1,458 research outputs found

    Nonlinear theory of resonant slow waves in anisotropic and dispersive plasmas

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    The solar corona is a typical example of a plasma with strongly anisotropic transport processes. The main dissipative mechanisms in the solar corona acting on slow magnetoacoustic waves are the anisotropic thermal conductivity and viscosity [Ballai et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 252 (1998)] developed the nonlinear theory of driven slow resonant waves in such a regime. In the present paper the nonlinear behavior of driven magnetohydrodynamic waves in the slow dissipative layer in plasmas with strongly anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity is expanded by considering dispersive effects due to Hall currents. The nonlinear governing equation describing the dynamics of nonlinear resonant slow waves is supplemented by a term which describes nonlinear dispersion and is of the same order of magnitude as nonlinearity and dissipation. The connection formulas are found to be similar to their nondispersive counterparts

    Immersed-Foil Method for Measuring Shock Wave Profiles in Solids

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    A new technique is described for measuring, essentially directly, a complex shock front profile that is transmitted into a transparent liquid from a solid material. The image of a grid light source, reflected from a Mylar foil immersed within the liquid, is recorded with a streak camera.Index of refraction data for liquids in the high‐pressure shocked state (required for calculating particle velocities from image displacements) are reported for glycerol, ethanol, water, and hexane to 220, 135, 58, and 41 kbar, respectively. The increase of index of refraction with density for water agrees with that reported by Zel'dovich, Sinitsyn, and Kormer, but is considerably less (as are also the results for the other liquids) than that predicted by the Lorentz‐Lorenz formula. Hugoniot data obtained concurrently with the refractive index data agree closely with those of Rice and Walsh. Applications of the immersed‐foil method are discussed for: (a) determining the release adiabats from shock states produced by a double shock front in a solid; (b) the study of shock wave attenuation in solids; and (3) measurement of the adiabatic sound velocity of liquids in the high‐pressure shocked state

    Lead Glass Total Absorption Counters

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    Two identical large lead glass shower detectors, or Cerenkov counters, have been built to detect and measure the energies of decay photons from neutral pions. This method of detecting high energy gamma rays has the advantage of 100 percent efficiency, good energy resolution, linearity of response, insensitivity to heavy charged particles, and short time resolution. In addition, the physical size of the detector need only increase logarithmically with the energy of the incident particle to preserve linearity and resolution

    Electronic screening and damping in magnetars

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    We calculate the screening of the ion-ion potential due to electrons in the presence of a large background magnetic field, at densities of relevance to neutron star crusts. Using the standard approach to incorporate electron screening through the one-loop polarization function, we show that the magnetic field produces important corrections both at short and long distances. In extreme fields, realized in highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars, electrons occupy only the lowest Landau levels in the relatively low density region of the crust. Here our results show that the screening length for Coulomb interactions between ions can be smaller than the inter-ion spacing. More interestingly, we find that the screening is anisotropic and the screened potential between two static charges exhibits long range Friedel oscillations parallel to the magnetic field. This long-range oscillatory behavior is likely to affect the lattice structure of ions, and can possibly create rod-like structures in the magnetar crusts. We also calculate the imaginary part of the electron polarization function which determines the spectrum of electron-hole excitations and plays a role in damping lattice phonon excitations. We demonstrate that even for modest magnetic fields this damping is highly anisotropic and will likely lead to anisotropic phonon heat transport in the outer neutron star crust.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figure

    Unusual glitch behaviours of two young pulsars

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    In this paper we report unusual glitches in two young pulsars, PSR J1825-0935 (B1822-09) and PSR J1835-1106. For PSR J1825-0935, a slow glitch characterised by a temporary decrease in the slowdown rate occurred between 2000 December 31 to 2001 December 6. This event resulted in a permanent increase in frequency with fractional size Δν/ν31.2(2)×109\Delta\nu/\nu\sim31.2(2)\times10^{-9}, however little effect remained in slowdown rate. The glitch in PSR J1835-1106 occurred abruptly in November 2001 (MJD 52220\pm3) with Δν/ν14.6(4)×109\Delta\nu/\nu\sim14.6(4)\times10^{-9} and little or no change in the slow-down rate. A significant change in ν¨\ddot\nu apparently occurred at the glitch with ν¨\ddot\nu having opposite sign for the pre- and post-glitch data.Comment: Latex format, six files, 5 pages with 4 figues. accepted for MNRA

    A Contemporary View of Coronal Heating

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    Determining the heating mechanism (or mechanisms) that causes the outer atmosphere of the Sun, and many other stars, to reach temperatures orders of magnitude higher than their surface temperatures has long been a key problem. For decades the problem has been known as the coronal heating problem, but it is now clear that `coronal heating' cannot be treated or explained in isolation and that the heating of the whole solar atmosphere must be studied as a highly coupled system. The magnetic field of the star is known to play a key role, but, despite significant advancements in solar telescopes, computing power and much greater understanding of theoretical mechanisms, the question of which mechanism or mechanisms are the dominant supplier of energy to the chromosphere and corona is still open. Following substantial recent progress, we consider the most likely contenders and discuss the key factors that have made, and still make, determining the actual (coronal) heating mechanism (or mechanisms) so difficult

    Variational Monte Carlo Study of the Kondo Necklace Model with Geometrical Frustration

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    We investigate the ground state of the Kondo necklace model on geometrically-frustrated lattices by the variational Monte Carlo simulation. To explore the possibility of a partially-ordered phase, we employ an extension of the Yosida-type wave function as a variational state, which can describe a coexistence of spin-singlet formation due to the Kondo coupling and magnetic ordering by the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction. We show the benchmark of the numerical simulation to demonstrate the high precision brought by the optimization of a large number of variational parameters. We discuss the ground-state phase diagram for the model on the kagome lattice in comparison with that for the triangular-lattice case.Comment: 3 pages, proceedings for ICHE201

    Resonant Absorption as Mode Conversion?

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    Resonant absorption and mode conversion are both extensively studied mechanisms for wave "absorption" in solar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). But are they really distinct? We re-examine a well-known simple resonant absorption model in a cold MHD plasma that places the resonance inside an evanescent region. The normal mode solutions display the standard singular resonant features. However, these same normal modes may be used to construct a ray bundle which very clearly undergoes mode conversion to an Alfv\'en wave with no singularities. We therefore conclude that resonant absorption and mode conversion are in fact the same thing, at least for this model problem. The prime distinguishing characteristic that determines which of the two descriptions is most natural in a given circumstance is whether the converted wave can provide a net escape of energy from the conversion/absorption region of physical space. If it cannot, it is forced to run away in wavenumber space instead, thereby generating the arbitrarily small scales in situ that we recognize as fundamental to resonant absorption and phase mixing. On the other hand, if the converted wave takes net energy way, singularities do not develop, though phase mixing may still develop with distance as the wave recedes.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; accepted by Solar Phys (July 9 2010

    Nonlinear effects in resonant layers in solar and space plasmas

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    The present paper reviews recent advances in the theory of nonlinear driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in slow and Alfven resonant layers. Simple estimations show that in the vicinity of resonant positions the amplitude of variables can grow over the threshold where linear descriptions are valid. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, governing equations of dynamics inside the dissipative layer and jump conditions across the dissipative layers are derived. These relations are essential when studying the efficiency of resonant absorption. Nonlinearity in dissipative layers can generate new effects, such as mean flows, which can have serious implications on the stability and efficiency of the resonance