791 research outputs found

    From Graphene constrictions to single carbon chains

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    We present an atomic-resolution observation and analysis of graphene constrictions and ribbons with sub-nanometer width. Graphene membranes are studied by imaging side spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy at 80 kV. Holes are formed in the honeycomb-like structure due to radiation damage. As the holes grow and two holes approach each other, the hexagonal structure that lies between them narrows down. Transitions and deviations from the hexagonal structure in this graphene ribbon occur as its width shrinks below one nanometer. Some reconstructions, involving more pentagons and heptagons than hexagons, turn out to be surprisingly stable. Finally, single carbon atom chain bridges between graphene contacts are observed. The dynamics are observed in real time at atomic resolution with enough sensitivity to detect every carbon atom that remains stable for a sufficient amount of time. The carbon chains appear reproducibly and in various configurations from graphene bridges, between adsorbates, or at open edges and seem to represent one of the most stable configurations that a few-atomic carbon system accomodates in the presence of continuous energy input from the electron beam.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    The transition between hole-pairs and four-hole clusters in four-leg tJ ladders

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    Holes weakly doped into a four-leg \tj ladder bind in pairs. At dopings exceeding a critical doping of ήc≃1/8\delta_c\simeq {1/8} four hole clusters are observed to form in DMRG calculations. The symmetry of the ground state wavefunction does not change and we are able to reproduce this behavior qualitatively with an effective bosonic model in which the four-leg ladder is represented as two coupled two-leg ladders and hole-pairs are mapped on hard core bosons moving along and between these ladders. At lower dopings, ή<ήc\delta<\delta_c, a one dimensional bosonic representation for hole-pairs works and allows us to calculate accurately the Luttinger liquid parameter \krho, which takes the universal value \krho=1 as half-filling is approached

    Adaptive Control Optimization of Cutting Parameters for High Quality Machining Operations Based on Neural Networks and Search Algorithms

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    This book chapter presents an Adaptive Control with Optimization (ACO) system for optimising a multi-objective function based on material removal rate, quality loss function related to surface roughness, and cutting-tool life subjected to surface roughness specifications constraint

    Feed rate modeling in circular–circular interpolation discontinuity for high-speed milling

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    In this paper, a modeling approach is presented in order to evaluate feed rate during a circular interpolation in high-speed milling. The developed model depends on the type of discontinuity and the kinematic performance of the machine tool. To begin with, a feed rate modeling for circular interpolation with continuity in tangency is developed. After, the discontinuity in tangency between two circular interpolations is replaced by discontinuity in curvature by adding a fillet which is in relation to the functional tolerance Δ imposed in the part design. An experimental study has been carried out to validate the models

    Source localisation on aircraft in flight - new measurements with the DLR research aircraft Airbus 320 ATRA

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    Fly-over measurements with a large microphone array were performed with the Airbus A320-232 research aircraft ATRA of DLR. A large multi-arm spiral array was set up on the end of the runway of the airport. The aircraft trajectory was estimated from the vertical distance and time delays measured with an array of vertically mounted laser distance meters and GNSS trajectories recorded on board of the aircraft. Source localisation maps were obtained from a hybrid deconvolution method. The source powers in different regions of the aircraft were calculated by integrating over the source regions. The total power in the whole interrogation area matches the power in the far-field spectra, apart from contributions from sources on the ground plane which are reduced by focusing the array on the aircraft. Results from fly-overs in the same or in different configurations can be compared on the basis of the integration results and the individual sources can be ranked according to their contribution to the overall sound pressure

    Hole-doping effects on a frustrated spin ladder

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    Hole-doping effects are investigated on the {\it t-J} ladder model with the linked-tetrahedra structure. We discuss how a metal-insulator transition occurs upon hole doping with particular emphasis on the effects of geometrical frustration. By computing the electron density and the spin correlation function by the density matrix renormalization group, we show that strong frustration triggers a first-order transition to a metallic phase, when holes are doped into the plaquette-singlet phase. By examining spin excitations in a metallic case in detail, we discuss whether the spin-gap phase persists upon hole doping according to the strength of frustration. It is further shown that the lowest excited state in a spin-gap metallic phase can be described in two independent quasiparticles.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure
