25 research outputs found

    Analisa Teknis Kekuatan Mekanis Material Komposit Berpenguat Serat Ampas Tebu (Baggase) Ditinjau Dari Kekuatan Tarik Dan Impak

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    Serat ampas tebu (baggase) merupakan limbah organik yang banyak dihasilkan di pabrik-pabrik pengolahan gula tebu di Indonesia. Serat ini memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi selain merupakan hasil limbah pabrik gula tebu, serat ini juga mudah didapat, murah, tidak membahayakan kesehatan, dapat terdegredasi secara alami (biodegradability) sehingga nantinya dengan pemanfaatan sebagai serat penguat komposit mampu mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan. Dari pertimbangan diatas maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan analisa teknis berupa kekuatan tarik dan impak dari komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu (baggase) dengan perlakuan pola anyaman variasi arah serat sudut arah serat sudut searah 00 dan bersilangan 450. sebagai penguat matrik resin polyester. Dari hasil pengujian spesimen dilakukan analisa kekuatan mekanis kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai kekuatan mekanis yang disyaratkan/diizinkan oleh Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) sebagai tolak ukur standar ujinya. Pengujian komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu membandingkan arah serat sudut 00 dan 450, perlakuan serat pola anyaman, fraksi volume 44% matrik polyester dan 56% serat ampas tebu, dengan metode hand lay up, hasil pengujian didapat harga kekuatan tarik tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit dengan arah serat sudut searah 00. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik dan modulus elastisitas dari komposit berpenguat serat ampas tebu belum dapat memenuhi standar kekuatan tarik dan modulus elastisitas yang disyaratkan BKI yakni : untuk arah serat sudut searah 00 kekuatan tariknya sebesar 1.69 kg/mm2 dan modulus elastisitasnya sebesar 115.85 kg/mm2, untuk arah serat sudut bersilangan 450 kekuatan tariknya sebesar 1.34 kg/mm2 dan modulus elastisitasnya sebesar 108.40 kg/mm2

    Strategi Pemerintah Kabupaten Sukamara dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi Tentang Pemberdayaan USAha Kecil Pembuatan Kerupuk Ikan di Kecamatan Sukamara Kabupaten Sukamara Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah)

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    This research begin with problems background about efforts by the Sukamara Regency Government in empowering fish chips making small businesses in Sukamara sub district, Sukamara regency recall to so far unable to make the small businesses as a superior product. This research was aimed at describing and analyzing: (1) small businesses potential at the Sukamara sub district of Sukamara regency (2) empowerment strategies for the small businesses at the Sukamara sub district, Sukamara regency (3) inhibiting and supporting factors in empowering the small businesses at the Sukamara sub district, Sukamara regency. It is qualitative research with location at fish chips small entrepreneur at the Sukamara sub district, Sukamara Regency, Central Kalimantan province. The used analysis is Miles Huberman, it is interactive analysis. The Sukamara regency government is one of new government result from dividing of West Kotawaringin Regency that is divided into three governments, Sukamara Regency, Lamandau Regency and Kotawaringin Regency. Fish chips making has potential for development because the raw material potential, the availability of labors and open market opportunities. The results showed that efforts done by the Sukamara Regency in empowering the small businesses, but can not be done as maximally because it is new government as division result, it has obstacles such as limited personnel, budget allocation that is absorbed into infrastructure making for governmental office building and internal improvement. It can be recommended that some steps in empowering the small businesses at the Sukamara sub district, Sukamara regency are: (1) filling the vacant position in Industrial and Trade Agency of the Sukamara Regency with competent official, (2) giving non-interests loan in the form of grant, giving management and marketing strategy training to the small businesses at the Sukamara regency (3) encouraging the partnership among three existing company with the small businesses and facilitating the existence of the NGO and Institute for Higher Education at the Central Kalimantan to make the small business as their learners


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    The production process of globular structure of semisolid metal was investigated. The globular stucture was obtained by mechanical stirring of molten metal during solidification. This process has been identified as rheocasting. In this work, a rotating steel rod was immersed in molten metal of Al-6.23% Si alloy. The rod cools the alloy below its liquidus temperature to intiate solidification while stirring the melt. The rod stirred the melt for short periods and then removed. Effects of rod immersion and removal temperature on morphology of globular structure was studied. Shape factor used to quantify primary α morphology. Shape factor value 1 refers to perfecly spherical morphology and value close 0 for very complex shape Results show that rod immersion and removal temperature had no significant effect on sphericity of primary α. Increasing of rod immersion temperature from 635 oC to 655 oC slightly decreased shape factor from 0.638 to 0.624. While increasing of rod removal temparature from 600 oC to 618 oC slightly decreased shape factor from 0.660 to 0.621. The semisolid metal obtained in this research immediately solidify after the rod removal so that it was unsuitable for direct shaping by die casting. Keywords: Rheocasting, semisolid metal, globular structure

    Perancangan Integrated Marketing Communication Total Buah Segar Surabaya

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    Meningkatnya konsumsi buah di Kota Surabaya menyebabkan persaingan bisnis retail buah segar semakin memanas. Berdasarkan potensi permintaan konsumsi buah yang diperoleh dari data Badan Pusat Statistik, maka Total Buah Segar membuka cabang di jl.Tunjungan no.1 Surabaya.Diharapkan pembukaan Total Buah Segar Surabaya dapat memberikan profit optimal.Tidak adanya strategi promosi yang dilakukan oleh Total Buah Segar Surabaya, membuat Total Buah Segar Surabaya mengalami kesulitan dalam memasuki pangsa pasar Kota Surabaya.Metode yang digunakan untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut adalah Integrated Marketing Communicatio

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