7,134 research outputs found

    Inflations of ideal triangulations

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    Starting with an ideal triangulation of the interior of a compact 3-manifold M with boundary, no component of which is a 2-sphere, we provide a construction, called an inflation of the ideal triangulation, to obtain a strongly related triangulations of M itself. Besides a step-by-step algorithm for such a construction, we provide examples of an inflation of the two-tetrahedra ideal triangulation of the complement of the figure-eight knot in the 3-sphere, giving a minimal triangulation, having ten tetrahedra, of the figure-eight knot exterior. As another example, we provide an inflation of the one-tetrahedron Gieseking manifold giving a minimal triangulation, having seven tetrahedra, of a nonorientable compact 3-manifold with Klein bottle boundary. Several applications of inflations are discussed.Comment: 48 pages, 45 figure

    Euler characteristic and quadrilaterals of normal surfaces

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    Let MM be a compact 3-manifold with a triangulation τ\tau. We give an inequality relating the Euler characteristic of a surface FF normally embedded in MM with the number of normal quadrilaterals in FF. This gives a relation between a topological invariant of the surface and a quantity derived from its combinatorial description. Secondly, we obtain an inequality relating the number of normal triangles and normal quadrilaterals of FF, that depends on the maximum number of tetrahedrons that share a vertex in τ\tau.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Quantization in geometric pluripotential theory

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    The space of K\"ahler metrics can, on the one hand, be approximated by subspaces of algebraic metrics, while, on the other hand, can be enlarged to finite-energy spaces arising in pluripotential theory. The latter spaces are realized as metric completions of Finsler structures on the space of K\"ahler metrics. The former spaces are the finite-dimensional spaces of Fubini--Study metrics of K\"ahler quantization. The goal of this article is to draw a connection between the two. We show that the Finsler structures on the space of K\"ahler potentials can be quantized. More precisely, given a K\"ahler manifold polarized by an ample line bundle we endow the space of Hermitian metrics on powers of that line bundle with Finsler structures and show that the resulting path length metric spaces recover the corresponding metric completions of the Finsler structures on the space of K\"ahler potentials. This has a number of applications, among them a new approach to the rooftop envelopes and Pythagorean formulas of K\"ahler geometry, a new Lidskii type inequality on the space of K\"ahler metrics, and approximation of finite energy potentials, as well as geodesic segments by the corresponding smooth algebraic objects

    Love and Suffering: Adolescent Socialization and Suicide in Micronesia

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    Youth suicide has reached epidemic proportion in Micronesia over the past two decades. Suicides display remarkable cultural patterning in the typical actors, methods, motivational themes, and precipitating social scenarios. The focus of contemporary high rates is among young men aged fifteen to twenty-four, who hang themselves following incidents of conflict with parents. Predominant themes invoked in adolescent suicide accounts involve anger and suffering at the hands of their parents, and feelings of familial rejection juxtaposed with reaffirmations of filial love. Less frequent are themes involving personal shame over violations of fundamental social rules. In situations of both "anger" and "shame" suicides, the primary locus of conflict is within close family relations. The suicides appear as an extreme form of an accustomed pattern of resolving conflict with senior family members by withdrawing from the scene. In this article I employ one paradigmatic case history to provide a description of the cultural construction and social dynamics of contemporary adolescent suicide in Micronesia. The suicide phenomenon is situated within recent changes in the stage of adolescent male socialization in Micronesian societies. For adolescent males of earlier generations, social involvement at the level of lineage and clan activities provided important support. The recent rapid shift from subsistence exchange to cash economy has severely attenuated lineage and clan structures and, by undermining the process of adolescent socialization, has set the stage for high rates of suicide among young men. Finally, I explore the potential for suicide modeling and contagion among Micronesian youth

    A state variable for crumpled thin sheets

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    Despite the apparent ease with which a sheet of paper is crumpled and tossed away, crumpling dynamics are often considered a paradigm of complexity. This complexity arises from the infinite number of configurations a disordered crumpled sheet can take. Here we experimentally show that key aspects of crumpling have a very simple description; the evolution of the damage in crumpling dynamics can largely be described by a single global quantity, the total length of all creases. We follow the evolution of the damage network in repetitively crumpled elastoplastic sheets, and show that the dynamics of this quantity are deterministic, and depend only on the instantaneous state of the crease network and not at all on the crumpling history. We also show that this global quantity captures the crumpling dynamics of a sheet crumpled for the first time. This leads to a remarkable reduction in complexity, allowing a description of a highly disordered system by a single state parameter. Similar strategies may also be useful in analyzing other systems that evolve under geometric and mechanical constraints, from faulting of tectonic plates to the evolution of proteins

    The Minimum Wage Law

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