605 research outputs found

    Profit Limitation Controls Prior to the Present War

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    In March 2014, four organisations, the Global School (Den Globala Skolan), the Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD) at Uppsala University, the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO (Svenska Unescorådet) and WWF-Sweden commissioned Anders Jidesjö, senior lecturer and researcher at Linköping University, to undertake a study of the Swedish experience in the domain of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) over the last 10 years by analysing relevant background documentation and reports as well as information gathered through interviews with key informants. This report presents the result of this study. An earlier version served as background document for the "ESD – Call for Action" event on 3 June 2014 (see also below). The current version has benefited from incorporating factual information and insights presented during that event. The report was commissioned in view of the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, scheduled for 11-12 November in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan. This conference will mark the end of the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-2014. The four organisations considered that the official Swedish position at the Nagoya Conference would be strengthened if informed by the experiences and insights of Swedish pre-schools, schools, universities, municipalities and public, private and non-governmental organizations that over the last ten years and longer have engaged in education and learning for sustainable development. The official Swedish position would also be bolstered by having politicians, policy makers and experts reflect on these experiences and formulate recommendations for reinforced policy and accelerated and effective practice and research in the ESD domain. To this effect, the four organizations organized the event "ESD – Call for Action", on 3 June at Blåsenhus, Uppsala University. It brought together 120 representatives of Swedish ESD-related practitioners, researchers and policy makers who together formulated an extensive set of recommendations that are meant to support the Swedish delegation attending the Nagoya Conference. The report and the 3 June recommendations will be made available to the participants of a second event "Making ESD Action Possible", scheduled for 27 August, 2014 at Rosenbad Conference Centre, Stockholm. This event is expected to assemble 140 Swedish ESD-related politicians, policy makers, researchers and practitioners. The combined recommendations formulated by the participants during the two events will be submitted to the official Swedish delegation to the Nagoya Conference. August 2014 Den Globala Skolan (the Global School), Svenska Unescorådet (Swedish National Commission for UNESCO), Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD) at Uppsala University, WWF-Swede

    Extrasolar Planets in the Classroom

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    The field of extrasolar planets is still, in comparison with other astrophysical topics, in its infancy. There have been about 300 or so extrasolar planets detected and their detection has been accomplished by various different techniques. Here we present a simple laboratory experiment to show how planets are detected using the transit technique. Following the simple analysis procedure describe we are able to determine the planetary radius to be 1.27 +/- 0.20 R_{J} which, within errors agrees with the establish value of 1.32 +/- 0.25 R_{J}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, published in Physics Educatio

    Is Centaurus A special? A neutral hydrogen perspective

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    Due to the proximity, the neutral hydrogen belonging to Centaurus A can be observed at high resolution with good sensitivity. This allows to study the morphology and kinematics in detail in order to understand the evolution of this radio-loud source (e.g. merger history, AGN activity). At the same time, it is important to compare the results to other sources of the same class (i.e. early-type galaxies in general and radio galaxies in particular) to see how Centaurus A fits into the global picture of early-type/radio galaxy evolution. The amount of HI, the morphology of a warped disk with HI clouds surrounding the disk and the regular kinematics of the inner part of the HI disk are not unusual for early-type galaxies. The growing evidence that mergers are not necessarily responsible for AGN activity fits with the observational result that the recent merger event in Centaurus A is not connected to the current phase of activity. Based on these results, we conclude that Centaurus A has typical neutral hydrogen properties for an early-type and radio galaxy and it can therefore - from an HI perspective - be seen as a typical example of its class.Comment: submitted to PASA; 7 pages, 4 figure

    Thyratron-switched modular CO2 TEA laser for infrared photochemical studies.

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    A thyratron-switched ultraviolet pre-ionised CO2 TEA laser consisting of four modules connected in series has been designed and constructed. The laser can be operated in the TEM 00 mode and is able to produce 2.5 J per pulse. The design and operation of the laser as a tool for infrared studies is discussed together with an evaluation of the effect of operating parameters on output characteristics

    High repetition rate Q-switched CO2 laser.

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    A rotating mirror Q-switched CO2 laser was designed and constructed for use as an excitation source in infrared fluorescence studies. Output power of 33 W was reached in the continuous wave (CW) mode. In the pulsed mode peak powers of 3 kW and pulse widths of 200 ns FWHM have been measured. The repetition rate may be varied between 275 and 1000 Hz and single line operation is selectable with a diffraction grating. The design is compact and economical. The laser has shown freedom from electrical noise and average power stability of the order of 1 per cent; it has operated reliably for more than 1000 hours with a minimum of maintenance

    Structural and functional studies of Escherichia coli Aggregative Adherence Fimbriae (AAF/V) reveal a deficiency in extracellular matrix binding

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an emerging cause of acute and persistent diarrhea worldwide. The pathogenesis of different EAEC stains is complicated, however, the early essential step begins with attachment of EAEC to intestinal mucosa via aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAFs). Currently, five different variants have been identified, which all share a degree of similarity in the gene organization of their operons and sequences. Here, we report the solution structure of Agg5A from the AAF/V variant. While preserving the major structural features shared by all AAF members, only Agg5A possesses an inserted helix at the beginning of the donor strand, which together with altered surface electrostatics, renders the protein unable to interact with fibronectin. Hence, here we characterize the first AAF variant with a binding mode that varies from previously described AAF

    The statistics of the photometric accuracy based on MASS data and the evaluation of high-altitude wind

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    The effect of stellar scintillation on the accuracy of photometric measurements is analyzed. We obtain a convenient form of estimaton of this effect in the long exposure regime, when the turbulence shift produced by the wind is much larger than the aperture of the telescope. A simple method is proposed to determine index S3S_3 introduced by perture of the Kenyon et al. (2006), directly from the measurements with the Multi Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) without information on vertical profile of the wind. The statistics S3S_3 resulting from our campaign of 2005 -- 2007 at Maidanak observatory is presented. It is shown that these data can be used to estimate high-altitude winds at pressure level 70 -- 100 mbar. Comparison with the wind speed retrieved from the NCEP/NCAR global models shows a good agreement. Some prospects for retrieval of the wind speed profile from the MASS measurements are outlined.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter