyright @ 2012 Springer VerlagThis paper is concerned with the state estimation problem for a new class of discrete-time neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters and mixed time-delays. The parameters of the neural networks under consideration switch over time subject to a Markov chain. The networks involve both the discrete-time-varying delay and the mode-dependent distributed time-delay characterized by the upper and lower boundaries dependent on the Markov chain. By constructing novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, sufficient conditions are firstly established to guarantee the exponential stability in mean square for the addressed discrete-time neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters and mixed time-delays. Then, the state estimation problem is coped with for the same neural network where the goal is to design a desired state estimator such that the estimation error approaches zero exponentially in mean square. The derived conditions for both the stability and the existence of desired estimators are expressed in the form of matrix inequalities that can be solved by the semi-definite programme method. A numerical simulation example is exploited to demonstrate the usefulness of the main results obtained.This work was supported in part by the Royal Society of the U.K., the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 60774073 and 61074129, and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK2010313

    The Final SDSS High-Redshift Quasar Sample of 52 Quasars at z>5.7

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    We present the discovery of nine quasars at z6z\sim6 identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging data. This completes our survey of z6z\sim6 quasars in the SDSS footprint. Our final sample consists of 52 quasars at 5.7<z6.45.7<z\le6.4, including 29 quasars with zAB20z_{\rm AB}\le20 mag selected from 11,240 deg2^2 of the SDSS single-epoch imaging survey (the main survey), 10 quasars with 20zAB20.520\le z_{\rm AB}\le20.5 selected from 4223 deg2^2 of the SDSS overlap regions (regions with two or more imaging scans), and 13 quasars down to zAB22z_{\rm AB}\approx22 mag from the 277 deg2^2 in Stripe 82. They span a wide luminosity range of 29.0M145024.5-29.0\le M_{1450}\le-24.5. This well-defined sample is used to derive the quasar luminosity function (QLF) at z6z\sim6. After combining our SDSS sample with two faint (M145023M_{1450}\ge-23 mag) quasars from the literature, we obtain the parameters for a double power-law fit to the QLF. The bright-end slope β\beta of the QLF is well constrained to be β=2.8±0.2\beta=-2.8\pm0.2. Due to the small number of low-luminosity quasars, the faint-end slope α\alpha and the characteristic magnitude M1450M_{1450}^{\ast} are less well constrained, with α=1.900.44+0.58\alpha=-1.90_{-0.44}^{+0.58} and M=25.23.8+1.2M^{\ast}=-25.2_{-3.8}^{+1.2} mag. The spatial density of luminous quasars, parametrized as ρ(M1450<26,z)=ρ(z=6)10k(z6)\rho(M_{1450}<-26,z)=\rho(z=6)\,10^{k(z-6)}, drops rapidly from z5z\sim5 to 6, with k=0.72±0.11k=-0.72\pm0.11. Based on our fitted QLF and assuming an IGM clumping factor of C=3C=3, we find that the observed quasar population cannot provide enough photons to ionize the z6z\sim6 IGM at 90\sim90\% confidence. Quasars may still provide a significant fraction of the required photons, although much larger samples of faint quasars are needed for more stringent constraints on the quasar contribution to reionization.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Robust synchronization of a class of coupled delayed networks with multiple stochastic disturbances: The continuous-time case

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    In this paper, the robust synchronization problem is investigated for a new class of continuous-time complex networks that involve parameter uncertainties, time-varying delays, constant and delayed couplings, as well as multiple stochastic disturbances. The norm-bounded uncertainties exist in all the network parameters after decoupling, and the stochastic disturbances are assumed to be Brownian motions that act on the constant coupling term, the delayed coupling term as well as the overall network dynamics. Such multiple stochastic disturbances could reflect more realistic dynamical behaviors of the coupled complex network presented within a noisy environment. By using a combination of the Lyapunov functional method, the robust analysis tool, the stochastic analysis techniques and the properties of Kronecker product, we derive several delay-dependent sufficient conditions that ensure the coupled complex network to be globally robustly synchronized in the mean square for all admissible parameter uncertainties. The criteria obtained in this paper are in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) whose solution can be easily calculated by using the standard numerical software. The main results are shown to be general enough to cover many existing ones reported in the literature. Simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed results

    Searching for C ii Emission from the First Sample of z ∼ 6 O i Absorption-associated Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array

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    We report the first statistical analyses of [C ii ] and dust continuum observations in six strong O i absorber fields at the end of the reionization epoch obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Combined with one [C ii ] emitter reported in Wu et al., we detect one O i -associated [C ii ] emitter in six fields. At redshifts of O i absorbers in nondetection fields, no emitters are brighter than our detection limit within impact parameters of 50 kpc and velocity offsets between ±200 km s ^−1 . The averaged [C ii ]-detection upper limit is 50 kpc) and having larger outflow velocities within ±600 km s ^−1 . If these detections are confirmed in the future, then the mechanism of pushing metals at larger distances with higher velocities needs to be further explored from the theoretical side