166 research outputs found

    Motif Persahabatan dan Kesepian pada Santri

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    There are many factors that could make a person become lonely, one of the factors is the condition where the person have to live far from their parents and family, which is shown on the teenegers that lived in boarding school. Building a good friendship could help a person who feels loneliness. This research aims to determine the correlation of friendship motive towards loneliness on boarding school students, differences in the level of friendship motive on man students and women students, and the difference in levels of loneliness on man students and woman students. This research has 247 student subjects consisted of 172 man students and 75 woman students at the boarding school Darud Da'wah wal Irsyad Rahman Ambo Dalle Mangkoso. This research uses product moment person test and independent sample t-test. The results of this research show that was correlation of friendship motive towards loneliness (p = 0.000). Correlation coefficient of friendship motive toward loneliness of -0.618. There was no differences in the level of friendship motive men students and women students (p = 0.731). There was no difference in the level of loneliness men students and women students (p = 0.150). The benefits of this research is to give an idea of the friendship motive and loneliness, especially the students at the boarding school

    Analisis Perpindahan Moda Dari Taksi Dan Mobil Pribadi Ke Bus Damri Di Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya

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    Pesatnya pertumbuhan penumpang di Bandar Udara Juanda yang terjadi pada setiap tahunnya, menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna taksi dan mobil pribadi. Semakin bertambah pengguna taksi dan mobil pribadi tersebut, maka semakin padat kendaraan yang memenuhi ruas jalan akses ke dan dari Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya. Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisa untuk mengetahui jumlah penumpang yang bersedia untuk berpindah moda dari taksi dan mobil pribadi ke bus Damri di Bandar Udara Juanda Surabaya. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil survey kuisioner penumpang taksi dan mobil pribadi dengan teknik stated preference. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data adalah metode logit biner. Dari hasil analisa, terlihat bahwa penumpang dengan penghasilan Rp. 2 juta – Rp. 5 juta dan berasal tujuan dari kota luar Surabaya lebih dominan menggunakan mobil pribadi daripada taksi. Probabilitas perpindahan moda dari taksi ke bus Damri adalah 22% untuk bus dengan tarif Rp. 20.000 dan waktu tempuh 35 menit. Sedangkan probabilitas perpindahan moda dari mobil pribadi ke bus Damri adalah 66% untuk bus dengan tarif Rp. 15.000 dan waktu tempuh 35 menit

    Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Fly Over Jalan Akses Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong Ditinjau dari Segi Lalu Lintas dan Ekonomi Jalan Raya

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    - Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong adalah proyek PT. Pelindo III sebagai sarana penunjang Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak yang terletak sekitar 2 km dari pantai Teluk Lamong. Pelabuhan ini berfungsi sebagai pelabuhan barang yang nantinya akan disinggahi oleh kapal – kapal besar dengan kapasitas maksimum 35.000 DWT. Dengan kapasitas sebesar itu tentu akan membuat Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong mempunyai lalu lintas keluar masuk truk ekspedisi yang tinggi sehingga dapat membuat kemacetan di jalan sekitarnya. Tugas Akhir ini akan menganalisis kelayakan dari pembangunan fly over di Jalan Akses Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong yang ditinjau dari segi lalu lintas dan ekonomi jalan raya. Analisis yang akan dihitung antara lain analisis tingkat kinerja jalan berupa Derajat Kejenuhan (DS), analisis perhitungan penghematan nilai waktu dan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK), analisis Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) dan analisis Net Present Value (NPV). Dalam Tugas Akhir ini pada kondisi eksisting tahun 2014 nilai DS = 0,633 < 1 untuk arah Surabaya – Gresik dan DS = 0,991 arah sebaliknya, maka kinerja jalan sudah hampir tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Jika dilihat dari hasil perhitungan KAJI maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembangunan fly over Jalan Akses Pelabuhan Teluk Lamong layak dari segi lalu lintas, karena dengan adanya fly over nilai DS berkurang yaitu pada tahun 2034 untuk arah keluar pelabuhan DS = 0,267 dan arah sebaliknya DS = 0,371. Adapun analisis kelayakan fly over secara ekonomi akan ditentukan berdasarkan nilai rasio benefit dan cost. Benefit yang dihitung adalah penghematan BOK dan nilai waktu, nilai BOK dihitung berdasarkan metode Jasa Marga. Didapat nilai BCR = 2,87 > 1 dan NPV = Rp 1.402.399.817.323 > 0 hal ini menunjukkan proyek memenuhi syarat kelayakan secara ekonomi

    Hubungan Antara Stress Dengan Perilaku Merokok Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Laki-laki

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    Stress is a condition that could be experienced by everybody, including civil employees. Stress in civil employees could be derived from work problems, household problems, and neighborhood problems. Stress is one of many reasons for some people to smoke. Based on the result of observation and informal interview to some civil employees in Regional Secretariat Office of Brebes District, there are 86% from 173 employees that smoke. The goal of this research is to know the relationship between stress and smoking behavior among civil employees. This research used non experimental quantitative method with purposive sampling technique. Chi Square was used to analyze the relationship between two variables, used α = 0,05. This research resulted that 107 respondents were in mild stress and 2 respondents were in moderate stress. There were 55 respondents that have active smoking behavior and 54 respondents that have passive smoking behavior. Based on the analyzed result, there are no significant relationship between stress and smoking behavior among civil employees (p value = 0,252). This research could be continued by next research using qualitative method in order to get more information about smoking behavior's factors, especially among adults

    Effect of Temperature and Mole Ratio on the Synthesis Yield of Rhenium-Tetrofosmin

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    Technetium-99m (99mTc) tetrofosmin is widely used in nuclear medicine as a diagnostic agent for myocardial perfusion and as a tumor imaging agent. As a parenteral preparation it requires an evaluation of its pharmacokinetics and stability in-vivo. Since 99mTc has a short half-life and is only available in very low concentrations, it is impossible to characterize its chemical properties and presence in the body. Due to this reason, only technetium-99 (T1/2 = 5 × 105 years), which is available in macro quantities, or natural rhenium can be used for this purpose. In this study rhenium-188 (188Re) tetrofosmin will be synthesized and applied, because non-radioactive Re can be easily obtained. Synthesis and radiochemical purity analysis of carrier-added 188Re-tetrofosmin were carried out as a model to study the in-vivo stability of technetium-99m tetrofosmin. Rhenium-188 was used as a tracer to identify the formation of rhenium tetrofosmin. Rhenium gluconate was synthesized first prior to the formation of rhenium tetrofosmin. The quality of labeling for both rhenium gluconate and rhenium tetrofosmin was analyzed using paper- and thin-layer chromatography, respectively. Rhenium gluconate can be synthesized with high labeling yield within 1 hour, whereas rhenium tetrofosmin was synthesized both in room temperature and in an elevated temperature with various tetrofosmin-to-rhenium mole ratios.The results showed that heating at 95oC led to a higher yield of more than 90% within 30 minutes. Rhenium tetrofosmin could be produced in high radiochemical purity using an excess of tetrofosmin with mole ratio of 2000. It is concluded that rhenium tetrofosmin could be synthesized through the formation of rhenium gluconate, and a higher yield could be obtained in a shorter time by heating process. Received: 04 October 2014; Revised:14 April 2015; Accepted:15 April 201

    Analisis Probabilitas Perpindahan Moda dari Bus ke Kereta Api Siliwangi Jurusan Sukabumi-Cianjur Menggunakan Analisis Regresi Logit Biner

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    Pemerintah mulai mengaktifkan kembali jalur kereta api jurusan Sukabumi – Cianjur, pengaktifan KA Siliwangi diharapkan mampu memaksimalkan pengangkutan dan pelayanan terhadap penumpang dan barang serta memberikan alternatif pilihan moda kepada warga Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Sehingga dengan menggunakan KA Siliwangi diharapkan bisa menghindari masalah yang dialami oleh pengguna akses jalan raya, seperti kemacetan yang disebabkan oleh perbaikan jalan dan aktifitas industri yang sering dialami oleh pengguna kendaraan pribadi dan kendaraan umum di jalan Sukabumi-Cianjur. Teknik Stated Preference digunakan untuk mendapatkan data primer dengan penyebaran kuisioner kepada penumpang bus jurusan Sukabumi –Cianjur. Data yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner kemudian dianalisa. Hal yang dianalisa yaitu karakteristik penumpang bus serta kesediaan penumpang bus untuk beralih menggunakan moda kereta api. Untuk menganalisa probabilitas digunakan logit biner untuk memudahkan proses analisa. Dengan analisa regresi logistik biner diharapkan probabilitas perpindahan moda dapat diketahui. Dari hasil regresi didapatkan dari analisa regresi logistik biner didapatkan penumpang 61,92% dari 239 responden yang bersedia pindah dari bus ke KA Siliwangi tujuan Sukabumi-Cianjur, dengan 53 orang responden (39,3%) yang menginginkan tarif sebesar Rp 20.000 dan 135 orang responden (56,5%) waktu tempuh yang diharapkan selama 60 menit menggunakan KA Siliwang


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    ABSTRACT Intan Pandini Widyastuti/A310120261. MAIN CHARACTER’S JAVANSSE LEADERSHIP IN KEN AROK KEN DEDES: SEBUAH ROMAN EPIK CINTA PENUH DARAHNOVEL BY WAWAN SUSETYA ANF MAIN CHARACTER IN “GUNUNG KEMUKUS IN SRAGEN” MYTH: LITERATURE EQUIVALENT REVIEW AND THE IMPLEMENTATION AS LITERATURE LEARNING MATERIAL IN SMK BINA TARUNA MASARAN. Skripsi. Indonesia Language Education, Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. October, 2016. This research aims to (1) describe the structur which builds Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel by Wawan Susetya and “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth”, (2) review the similariry and the differences of ken arok’s javanesse leadership in Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel by Wawan Susetya with Prince Samoedra in “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth”, (3) analyze the research outcome implementation of Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darah novel by Wawan Susetya with Prince Samoedra in “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth” as litarature learning material in SMK Bina Taruna. This research use descriptive qualitatif method. The data collecting technique in this research are documentation, observation, and interview.the data velidity use triangulation of the data. Data analysis technique use equivalent litarature analysis. Based on the research, it can be conclude that (1) the stucture which build Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel and myth of “Gunung Kemukus” are theme, character, plot, bacground. (2) the similarity and the differences of javanesse leadership in Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel and the myth of “Gunung Kemukus” is the characteristic of the leadership they are monocentrum, metafysis and sincretis, on the leadership value i.e. jujur, wani dan temen. (3) the result of this research can be implemnted on literature learning in XI grades of senior high school based on KD 7.2 to analyze instrinsic and extrinsic unures of Indonesian novel/translated novel. Beside that, in literature learning in X grades of senior high school based on KD 13.1 to find an interesting things about the characters directly or through recording. Keyword : equivalent literature, javanesse leadership, Ken Arok Ken Dedesnovel, Gunung Kemuku
