843 research outputs found

    Monitoring Water Meniscus Formation at Nanocontacts with Shear-Force Acousto Near-Field Microscopy

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    Shear-force acoustic near-field microscopy (SANM) is employed to monitor stochastic formation and post dynamic response of a water meniscus that bridges a tapered gold probe (undergoing lateral oscillations of a few nanometers amplitude at constant frequency) and a flat (gold or silicon oxide) substrate. As the probe further approaches the substrate, its amplitude decreases. Shear forces (of yet unknown precise origin) are typically invoked to explain the apparently pure damping effects affecting the probe\u27s motion. Herein, SANM measurements underscore instead the role of near-field acoustic emission from the water meniscus as an elastic energy dissipation channel involved in shear interactions. A simplified thermodynamic argument is provided to justify the formation of a water meniscus between the probe and the sample once they are at sufficient separation distance. The reported measurements focus on the role played by the tip\u27s geometry (by using probes of slender and chubby apex termination). The results shed some light on the potential origin of the so-called shear forces, invoked in many scanning probe microscopy applications, but not yet well understood

    Ultraviolet Lasing in High-Order Bands of Three-Dimensional ZnO Photonic Crystals

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    UV lasing in three-dimensional ZnO photonic crystals is demonstrated at room temperature. The photonic crystals are inverse opals with high refractive index contrast that simultaneously confine light and provide optical gain. Highly directional lasing with tunable wavelength is obtained by optical pumping. Comparison of the experimental results to the calculated band structure shows that lasing occurs in high-order bands with abnormally low group velocity. This demonstrates that the high-order band structure of three-dimensional photonic crystals can be used to effectively confine light and enhance emission. Our findings may also impact other applications of photonic crystal devices. ©2006 American Institute of Physic

    Fabrication of Inverted Opal ZnO Photonic Crystals by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    We have fabricated three-dimensional optically active ZnO photonic crystals by infiltrating polystyrene opal templates using a low-temperature atomic layer deposition process. The polystyrene is removed by firing the samples at elevated temperatures, and reactive ion etching is used to remove the top layer of ZnO and expose the (111) photonic crystal surface. The resulting structures have high filling fractions, possess photonic band gaps in the near-UV to visible spectrum, and exhibit efficient photoluminescence

    Fluctuating Two-state Light Harvesting In A Photosynthetic Membrane

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    The mechanism by which light is converted into chemical energy in a natural photosynthetic system has drawn considerable research interest. Using fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopic imaging, we have observed fluctuating intermolecular protein fluorescence resonant energy transfers (FRET) among light-harvesting proteins I and II (LH1 and LH2) in bacterial photosynthetic membranes. Using two-channel, FRET, photon-counting detection and a novel, two-dimensional cross-correlation function amplitude-mapping analysis, we revealed fluorescence intensity and spectral fluctuations of donor (LH2) and acceptor (LH1) fluorescence involving FRET. Our results suggest that there are dynamic coupled and noncoupled states of the light-harvesting protein assemblies in photosynthetic membranes. The light-harvesting complex assembly under ambient conditions and under water involves dynamic intermolecular structural fluctuations that subsequently disturb the degree of energy transfer coupling between proteins in the membrane. Such intrinsic and dynamic heterogeneity of the native photosynthetic membranes, often submerged under the overall thermally induced spectral fluctuations and not observable in an ensemble-averaged measurement, likely plays a critical role in regulating the light-harvesting efficiency of the photosynthetic membranes

    Revealing Linear Aggregates Of Light Harvesting Antenna Proteins In Photosynthetic Membranes

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    How light energy is harvested in a natural photosynthetic membrane through energy transfer is closely related to the stoichiometry and arrangement of light harvesting antenna proteins in the membrane. The specific photosynthetic architecture facilitates a rapid and efficient energy transfer among the light harvesting proteins (LH2 and LH1) and to the reaction center. Here we report the identification of linear aggregates of light harvesting proteins, LH2, in the photosynthetic membranes under ambient conditions by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging and spectroscopic analysis. Our results suggest that the light harvesting protein, LH2, can exist as linear aggregates of 4 2 proteins in the photosynthetic membranes and that the protein distributions are highly heterogeneous. In the photosynthetic membranes examined in our measurements, the ratio of the aggregated to the nonaggregated LH2 proteins is about 3:1 to 5:1 depending on the intensity of the illumination used during sample incubation and oil the bacterial species. A FM images further identify that the LH2 proteins in the linear aggregates are monotonically tilted at an angle 4 +/- 2 degrees from the plane of the photosynthetic membranes. The aggregates result in red-shifted absorption and emission spectra that are measured using various mutant membranes, including an LH2 knockout, LH1 knockout, and LH2 at different population densities. Measuring the fluorescence lifetimes of purified LH2 and LH2 in membranes, we have observed that the LH2 proteins in membranes exhibit biexponential lifetime decays whereas the purified LH2 proteins gave single exponential lifetime decays. We attribute that the two lifetime components originate from the existence of both aggregated and nonaggregated LH2 proteins in the photosynthetic membranes

    3D reconstruction of biological structures: automated procedures for alignment and reconstruction of multiple tilt series in electron tomography

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    Transmission electron microscopy allows the collection of multiple views of specimens and their computerized three-dimensional reconstruction and analysis with electron tomography. Here we describe development of methods for automated multi-tilt data acquisition, tilt-series processing, and alignment which allow assembly of electron tomographic data from a greater number of tilt series, yielding enhanced data quality and increasing contrast associated with weakly stained structures. This scheme facilitates visualization of nanometer scale details of fine structure in volumes taken from plastic-embedded samples of biological specimens in all dimensions. As heavy metal-contrasted plastic-embedded samples are less sensitive to the overall dose rather than the electron dose rate, an optimal resampling of the reconstruction space can be achieved by accumulating lower dose electron micrographs of the same area over a wider range of specimen orientations. The computerized multiple tilt series collection scheme is implemented together with automated advanced procedures making collection, image alignment, and processing of multi-tilt tomography data a seamless process. We demonstrate high-quality reconstructions from samples of well-described biological structures. These include the giant Mimivirus and clathrin-coated vesicles, imaged in situ in their normal intracellular contexts. Examples are provided from samples of cultured cells prepared by high-pressure freezing and freeze-substitution as well as by chemical fixation before epoxy resin embedding

    Near-Field Acousto Monitoring Shear Interactions Inside a Drop of Fluid: The Role of the Zero-Slip condition

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    A full understanding of nanometer-range (near-field) interactions between two sliding solid boundaries, with a mesoscopic fluid layer sandwiched in between, remains challenging. In particular, the origin of the blue-shift resonance frequency experienced by a laterally oscillating probe when approaching a substrate is still a matter of controversy. A simpler problem is addressed here, where a laterally oscillating solid probe interacts with a more sizable drop of fluid that rests on a substrate, aiming at identifying interaction mechanisms that could also be present in the near-field interaction case. It is found that the inelastic component of the probe-fluid interaction does not constitute the main energy-dissipation channel and has a weak dependence on fluid’s viscosity, which is attributed to the zero-slip hydrodynamic condition. In contrast, the acoustic signal engendered by the fluid has a stronger dependence on the fluid’s viscosity(attributed also to the zero-slip hydrodynamic condition) and correlates well with the probe’s resonancefrequency red-shift. We propose a similar mechanism happens in near field experiments, but a blue-shift in the probe’s resonance results as a consequence of the fluid molecules (subjected to the zero-slip condition at both the probe and substrate boundaries) exerting instead a spring type restoring force on the probe

    Five-Fold Reduction of Lasing Threshold near the First ΓL\Gamma L-Pseudogap of ZnO Inverse Opals

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    We report room temperature lasing in ZnO inverse opal photonic crystals in the near-ultraviolet (UV) frequency. We observe random lasing due to disorder in the structures when the photonic pseudogaps are located away from the ZnO gain spectrum. Tuning the first ΓL\Gamma L-pseudogap to the gain peak leads to a five-fold reduction in lasing threshold and frequency shift of lasing modes due to the enhanced confinement of light.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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