45 research outputs found

    Revisiting The Determinants Of Students' Success In Conducting Creativity Program

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    This study investigated the determinants of students' success in completing creativity programs. A survey design was used in this study. A total of 351 respondents completed a survey on the factors that theoretically were related to students' creativity. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was then conducted to explore the factors that emerge as the correlates of students self-efficacy in completing the creativity program. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to confirm the pattern proposed in the EFA. Finally, Structural Equation Modelling with Mplus was conducted to explore how the factors are related to students self-efficacy in completing the creativity program. The results showed that students' self-efficacy are strongly related to the role of their advisors, supports from their research community, and supports from the university. Comprehensive discussions on these factors are provided throughout this paper

    An Analisis of the CO2 Emission Abatement in Plastic Recycling System Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Methodology: a Case Study of Bandung City, Indonesia

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    Global warming issue becomes a main issue in sustainable development planning for every country in the world. Indonesia as developing country has commitment to contribute in CO2 abatement with proper development policies. Since May 2008 Indonesia has introduced new law of Solid Waste Management (UU No. 18/2008), the basis of waste management under this law is waste reduction to a landfill as the first priority. The highest waste material compositions in general are organic (50%) and plastic (15%) such as PET, PP, etc. In Indonesia, plastic is common to use as container/packaging. Plastic in Indonesia still using petroleum-based container/packaging and it contributes CO2 emission in the life cycle. Thus, the recycling system on the plastic is significant in order to mitigate CO2 emissions. That is, in this paper, we find the optimal system so as to reduce CO2 emission in the plastic recycling system. The new scenarios on the recycling plastic in transportation sector and manufacturing sector will introduce in this study. In transportation sector, higher truck capacity will introduce to see the effect on CO2 emissions abatement. In manufacturing sector, environmental friendly energy from new renewable energy will introduce to replace conventional energy sector. System Blue Tower (BT) technology through which the environmentally friendly electricity is supplied from municipal organic waste was argued. The proposal of a concrete system would be a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) project in the near future. This study will model plastic recycling life cycle in Bandung City as a case study

    Emulasi Aplikasi Pemantauan Ruangan Melalui Handphone Menggunakan Webcam

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    This paper describes implementation of GPRS and Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) technology in room monitoring application via mobile phone and webcam. The webcam, which is connected to a server, captures picture periodically. A mobile phone, which has GPRS feature and supports J2ME technology, is used to access the picture. Experiments were done using Nokia 3300 emulator in a local area network. The transfer rate time for a 36 KB picture is 0.9 second.The experiment's result shows that the system is only suitable for low frame rate room monitoring

    Pengembangan Platform Inovasi Dan Kewirausahaan (IES) Dengan Menggunakan Perspektif Servis Sains: Studi Kasus LPIK ITB

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    . The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (LPIK) is a hub to facilitate and bridge between ITB inventor and Entrepreneurial to interact with the Industry to co-create the value and to commercialize the technology. This institute is under Vice-rector of innovation and partnership of ITB. The study aims to analyze the current situation and propose a web-based platform to facilitate the interaction among the stakeholders in LPIK effectively and efficient. Service science perspective will be used in this study, start from the problem identification until solution development. The methodology was used is the qualitative approach, i.e., focus group discussion (FGD), survey and strategic assumption surfacing and testing (SAST). The finding is the assumption based on the importance, and the certain level of IES development is relevance (absolutely importance-very certain). The other assumption is considered as a factor which influence IES performance is accuracy, customization, content, timeliness, quality of interaction and also format

    Aplikasi Robot Penentu Koordinat pada Perubahan Permukaan Dasar Sungai sebagai Media Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Hidrolika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat robot untuk mengetahui koordinat pada Perubahan permukaan dasar sungai. Penelitian ini menggabungkan berbagai disiplin ilmu seperti mekanik, elektronik, informatika dan disiplin ilmu lainnya. Salah satu aplikasi robot pada bidang teknologi adalah sebagai penentu koordinat pada Perubahan permukaan dasar sungai sebagai media pembelajaran mata kuliah hidrolika. Dengan mengetahui Perubahan dasar sungai setiap saat, maka dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi berbagai macam Perubahan pada sungai tersebut seperti terjadinya erosi, pendangkalan, Perubahan aliran dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian yang disampaikan adalah eksperimen yang dimulai dengan merancang sebuah aplikasi robot penentu koordinat pada Perubahan permukaan dasar sungai yang selanjutnya hasil rancangan tersebut digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata kuliah hidrolika.Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan adalah bahwa model media yang dirancang dapat bekerja dengan baik dan dapat menentukan koordinat X,Y dan Z yang diatur melalui keypad dan komputer PC yang dikomunikasikan melalui Bluetooth. Waktu yang digunakan untuk mengukur satu kali lebar permukaan sungai 78 cm adalah 85,25 detik dengan prosedur operasi yang sangat mudah

    Upaya Pencegahan Peredaran Narkotika Oleh Tim P4gn (Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba)Kabupaten Sukoharjo Pada Anak Usia Sekolah

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    Narcotics is a substance if abused will cause harmful effects to health, so P4GN trying to prevent drug trafficking. For the purpose of this study describes a precaution and Sukoharjo P4GN efforts against narcotics trafficking involving children. The research approach used to conduct this study was Juridical sociological research methods. Methods of data analysis using a qualitative approach. The results showed. The work program run by P4GN Sukoharjo form of outreach programs, drug prevention promotion business. Activities aimed at children's special about the field of prevention in the form of socialization to schools in the form of counseling dangers of drugs. P4GN Rehabilitasion activity to the consultation is more personal problems and the hypnoteraphy / suggestion in order to stay away from drugs, then a coaching program of street children in the form of street children schools and vocational training street children

    How Consumer's Demographics and Characteristics Influence Lunchtime Eating Behavior? (Case of Undergraduate Students in Bandung City)

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    . The current paper examined the level of food or store priorities of undergraduate students in Bandung City to promote better understanding of young generation in Bandung City. Based on two authors' theoretical foundation and Health Promotion Model, student's demographics, characteristics, food choice determinants, and store choice determinants are used as dimension that may consist of eating behavior. The questionnaire's survey of lunchtime eating behavior to the two universities, i.e., Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) and Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) in Bandung City. The Selection of respondents took simple random sampling. Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA were used to examine the effect of consumer demographics and consumer characteristics for food and store choice determinants. A total of 251 undergraduate students participated; 54.6% were Males (n=137) and 45.4% were Females (n=114). Most of respondents were Moslem (48.4%) or Christian (40.6%). ā€œCalorieā€, ā€œDegree of Congestionā€, and Atmosphere (interior and exterior) were less important when they choose food or store. Moslem respondents tend to care food nutrient compared to the other religions. The result of this study is the priority of choosing food and store by respondents and showed national difference by using previous related research