327 research outputs found

    Human resources for public health management in Moldova: cooperation, mentoring and challenges

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    Școala de Management în Sănătate Publică din Moldova își serbează cea de-a 10 aniversare. Această școală a fost fondată în anul 2004, având misiunea de a promova dezvoltarea capacităților, cercetărilor și politicilor de reforme în sănătate pentru a face față provocărilor din noul secol. Institutul pentru o Societate Deschisă a fost acel, care a sponsorizat instruirea de către specialiștii internaționali din domeniul sănătății publice, deopotrivă cu acordarea burselor specialiștilor autohtoni pentru studiile de master în sănătate publică, în cadrul unui program internațional la Școala Braun de Sănătate Publică. Instruirea cadrului didactic din Moldova a continuat printrun program de schimb, realizat și coordonat de Școala Braun de Sănătate Publică, oferind participanților din mai multe țări posibilitatea să cunoască organizarea, curriculum-ul şi metodele de instruire moderne ale programului de Management în Sănătate Publică. Specialiștii din Moldova au participat și la școlile de vară, care s-au desfășurat ani la rând în Rusia, cu participarea specialiștilor de la Școala Braun de Sănătate Publică. În 2012, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (oficiul din Moldova) a sponsorizat un program de cooperare pentru promovarea instruirii specialiștilor din domeniul sănătății publice din toată țara în controlul Bolilor Non-Transmisibile (BNT) la Școala Braun de Sănătate Publică. Un seminar, desfășurat timp de 10 zile, în care a fost elaborat un manual în BNT, cu toate informațiile necesare, menit să servească drept ghid de instruire pentru participanții din Moldova, urmat, ulterior, de un program național de instruire în măsurile de control al BNT în toată țara. Moldova are o speranţă de viață la naștere mai scurtă cu 12 ani comparativ cu Franța și Israel. Aceasta se datorează, în special, ratei foarte mari a mortalității cauzate de boala ischemică a cordului, accidentelor cerebro-vasculare, patologiilor hepatice și cancerului de col uterin – patologii care pot fi prevenite. Moldova poate soluționa acestea probleme prin sporirea standardelor și priorităților în sănătate publică. Provocările din domeniul sănătății și ale calității vieții în Moldova rămân, deocamdată, foarte mari.The Moldovan school of public health is now celebrating its tenth anniversary. It was founded in 2004 with the mission to promote development of the human resources, research and policies for health reform to meet the health challenges in the new century. The Open Society Institute sponsored mentoring by international public health scholars, along with scholarships for training Moldovans to the master of public health level in a well-established international program at the Braun School of Public Health. In addition, Moldovan faculty development was fostered by a series of Visiting Faculty Programs conducted at the Braun SPH enabling teaching faculty members from many countries to observe and understand the organization, curriculum and teaching methods of a modern MPH program. Moldovans also attended summer schools held annually in Russia for many years with faculty from the Braun SPH participating. In 2012, World Health Organization in Moldova sponsored a cooperative program to promote education of public health workers across Moldova in control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at the Braun SPH. A 10 days’ Workshop with preparation of an NCD Reader of background information meant to serve as a teaching guide for the Moldovan participants followed by a national program of training trainers in NCD control measures across the country. Moldova has shorter life expectancy by 12 years as compared to western countries, such as France and Israel. This is especially due to very high rates of mortality from coronary heart disease, stroke, liver disease and cancer of cervix, diseases amenable to prevention. Moldova can address these by raising standards and priorities of public health. The challenges for health and quality of life for Moldovans remain very great

    Biomedical journals and databases in Russia and Russian language in the former Soviet Union and beyond

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    In the 20th century, Russian biomedical science experienced a decline from the blossom of the early years to a drastic state. Through the first decades of the USSR, it was transformed to suit the ideological requirements of a totalitarian state and biased directives of communist leaders. Later, depressing economic conditions and isolation from the international research community further impeded its development. Contemporary Russia has inherited a system of medical education quite different from the west as well as counterproductive regulations for the allocation of research funding. The methodology of medical and epidemiological research in Russia is largely outdated. Epidemiology continues to focus on infectious disease and results of the best studies tend to be published in international periodicals. MEDLINE continues to be the best database to search for Russian biomedical publications, despite only a small proportion being indexed. The database of the Moscow Central Medical Library is the largest national database of medical periodicals, but does not provide abstracts and full subject heading codes, and it does not cover even the entire collection of the Library. New databases and catalogs (e.g. Panteleimon) that have appeared recently are incomplete and do not enable effective searching

    Colonoscopic perforation leading to a diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos syndrome type IV: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Colonoscopic perforation is a rare but serious complication of colonoscopy. Factors known to increase the risk of perforation include colonic strictures, extensive diverticulosis, and friable tissues. We describe the case of a man who was found to have perforation of the sigmoid colon secondary to an undiagnosed connective tissue disorder (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV) while undergoing surveillance for hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 33-year-old Caucasian man presented to our hospital with an acute abdomen following a colonoscopy five days earlier as part of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer screening. His medical history included bilateral clubfoot. His physical examination findings suggested left iliac fossa peritonitis. A computed tomographic scan revealed perforation of the sigmoid colon and incidentally a right common iliac artery aneurysm as well. Hartmann's procedure was performed during laparotomy. The patient recovered well post-operatively and was discharged. Reversal of the Hartmann's procedure was performed six months later. This procedure was challenging because of dense adhesions and friable bowel. The histology of bowel specimens from this surgery revealed thinning and fibrosis of the muscularis externa. The patient was subsequently noted to have transparency of truncal skin with easily visible vessels. An underlying collagen vascular disorder was suspected, and genetic testing revealed a mutation in the collagen type III, α1 (<it>COL3A1</it>) gene, which is consistent with a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, the vascular type, is a rare disorder caused by mutations in the <it>COL3A1 </it>gene on chromosome 2q31. It is characterized by translucent skin, clubfoot, and the potentially fatal complications of spontaneous large vessel rupture, although spontaneous uterine and colonic perforations have also been reported in the literature. The present case presentation describes the identification of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV in a patient with a non-spontaneous colonic perforation secondary to an invasive investigation for another hereditary disorder pre-disposing him to colorectal cancer. Invasive procedures such as arteriograms and endoscopies are relatively contra-indicated in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. Alternatives with a lower risk of perforation, such as computed tomographic colonography, need to be considered for patients requiring ongoing colorectal cancer surveillance. Furthermore, management of vascular aneurysms in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV requires consideration of the risks of endovascular stenting, as opposed to open surgical intervention, because of tissue friability. Genetic and reproductive counseling should be offered to affected individuals and their families.</p

    Emergency percutaneous needle decompression for tension pneumoperitoneum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tension pneumoperitoneum as a complication of iatrogenic bowel perforation during endoscopy is a dramatic condition in which intraperitoneal air under pressure causes hemodynamic and ventilatory compromise. Like tension pneumothorax, urgent intervention is required. Immediate surgical decompression though is not always possible due to the limitations of the preclinical management and sometimes to capacity constraints of medical staff and equipment in the clinic.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a retrospective analysis of cases of pneumoperitoneum and tension pneumoperitoneum due to iatrogenic bowel perforation. All patients admitted to our surgical department between January 2005 and October 2010 were included. Tension pneumoperitoneum was diagnosed in those patients presenting signs of hemodynamic and ventilatory compromise in addition to abdominal distension.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Between January 2005 and October 2010 eleven patients with iatrogenic bowel perforation were admitted to our surgical department. The mean time between perforation and admission was 36 ± 14 hrs (range 30 min - 130 hrs), between ER admission and begin of the operation 3 hrs and 15 min ± 47 min (range 60 min - 9 hrs). Three out of eleven patients had clinical signs of tension pneumoperitoneum. In those patients emergency percutaneous needle decompression was performed with a 16G venous catheter. This improved significantly the patients' condition (stabilization of vital signs, reducing jugular vein congestion), bridging the time to the start of the operation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Hemodynamical and respiratory compromise in addition to abdominal distension shortly after endoscopy are strongly suggestive of tension pneumoperitoneum due to iatrogenic bowel perforation. This is a rare but life threatening condition and it can be managed in a preclinical and clinical setting with emergency percutaneous needle decompression like tension pneumothorax. Emergency percutaneous decompression is no definitive treatment, only a method to bridge the time gap to definitive surgical repair.</p

    What are the risk factors of colonoscopic perforation?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowledge of the factors influencing colonoscopic perforation (CP) is of decisive importance, especially with regard to the avoidance or minimization of the perforations. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors of CP in one of the endoscopic training centers accredited by the World Gastroenterology Organization.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The prospectively collected data were reviewed of all patients undergoing either colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand between January 2005 and July 2008. The incidence of CP was evaluated. Eight independent patient-, endoscopist- and endoscopy-related variables were analyzed by a multivariate model to determine their association with CP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over a 3.5-year period, 10,124 endoscopic procedures of the colon (8,987 colonoscopies and 1,137 flexible sigmoidoscopies) were performed. There were 15 colonic perforations (0.15%). Colonoscopy had a slightly higher risk of CP than flexible sigmoidoscopy (OR 1.77, 95%CI 0.23-13.51; p = 1.0). Patient gender, emergency endoscopy, anesthetic method, and the specialty or experience of the endoscopist were not significantly predictive of CP rate. In multivariate analysis, patient age of over 75 years (OR = 6.24, 95%CI 2.26-17.26; p < 0.001) and therapeutic endoscopy (OR = 2.98, 95%CI 1.08-8.23; p = 0.036) were the only two independent risk factors for CP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The incidence of CP in this study was 0.15%. Patient age of over 75 years and therapeutic colonoscopy were two important risk factors for CP.</p

    Too little but not too late: Results of a literature review to improve routine immunization programs in developing countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Globally, immunization services have been the center of renewed interest with increased funding to improve services, acceleration of the introduction of new vaccines, and the development of a health systems approach to improve vaccine delivery. Much of the credit for the increased attention is due to the work of the GAVI Alliance and to new funding streams. If routine immunization programs are to take full advantage of the newly available resources, managers need to understand the range of proven strategies and approaches to deliver vaccines to reduce the incidence of diseases. In this paper, we present strategies that may be used at the sub-national level to improve routine immunization programs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a systematic review of studies and projects reported in the published and gray literature. Each paper that met our inclusion criteria was rated based on methodological rigor and data were systematically abstracted. Routine-immunization – specific papers with a methodological rigor rating of greater than 60% and with conclusive results were reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Greater than 11,000 papers were identified, of which 60 met our inclusion criteria and 25 papers were reported. Papers were grouped into four strategy approaches: bringing immunizations closer to communities (n = 11), using information dissemination to increase demand for vaccination (n = 3), changing practices in fixed sites (n = 4), and using innovative management practices (n = 7).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Immunization programs are at a historical crossroads in terms of developing new funding streams, introducing new vaccines, and responding to the global interest in the health systems approach to improving immunization delivery. However, to complement this, actual service delivery needs to be strengthened and program managers must be aware of proven strategies. Much was learned from the 25 papers, such as the use of non-health workers to provide numerous services at the community level. However it was startling to see how few papers were identified and in particular how few were of strong scientific quality. Further well-designed and well-conducted scientific research is warranted. Proposed areas of additional research include integration of additional services with immunization delivery, collaboration of immunization programs with new partners, best approaches to new vaccine introduction, and how to improve service delivery.</p

    Cancer mortality in a cohort of asbestos textile workers

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    A cohort of 889 men and 1077 women employed for at least 1 month between 1946 and 1984 by a former Italian leading asbestos (mainly textile) company, characterised by extremely heavy exposures often for short durations, was followed up to 1996, for a total of 53 024 person-years of observation. Employment data were obtained from factory personnel records, while vital status and causes of death were ascertained through municipality registers and local health units. We observed 222 cancer deaths compared with 116.4 expected (standardized mortality ratio, SMR=191). The highest ratios were found for pleural (SMR=4105), peritoneal (SMR=1817) and lung (SMR=282) cancers. We observed direct relationships with duration of employment for lung and peritoneal cancer, and with time since first employment for lung cancer and mesothelioma. Pleural cancer risk was independent from duration (SMR=3428 for employment <1 year, 7659 for 1–4 years, 2979 for 5–9 years and 2130 for ⩾10 years). Corresponding SMRs for lung cancer were 139, 251, 233 and 531. Nonsignificantly increased ratios were found for ovarian (SMR=261), laryngeal (SMR=238) and oro-pharyngeal (SMR=226) cancers. This study confirms and further quantifies the central role of latency in pleural mesothelioma and of cumulative exposure in lung cancer

    A genome-wide expression analysis identifies a network of EpCAM-induced cell cycle regulators

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    Expression of the epithelial cell adhesion molecule EpCAM is upregulated in a variety of carcinomas. This antigen is therefore explored in tumour diagnosis, and clinical trials have been initiated to examine EpCAM-based therapies. Notably, the possible intracellular effects and signalling pathways triggered by EpCAM-specific antibodies are unknown. Here, we show treatment of the mouse lung carcinoma cell line A2C12, of the human lung carcinoma cell line A549 and the human colorectal cell line Caco-2 with the monoclonal EpCAM antibody G8.8 to cause dose dependently an increase in cell proliferation, as determined by the MTS and the 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling assay. Furthermore, a genome-wide approach identified networks of regulated genes, most notably cell cycle regulators, upon treatment with an EpCAM-specific antibody. Indeed, changes in the expression of cell cycle regulators agreed well with the BrdU labelling data, and an analysis of differentially expressed genes revealed the processes with the strongest over-representation of modulated genes, for example, cell cycle, cell death, cellular growth and proliferation, and cancer. These data suggest that EpCAM is involved in signal transduction triggering several intracellular signalling pathways. Knowing EpCAM signalling pathways might lead to a reassessment of EpCAM-based therapies