440 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Perkuliahan Fisiologi Tumbuhan melalui Lesson Study di Jurusan Biologi Fmipa Um

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    Since three years ago Plant Physiology lecture has been using a model of learning Reading, Questioning, and Answering System (RQA), but the results are still not satisfactory. Three open classes of Lesson Study (LS) has been implemented to improve the lecture on April 4, 7, and 14, 2014 by the LS Team consisting of three lecturers and four assistant lecturers. The input for improving the teaching and learning process of lecture conducted as a result of reflection before and after three open classes covers additional tasks preparing a concept map or mind map tasks besides RQA, the improved form of power point presentation, improved mastery of material by the presenters, query answering written questions in the Chapter Review that the material covered is more substantial. Presenters should also display images related to the material being discussed, request that the student submit the RQA power point at the beginning of lecture, and gave a rebuttal that is not a technical issue but a substantial concerns, as well as write and collect lecture notes at the end of the course. The results showed an improvement in the learning processes and increased student engagement in learning. Plant Physiology improvement of learning outcomes is still not satisfactory

    Sistem Pakar Metode Forward Chaining Dan Certainty Factor Untuk Mengidentifikasi Penyakit Pertusis Pada Anak

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    Salah satu penyakit yang tergolong kedalam penyakit menular adalah penyakit pertusis. Istilah lain dari penyakit ini adalah batuk rejan atau sering juga dikenal dengan istilah batuk seratus hari yang sering menyerang anak-anak. Penyakit ini diakibatkan oleh bakteri Bordetella Pertusis. Menurut data WHO, penderita penyakit ini berkisar sekitar 30 sampai 50 juta kasus per tahunnya. Dampak akhir dari penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kematian. Untuk lebih cepat dalam menganalisis penyakit ini diperlukan suatu teknologi komputer agar dapat dideteksi sedini mungkin. Tujuan dari deteksi dini ini adalah agar memudahkan dalam mengidentifikasi penyebarannya, salah satu metode yang tepat adalah menggunakan metode forward chaning dan certainty factor, pada metode ini pengambilan diagnosa berdasarkan dua faktor, perserntase keyanikan dari seorang pakar dan user. Sistem pakar yang dikembangkan diharapkan dapat membantu para doktek dan pasian agar dapat mengetahui gejala penyakit pertusis pada anak serta solusi yang diharapka

    Emergency Maintenance Module Design for Hull Using Visual Basic 6.0

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    Pemeliharaan darurat(emergency maintenance) pada lambung kapal memegang peranan yang penting untuk mengembalikan keselamatan dan performa dari suatu kapal. Pemeliharaan darurat pada lambung kapal meliputi keseluruhan aktivitas manusia untuk menghasilkan produksi yang meliputi banyak pihak yang saling terkait dan juga meliputi suatu kombinasi aktivitas yang kedua- duanya mempunyai karakter operasional dan juga managerial, antara lain aktivitas: meninjau ulang, mensurvei, memeriksa, mengukur, pendeteksian, pengujian, perbaikan, persediaan material, pengumpulan data, meneliti, dokumentasi, pelaporan, pengujian, perekaman, dan verifikasi atau auditing. Melihat banyaknya pihak yang terkait, banyaknya pekeijaan yang harus dilakukan dan juga standar mutu yang harus dicapai maka pemeliharaan darurat untuk lambung kapal akan menjadi kompleks dan memerlukan sebuah alat yang dapat membantu dalam pelakasanaa pemeliharaan darurat untuk lambung kapal. Berdasarkan situasi di atas kita menawarkan suatu alat alam wujud perangkat lunak, yang diharapkan dengan adanya perangkat lunak ini pengambilan keputusan dan koordinasi mengenai pemeliharaan darurat untuk lambung kapal bisa dilakukan dalam satu meja(single desktop solution). Perangkat lunak yang kita kembangkan akan kita beri nama Hull Emergency Maintenance Modul dimana Hull Emergency Maintenance Modul akan kita kembangkan menggunakan suatu bahasa program yang dibuat oleh Microsoft. Bahasa program ini dinamakan Visual Basic 6.0 sedangkan untuk mengembangkan Database Management System yang digunakan untuk mengolah basis data pemeliharaan darurat untuk lambung kapal kita menggunakan Microsoft SQL Server 2000 yang kompatibel dengan Visual Basic 6.0. ============================================================================================= Hull emergency maintenance plays an important part to restore the safety and performance of ship. Hull emergency maintenance cover the overall activity of human being to yield the production, covering a lot of party which related each other and covering an activity and represent combination of operational character as well as managerial character, for example the activity is: review, surveying, checking, measuring, detection, examination, repair, material supply, data collecting, checking, documentation, reporting, examination, recording, and verification or auditing Because the number of related party that involved, the number of a work to be done and quality standard that must be reached hence hull emergency maintenance will become complex and need a tool which can assist in execution of hull emergency maintenance. According the situation above we offer a tool in form of software, and is expected with the existence of this software the decision making and coordination between related party to execute hull emergency maintenance can be done in single desktop solution. Software that we develop we called Hull Emergency Maintenance Module. This software will we develop constructively using programming language that made by Microsoft. This Programming language is Visual Basic 6.0, and to develop the Database Management System that used for managing the database of hull emergency maintenance we use the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 that compatible with Visual Basic 6.0

    Sistem Administrasi Rawat Jalan pada Klinik Mediros dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Microsoft Access

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju khususnya komputer, kini telahmemasuki berbagai macam bidang kegiatan yang ada. Kelebihan daripenggunaan teknologi komputer dicirikan dengan kecepatan, ketepatan, dankeakuratan, serta terjaminnya data yang akan disimpan. Penulis melakukanpenelitian tentang sistem administrasi yang di pergunakan di Klinik Mediros, dimana di dalam pengolahan datanya masih menggunakan sistem manual. Sistemini banyak memiliki kelemahan yaitu menyita waktu dan tenaga sehingga tidakefektif. Dari keadaan tersebut, penulis bermaksud memberikan alternatif dalampengolahan data pasien, dokter, dan berobat, tidak lagi secara manual tetapiterkomputerisasi dengan tujuan memudahkan administrator dalam melakukantugasnya dan juga mempercepat pelayanan kepada pasien setelah melakukanpemeriksaan dokter. Penyimpanan semua data yang terkait dalam sistemadministrasi disimpan dalam suatu database yang dirancang dengan baiksehingga dapat memberikan informasi yang diperlukan secara cepat

    Daya Saing Unggul melalui Loyalitas dan Marketing 3.0 Serta Dimensi Inovasi pada Program Pascasarjanadi Jakarta

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    A concept is developed from the marketing 3.0 towards achieving the competitiveness higher education in Jakarta. This research conducts the hybrid models of marketing 3.0 on model structural equation. Thesample used in this study are 105 post graduate students at 3 institutions.The findings of this research suggests hybrid models marginal fit with the chi-square = 420.7, GFI = .73 and CFI = .97. Hypothesis that confirms pertains; influence communitization of the decision by the purchase (t = 3.69), influence building character of competitiveness (t = 5.72), communitization influence on competitiveness (t = 2.80 , the decision the purchase of loyalty (t = 2.80) and marketing 3.0 any impact, the purchase, and loyalty simultaneously on competitiveness institutions with R2 = .98 .Then the dimensions; encouragement and action purchase of purchase variable decision that deals with dimensions; innovation, purchase repeated, resistant to competitors, recommended and buy other line of the loyalty, with an r ( er )value = .99

    Budaya Masyarakat Dalam Membangun Rumah Vernakular Di Pesisir Pantai

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    Indonesia is a country with various cultural heritages, amongst of them is the way people construct their house. Understanding culture of society in buliding house will enable people to maintain tradition and distinctness of each region. The purpose of this research is to describe the way people build houses typical to west coast area in Sumatra. Method uses in this research include (1) preparatory team, (2) assessment reference of vernacular house, (3) preliminary survey, (4) field observation, (5) interview, (6) measurement: to be proceed manually by the use of a measuring manual; conducted towards an architecture object, (7) micro study documentation. The data analysis covered six activities: (1) documenting the results of open-ended interviews; (2) portrayal of the measurement results; (3) aspect analysis: scatter pattern, building pattern, details of architecture, materials and structural proportions; (4) findings of unique elements building; (5) comparation to concept of new vernacular architecture; (6) finding the potential for vernacular architecture parts of the coastal part of Indonesia. Finally a new vernacular model house architecture can be obtained as a dynamic model used by people in building their houses

    An Actionable Step: Evaluating the Impact of a Text-Based Vocabulary Intervention to Support Middle School Emergent Bilinguals’ Vocabulary Growth

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    Research over the last two decades has shown middle school EBs are at risk for academic failure due to compounded systematic challenges that prevented them from acquiring reading proficiency level required to succeed in academic setting (Bowman-Perrott et al., 2010; Deussen et al., 2017; Sheng et al., 2011; Slama, 2012). EBs face shortages of qualified teachers, lack of access to quality instruction, and lack of appropriate assessment tools (Carnoy & Garcia, 2017; Sanchez, 2017; Umansky, 2016). This crisis is particularly acute for middle schoolers, as academic content often requires extensive reading. Middle school EBs are falling behind academically in comparison to their non-EB peers, disproportionately identified in special education, and more likely to be retained or drop out of school (Gandara & Hopkins, 2010). Currently the available research suggests that vocabulary instruction is essential for older EBs literacy skills and best practices in vocabulary intervention could be applied to support EBs (Baker et al., 2014; Hall et al., 2017; Vaughn, 2022) . The current study examined the effectiveness of an online, text-based vocabulary intervention program on EB’s academic vocabulary knowledge, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Using a multiple-baseline design, four EBs were provided with six weeks intervention. Visual analysis and descriptive statistics was used to analyzed the result. Results indicate improvement from baseline to interventions on word knowledge for both target and non-target words. However, the result did not show improvements on reading fluency and comprehension. The findings from the current study encourage continued research on text-based vocabulary intervention to support middle school EBs with varying demographic characteristics reading achievements such as vocabulary knowledge, reading fluency, and comprehension
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