5,991 research outputs found
The Stationary Phase Method for a Wave Packet in a Semiconductor Layered System. The applicability of the method
Using the formal analysis made by Bohm in his book, {\em "Quantum theory"},
Dover Publications Inc. New York (1979), to calculate approximately the phase
time for a transmitted and the reflected wave packets through a potential
barrier, we calculate the phase time for a semiconductor system formed by
different mesoscopic layers. The transmitted and the reflected wave packets are
analyzed and the applicability of this procedure, based on the stationary phase
of a wave packet, is considered in different conditions. For the applicability
of the stationary phase method an expression is obtained in the case of the
transmitted wave depending only on the derivatives of the phase, up to third
order. This condition indicates whether the parameters of the system allow to
define the wave packet by its leading term. The case of a multiple barrier
systems is shown as an illustration of the results. This formalism includes the
use of the Transfer Matrix to describe the central stratum, whether it is
formed by one layer (the single barrier case), or two barriers and an inner
well (the DBRT system), but one can assume that this stratum can be comprise of
any number or any kind of semiconductor layers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures although figure 4 has 5 graph
Cuban creole pig in Bayamo jurisdiction
The former jurisdiction of Bayamo, as political colonial division began its way in the century XVI, after its foundation in 1513 as the second Cuban village. Currently the Bayamo village is integrated by 15 local districts, an extension of 835.12 km2 and a population 68690 inhabitants. In spite of have elapsed more than 470 years from the arrival of the first pigs from Spain, this region has maintained 6176 breeders of this native pig breed as direct descendant of the Mediterranean pigs. In this work is presented the racial, ecological and human factors, that they have permitted the maintenance of this population with origin in the Iberian pig.La antigua jurisdicción de Bayamo, como división política de la colonia comenzó su andadura en el siglo XVI, tras su fundación en 1513 como la segunda villa de Cuba. Actualmente el municipio de Bayamo lo integran 15 consejos populares, una superficie de 835,12 km2 y una población de 68690 habitantes. A pesar de haber transcurrido más de 470 años desde la llegada de los primeros cerdos desde España, esta región ha mantenido 6176 reproductores de la raza cerdo Criollo como descendiente directo de los cerdos mediterráneos. En este trabajo se presenta los factores racial, ecológico y humano, que han permitido la perdurabilidad de esta raza descendiente del cerdo Ibérico
Negative Pressures in QED Vacuum in an External Magnetic Field
Our aim is to study the electron-positron vacuum pressures in presence of a
strong magnetic field . To that end, we obtain a general energy-momentum
tensor, depending on external parameters, which in the zero temperature and
zero density limit leads to vacuum expressions which are
approximation-independent. Anisotropic pressures arise, and in the tree
approximation of the magnetic field case, the pressure along is positive,
whereas perpendicular to it is negative. Due to the common axial symmetry,
the formal analogy with the Casimir effect is discussed, for which in addition
to the usual negative pressure perpendicular to the plates, there is a positive
pressure along the plates. The formal correspondence between the Casimir and
black body energy-momentum tensors is analyzed. The fermion hot vacuum behavior
in a magnetic field is also briefly discussed
On the succinctness of query rewriting over shallow ontologies
We investigate the succinctness problem for conjunctive query rewritings over OWL2QL ontologies of depth 1 and 2 by means of hypergraph programs computing Boolean functions. Both positive and negative results are obtained. We show that, over ontologies of depth 1, conjunctive queries have polynomial-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings; tree-shaped queries have polynomial positive existential rewritings; however, in the worst case, positive existential rewritings can be superpolynomial. Over ontologies of depth 2, positive existential and nonrecursive datalog rewritings of conjunctive queries can suffer an exponential blowup, while first-order rewritings can be superpolynomial unless NP �is included in P/poly. We also analyse rewritings of tree-shaped queries over arbitrary ontologies and note that query entailment for such queries is fixed-parameter tractable
Bounds on the dipole moments of the tau-neutrino via the process in a 331 model
We obtain limits on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the
through the reaction
and in the framework of a 331 model. We consider initial-state radiation, and
neglect and photon exchange diagrams. The results are based on the data
reported by the L3 Collaboration at LEP, and compare favorably with the limits
obtained in other models, complementing previous studies on the dipole moments.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to be published in The European Physical J C.
arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:hep-ph/060527
Automated semantic annotation of rare disease cases: a case study
MOTIVATION: As the number of clinical reports in the peer-reviewed medical literature keeps growing, there is an increasing need for online search tools to find and analyze publications on patients with similar clinical characteristics. This problem is especially critical and challenging for rare diseases, where publications of large series are scarce. Through an applied example, we illustrate how to automatically identify new relevant cases and semantically annotate the relevant literature about patient case reports to capture the phenotype of a rare disease named cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. RESULTS: Our results confirm that it is possible to automatically identify new relevant case reports with a high precision and to annotate them with a satisfactory quality (74% F-measure). Automated annotation with an emphasis to entirely describe all phenotypic abnormalities found in a disease may facilitate curation efforts by supplying phenotype retrieval and assessment of their frequency. Availability and Supplementary information: http://www.usc.es/keam/Phenotype Annotation/. Database URL: http://www.usc.es/keam/PhenotypeAnnotation
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