135 research outputs found

    Analisis Framing Kasus Suap Kuota Impor Daging Sapi di Partai KeadilanSejahtera (PKS) dalam Koran Tempo

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    JUDUL : Framing Analysist of Beef Import Quota Bribery Case in PartaiKeadilan Sejahtera (PKS) within The Koran TempoNAMA : HANI FAURIZKANIM : D2C009005The mass media always saw political issues as an attractive publicity and also something witha high news value. In several recent years, news reports in Indonesia has always marred by manyIndonesian political elites allegations of bribery cases. One of several authority and power abusementcases by cadres of political parties in Indonesia were the suspected fund bribery of beef imports quotain Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS).Media reporting activities in political cases made them involved in making of politicaldiscourse. Media wasn\u27t act as news courier only but they act as political agent also, they do framingthe message for making up issues, and Koran Tempo is on the list with all of its interest attributewithin this case.This was descriptive research with framing analysis approach developed by Robert N.Enmant. This research was conducted to determine the frame formed by Koran Tempo in every theirnews about the bribery case of beef import quotas that occurred in PKS.Result of this study indicated that the Koran Tempo news was dominated by “news maker”frame pattern. Tempo tried to form a view that the names of PKS leaders who are involved in cases isseen as a mistake. The non-PKS resource persons been chosen to corroborate the indicationsstatements of the names of this Islamic-based party leaders involvement. Legal system and the KPK\u27sprocess of investigation considered as the only right way to solve the problem. In the end, KoranTempo is clearly not a neutral media. Koran Tempo\u27s news keep the journalists subjectivity that isbased on an ideology as a critical and courageous media in their every news publication


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the feasibility of a "Speedshop" Workshop business investment which is reviewed based on the Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Profitibility Index (PI) methods. The analytical tool used in this study is an investment feasibility analysis using Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Profitibility Index (PI) methods and hypothesis testing is based on the criteria of each method. The analysis shows that the payback period of the "Speedshop" Workshop business is smaller than the investment return target set by Mr. Suhang, so it can be concluded that the investment project is feasible. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the Net Present Value is positive so that the investment project is concluded to be feasible. The results of the subsequent analysis showed a Profitability Index greater than 1 (PI> 1), so it can be concluded that the investment project is feasible. The results of this analysis indicate that the investment planned by Mr. Suhang is feasible to be carried out with the assumption that the projected income is in accordance with the predetermined, and operational costs are in accordance with the estimates made. Mr. Suhang projected more revenue from light modification services, because even though light modification services generate smaller revenues compared to projections of income from heavy modifications, it is expected to reach more consumers. This shows that even though the planned business is only based on a hobby background, if it is done well and planned it will produce beneficial results.


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    This research aims to understand and analyze the impact of audit delays, financial distress, and management turnover on auditor switching of financial companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020. The data analysis method used is deskriptif statistics and logistic regression analysis using the SPSS 25 program. The study population is 45 companies. The sample selection method uses purposive sampling, and as many as 11 companies have been obtained from 2016 to 2020. The type of data used in the study is second-hand data in the form of company financial statements. The results of this research partly show that the significant impact of audit delay on auditors switching is 0.016<0.05, financial distress has no effect on auditors switching is 0,444>0,05. while the impact of management turnover on the auditor switching is not significant, that is, 0.110>0.05. The results of this research also show that audit delays, Financial distress and management turnover have a significant impact on auditor switching, with a significant value of 0.039 <0.05.    This research aims to understand and analyze the impact of audit delays, financial distress, and management turnover on auditor switching of financial companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020. The data analysis method used is deskriptif statistics and logistic regression analysis using the SPSS 25 program. The study population is 45 companies. The sample selection method uses purposive sampling, and as many as 11 companies have been obtained from 2016 to 2020. The type of data used in the study is second-hand data in the form of company financial statements. The results of this research partly show that the significant impact of audit delay on auditors switching is 0.016<0.05, financial distress has no effect on auditors switching is 0,444>0,05. while the impact of management turnover on the auditor switching is not significant, that is, 0.110>0.05. The results of this research also show that audit delays, Financial distress and management turnover have a significant impact on auditor switching, with a significant value of 0.039 <0.05.   Keyword: Auditor swiching, Audit delay, Financial distress and Manegement turnove


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    The objectives of this research are to find out and analyze: 1). The effect of tangible refill drinking water business Healthy Water in Samarinda, 2). The effect of Reliabilityonrefill drinking water business Healthy Water in Samarinda, 3). The effect of Responsiveness refill drinking water business Healthy Water in Samarinda, 4). The effect ofAssuranc erefill drinking water business Healthy Water in Samarinda, 5). The effect of Empathy on consumer satisfaction in the Mj Healthy Water in Samarinda, 6). The effect of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy together on consumer satisfaction at the Mj Healthy Water in Samarinda.This research was conducted in Samarinda. Samples were taken as many as 96 respondents with the Non Probability Sampling with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analysis tool in this study used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS.The results showed that 1). The tangible  variable has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction, 2). The reliability variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. 3). The responsiveness variable has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction, 4). The assurance variable has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction, 5). Empathy variable has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction, 6). The variables of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy together have a significant effect on customer satisfaction.

    Peningkatan Kualitas Karyawan Melalui Upaya Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Pada PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda

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    This research was conducted to determine the influence of education and training on improving the quality of employees PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda, both partially and simultaneously.Analysis conducted using the questionner method, test of the research instrument in the form of validity test and reliability test, classical assumption test of normality test, multicholinerity test, and heteroskedastisity test, double linear regression analysis, and Hypothesis tests include F-test and T-test.Based on the results of the calculation, obtained the results that the education and training variables have no effect on the improvement of the quality of employees PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda. While, simultaneously, the education and training variables have significant effect on the improvement of the quality of employees of PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda.T-test results showing that partial or individual education and training variables have no significant effect on the employee-quality improvement variables indicating that these two variables cannot stand alone. That is, the company in order to improve the quality of its employees can not only provide education or training course but must accommodate the education and training together so as to increase the potential and Skills that can improve the quality of its employee


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    Income Analysis of Oil Palm MSMEs KUTIM Before and During the Covid 19 Pandemic Case Study on PT Karyanusa Eka Daya, Muara Wahau District), under the guidance of Mrs. Danna Solihin as Supervisor I and H. Sunarto as Supervisor II.The aims of this research are: 1). o find out and analyze the income of East Kutai Palm Oil SMEs, Kec. Muara Wahau during the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 when compared to 2019. 2). To find out and analyze the feasibility of East Kutai Palm Oil SMEs, Kec. Muara Wahau to be developed.The theoretical basis used in this research is financial management, financial statements, revenues, revenues and costs. This research was conducted only on PT Karyanusa Eka Daya in Muara Wahau District. The data collection technique used in this study is library research, which is an activity intended to obtain data as information material related to research in the form of data on variable costs, fixed costs, sales in 2019 and 2020. Researchers conduct income analysis using the analysis technique is income analysis and business feasibility analysis R/C Ratio before the Covid 19 pandemic.The results show that: 1). Judging from the analysis of the income of PT Karyanusa Eka Daya in Muara Wahau District, it has increased during the Covid 19 pandemic. 2). Judging from the business feasibility analysis, the R/C Ratio of PT Karyanusa Eka Daya in Muara Wahau District was more than 1 in 2019 and 2020. The increase in income was due to the selling price of palm oil and the amount of palm oil production in 2020 which increase


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    The success of the business depends on the management's ability to use marketing strategies. One of the marketing strategies used is the marketing mix. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the marketing mix has an effect on the decision to buy clothes at Harapan Baru Store Samarinda.The theory used in this study is marketing management, the 4p marketing mix, product, price, place, promotion and purchasing decisions.The method used in this study is a quantitative method, the population in this study are customers who have shopped at Harapan Baru Store Samarinda, the sampling technique is accidental sampling, namely 97 samples, the analytical tool used is data instrument test, classical assumption test, analysis multiple regression, partial test and simultaneous test.The results showed that the results of the t test for product and location variables had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, while the price variable had a negative but not significant effect and the promotion variable had a positive but not significant effect, the F test results showed that product, price, location and promotion variables were together - equally positive and significant effect on purchasing decision


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    Tujuan dari                    penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis efektif dan efisien anggaran pendapatan daerah pemerintah kota Samarinda periode 2018-2020.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah manajemen keuangan daerah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada  Badan Pengeloaan Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah kota Samarinda,, Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kuntitatif. Analisis kuantitatif adalah analisis data dengan melakukan perbandingan terhadap hasil analisis rasio efektivitas dan rasio efisiensi.Hasil penelitian ini adalah Efektivitas dalam pengelolaan anggaran Pendapatan Asli Daerah Pemerintah Daerah Kota Samarinda, dilihat dari perhitungan rasio efektivitas yang ada dari tahun 2018 sampai dengan tahun 2020 dengan nilai rasio diatas rata-rata.Yang berarti telah mencapai kriteria yang dapat dikatakan efektif. Efisien dalam mengelola anggaran belanja Daerah Kota Samarinda dapat dinilai efisien karena pemerintah daerah kota Samarinda telah mampu mengelola anggaran secara hemat untuk tahun anggaran 2018-2020 hal ini ditunjukkan dengan realisasi anggaran belanja kota Samarinda yang tidak terdapat angka melebihi anggaran belanja

    Penerapan Pertanggungjawaban Dan Pengendalian Bahan Nuklir Pada Pemindahan Spent Fuel Dari Mba Ri-f Ke Mba Ri-g

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    PENERAPAN PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN DAN PENGENDALIAN BAHAN NUKLIR PADA PEMINDAHAN SPENT FUEL DARI MBA RI-F KE MBA RI-G. Telah diterapkan PPBN dalam rangka pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel dari MBA RI-F, IRM-PTBN ke MBA RI-G, PTLR. Penerapan PPBN di setiap fasilitas pengguna bahan nuklir merupakan langkah preventif terhadap penyalahgunaan bahan nuklir. MBA RI-F yang terdapat di IRM-PTBN merupakan salah satu fasilitas pengguna bahan nuklir yang menerapkan PPBN. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel adalah untuk memenuhi aturan PPBN. Pemindahan telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2010 dengan identitas batch RIE01-3 dan RISIE2-2. Metoda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PPBN diantaranya meliputi pelaporan dan pencatatan. Seluruh data yang diperoleh dari pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel digunakan sebagai bahan dalam pembuatan dokumen. Dokumen terkait yang diperlukan berupa ICD-MT dan ICR. Kedua dokumen tersebut dilaporkan ke BAPETEN dan IAEA melalui BAPETEN, sedangkan dokumen transfer internal berupa IMT disimpan sebagai arsip internal. Berkurangnya bahan nuklir dalam inventori dicatat di dalam lajur pembukuan berupa GL, SL dan IL. Data tersebut selanjutnya digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pelaksanaan inspeksi yang dilakukan oleh BAPETEN dan IAEA. Hasil penerapan PPBN di MBA RI-F berupa dokumen pelaporan dan pencatatan berupa ICD-MT, ICR, GL, dan IL. Dokumen pelaporan (ICD-MT dan ICR) telah dilaporkan ke BAPETEN dan IAEA. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan PPBN di IRM dilakukan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban sehingga penggunaan bahan nuklir dapat terkontrol dengan baik