88 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together Dan Jigsaw Dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Majemuk Siswa SMP Negeri Kota Madiun

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    This research aims to find out: (1) which one provides better mathematics learning achievement: conventional, Numbered Heads Together, or Jigsaw with contextual approach learning model, (2) which one provides better mathematics learning achievement: the students with linguistic, logical-mathematics, or interpersonal intelligence, (3) in each multiple intelligence, which one provides better mathematics learning achievement: conventional, Numbered Heads Together, or Jigsaw with contextual approach learning model, and in each learning model, which one provides better mathematics learning achievement: the students with linguistic, logical-mathematics, or interpersonal intelligence. This study was a quasi-experimental research with 3x3 factorial design. The population of this research was the seventh-year-students of State Junior High Schools of Madiun Municipality in the school year of 2012/2013 with the students of SMPN 4 Madiun, SMPN 6 Madiun, and SMPN 10 Madiun as the sample. The research instrument used was mathematics learning achievement test and questionnaire of multiple intelligence. The hypothesis test used was unbalanced two way analysis of variances. The test on the hypothesis revealed that: (1) learning model of Jigsaw with contextual approach provided better mathematics learning achievement than conventional and Numbered Heads Together learning model, while learning model of Numbered Heads Together provided better mathematics learning achievement than conventional learning model, (2) there was no difference in mathematics learning achievement between students with linguistic, logical-mathematics and interpersonal intelligence, (3) in each multiple intelligence, learning model of Jigsaw type with contextual approach provided better mathematics learning achievement than conventional and Numbered Heads Together learning model, while learning model of Numbered Heads Together provided better mathematics learning achievement than conventional learning model, and in each learning model, there was no difference in mathematics learning achievement between students with linguistic, logical-mathematics and interpersonal intelligence

    Evaluasi Kualitas Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Prestasi Kerja Berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25010

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    Sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik atau e-Government ditujukan untuk mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang bersih, efektif, transparan, dan akuntabel, serta pelayanan publik yang berkualitas dan terpercaya. ISO/IEC 25010 merupakan standar internasional dalam mengevaluasi sistem informasi. Penggunaan ISO/IEC 25010 untuk mengevaluasi kualitas sistem informasi dengan menggunakan product quality, dimana prosesnya mengacu pada karakteristik dari sebuah produk sistem informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Prestasi Kerja berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat kualitas SIRANSIJA berada pada kategori Berkualitas dengan nilai rata–rata 73. Karakteristik Portability memiliki persentase tertinggi dengan nilai 76%, Usability 75%, Reliability 74% Security 73%, Maintainability 73%, dan Performance Efficiency 73%. Karakteristik dengan nilai terendah yaitu: Functional Suitability 71%, dan Compatibility 71%. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat dijadikan pertimbangan atau rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas SIRANSIJA dengan melihat karakteristik yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna atau sebaliknya. The electronic-based government system or e-Government is aimed at actualizing clean, effective, transparent, and accountable governance as well as quality and reliable public services. ISO/IEC 25010 is an international standard in evaluating information systems. It is used to evaluate the quality of information systems by using product quality, where the process refers to the characteristics of an information system product. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the Work Performance Measurement Information System based on the ISO/IEC 25010. However, this study employs a descriptive quantitative method. The results show that the SIRANSIJA quality level is in the excellence category with an average value of 73. Portability characteristic has the highest percentage with a value of 76%, Usability is 75%, Reliability is 74%, Security is 73%, Maintainability is 73%, Performance Efficiency is 73%, the lowest score is Functional Suitability of 71%, and Compatibility is 71%. These results can also be used as considerations or recommendations to improve the quality of SIRANSIJA by considering the characteristics that have a significant effect on user satisfaction or vice versa

    Diagnosis Kondisi Transformator Berbasis Analisis Gas Terlarut Menggunakan Metode Sistem Pakar Fuzzy

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    Dissolved gas analysis of transformer oil is one of the most effective ways to determine the transformer condition. Currently, there are many interpretation techniques that have been used in data processing of dissolved gas analysis results. However, all of the techniques used are rely based on the experience of experts who have conducted research by using the results of dissolved gas analysis. The combination of expert system and fuzzy to diagnose the dissolved gas analysis data to identify the condition of the transformer is discussed in this paper. The data used for this research is collected from several different transformers and then interpreted by using a standard methods and fuzzy expert systems, and the results are compared. From several experiments show that fuzzy expert system is more effective to identify a transformer failure.Keyword---DGA, Dissolved Gas Analysis, Fuzzy Expert System, TDCG

    Penerapan Data Mining Untuk Evaluasi Kinerja Akademik Mahasiswa Menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier

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    Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa pada tahun ke-2 dan diklasifikasikan dalam kategori mahasiswa yang dapat lulus tepat waktu atau tidak. Kemudian dari klasifikasi tersebut, sistem akan memberikan rekomendasi solusi untuk memandu mahasiswa lulus dalam waktu yang paling tepat dengan nilai optimal berdasarkan histori nilai yang telah ditempuh mahasiswa. Input dari sistem ini adalah data induk mahasiswa dan data akademik mahasiswa. Sampel mahasiswa angkatan 2005-2009 yang sudah dinyatakan lulus akan digunakan sebagai data training dan testing. Sedangkan data mahasiswa angkatan 2010-2011 dan belum lulus akan digunakan sebagai data target. Data input akan diproses menggunakan teknik data mining algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) untuk membentuk tabel probabilitas sebagai dasar proses klasifikasi kelulusan mahasiswa. Output dari sistem ini berupa klasifikasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa yang diprediksi kelulusannya dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk proses kelulusan tepat waktu atau lulus dalam waktu yang paling tepat dengan nilai optimal. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam penentuan klasifikasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa yaitu Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK), Indeks Prestasi (IP) semester 1, IP semester 4, dan jenis kelamin. Sehingga faktor-faktor tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi bagi pihak pengelola perguruan tinggi. Pengujian pada data mahasiswa angkatan 2005-2009, algoritma NBC menghasilkan nilai precision, recall, dan accuracy masing-masing 83%, 50%, dan 70%.Kata Kunci—Kinerja akademik mahasiswa, data mining, dan Naive Bayes Classifier

    Optimalisasi Penjadwalan, Perawatan Dan Perbaikan Pembangkit PLTD 20 KV Dengan Levelized Reserve Method

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    The power system reliability is one of aspect in the power system operation. One factor influences the power system scheduling is system maintenance. Same method a used in the maintenance scheduling. i.e , GA (Genetic Algorithm) method, GSM (Generator Maintenance Scheduling) method, RBM (Risk-based maintenance) method, Annealing method and Levelized Reserve Method (LRM). LRM is used with the basis of balance of reserve capacity . LRM method is the divided two method, Levelized Reserve Capacty Method (LRCM) and Levelized Reserve Rate Method (LRRM). The mentenance scheduling optimisation in the riset includes two solution and five step. The best solution is proposed to be implemented in the maintenance scheduling of Region IX Maluku and North Maluku 20 Kv branch Ambon. Solution I stage 4 LRCM and solutions I stage 4 LRRM. The result of 22 generating units with capacity varying power unit, it can perform maintenance on 12 units. The balance of power throughout the duration of the reserve maintenance period can be met, namely to methods LRCM the results ranged 13.6 MW - 16.2 MW, while the result for the method LRRM range of 13.6 MW - 17.2 MW. The calculation of the initial backup highest power rating in accordance with the method Lrrm is 0.53% and the highest end of the reserve power of 0.39%.Index Terms — Optimization of scheduling , LRM, LRCM, LRRM

    Perbandingan Metode CF Dan K-NN Untuk Identifikasi Warna Pada Robot Soccer

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    Robot soccer adalah salah satu divisi dari Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia (KRCI). Tugas robot ini adalah bermain bola berdasarkan rule standar Internasional yang telah ditetapkan organisasi RoboCup. Sesuai dengan rule pertandingan robot soccer, bahwa warna setiap objek yang berada dalam lapangan pertandingan memiliki warna tertentu. Objek-objek yang dimaksud adalah bola, gawang, garis-garis putih, dan warna lapangan itu sendiri. Pada penelitian ini objek yang diteliti adalah bola (orange) dan gawang (kuning). Tingkat akurasi dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengidentifikasi menjadi pertimbangan dalam mendisain fungsi vision robot soccer. Penelitian ini digunakan dua metode untuk mengidentifikasi warna objek pada robot soccer yaitu Color Filtering (CF) dan k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) untuk mengklasifikasi warna per-pixel dalam citra, kemudian dilanjutkan deteksi objek, mencari titik pusat koordinat dan pengukuran jarak objek dengan aksi scanning dan tracking. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan waktu komputasi dengan CF adalah 0,097 detik dan k-NN adalah 0,27 detik, sedangkan rerata error estimasi jarak bola dengan rentang pengukuran 10 cm sampai dengan 360 cm menggunakan CF adalah 6,02% dan k-NN 7,19%.Kata Kunci—Robot Soccer, k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Color Filtering

    The Effect Of 10% And 30% Lavender Essential Oil Balm On Serum Cortisol Levels In Rats Given Stressor

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    Introduction: Indonesian Ministry of Health published Basic Health Research stated that the incidence of stress in Indonesia increased between 2013 and 2018. Untreated stress is a riskfactor for suicide and can cause the onset of depression. Stress associated with cortisol, thishormone has many functions in our body, such as increasing blood sugar levels, reducinginflammation, and suppressing the immune system  One of the essential oils commonly used is English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). The lavender essential oil has many benefits, such as reduce anxiety, relieve pain, improve sleep quality, bactericidal, and repellent Purpose: This study aims to research the effectiveness of 10% and 30% lavender essential oil balm on serum cortisol levels in rats given stressor.  Method: This study used 37 male rats randomly divided into four groups: negative control, positive control, 10% lavender balm, and 30% lavender balm. The forced swim test was given as the stressor every day for ten days, 20 days, and 30 days. The lavender oil balm was pplied to the back after the forced swim test. ELISA Kit measured the serum cortisol levels. Results: The results showed that 10% lavender essential oil balm significantly (p=0.007 and p=0.041) decreased serum cortisol levels compared to negative control and positive control group. However, there was no statistically significant difference in serum cortisol levels in the 30% lavender essential oil group. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in serum cortisol levels between 10 days, 20 days, and 30 days of the 10% and 30% lavender essential oil balm.   Conclusion: The effectiveness of lavender essential oil balm to decrease the serum cortisol levels depends on the concentration and not depending on the duration of administration. 10% lavender essential oil balm lowers the serum cortisol levels more than 30% lavender ssential oil balm
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