143 research outputs found

    Effect of local pressure transients on the deformations and stresses in cylindrical ducts. Volume I - Theory and design charts

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    Axially symmetric dynamic response solutions for cylinders subjected to pressure transients arising in propulsion system

    Effect of local pressure transients on the deformations and stresses in cylindrical ducts. Volume II - User's manual for general purpose program

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    Users manual for general purpose digital computer program for predicting dynamic response of cylinders subjected to ramp and sinusoidal pressure transient

    Use of gene expression profiling to identify candidate genes for pretherapeutic patient classification in acute appendicitis

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    Background: Phlegmonous and gangrenous appendicitis represent independent pathophysiological entities with different clinical courses ranging from spontaneous resolution to septic disease. However, reliable predictive methods for these clinical phenotypes have not yet been established. In an attempt to provide pathophysiological insights into the matter, a genomewide gene expression analysis was undertaken in patients with acute appendicitis. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and, after histological confirmation of PA or GA, analysed for genomewide gene expression profiling using RNA microarray technology and subsequent pathway analysis. Results: Samples from 29 patients aged 7–17 years were included. Genomewide gene expression analysis was performed on 13 samples of phlegmonous and 16 of gangrenous appendicitis. From a total of 56 666 genes, 3594 were significantly differently expressed. Distinct interaction between T and B cells in the phlegmonous appendicitis group was suggested by overexpression of T cell receptor α and β subunits, CD2, CD3, MHC II, CD40L, and the B cell markers CD72 and CD79, indicating an antiviral mechanism. In the gangrenous appendicitis group, expression of genes delineating antibacterial mechanisms was found. Conclusion: These results provide evidence for different and independent gene expression in phlegmonous and gangrenous appendicitis in general, but also suggest distinct immunological patterns for the respective entities. In particular, the findings are compatible with previous evidence of spontaneous resolution in phlegmonous and progressive disease in gangrenous appendicitis

    Application to the Analysis of Germinal Center Reactions In Vivo

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    Simultaneous detection of multiple cellular and molecular players in their native environment, one of the keys to a full understanding of immune processes, remains challenging for in vivo microscopy. Here, we present a synergistic strategy for spectrally multiplexed in vivo imaging composed of (i) triple two-photon excitation using spatiotemporal synchronization of two femtosecond lasers, (ii) a broad set of fluorophores with emission ranging from blue to near infrared, (iii) an effective spectral unmixing algorithm. Using our approach, we simultaneously excite and detect seven fluorophores expressed in distinct cellular and tissue compartments, plus second harmonics generation from collagen fibers in lymph nodes. This enables us to visualize the dynamic interplay of all the central cellular players during germinal center reactions. While current in vivo imaging typically enables recording the dynamics of 4 tissue components at a time, our strategy allows a more comprehensive analysis of cellular dynamics involving 8 single-labeled compartments. It enables to investigate the orchestration of multiple cellular subsets determining tissue function, thus, opening the way for a mechanistic understanding of complex pathophysiologic processes in vivo. In the future, the design of transgenic mice combining a larger spectrum of fluorescent proteins will reveal the full potential of our method

    Limbostomy: Longitudinal Intravital Microendoscopy in Murine Osteotomies

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    Bone healing involves the interplay of immune cells, mesenchymal cells, and vasculature over the time course of regeneration. Approaches to quantify the spatiotemporal aspects of bone healing at cellular resolution during long bone healing do not yet exist. Here, a novel technique termed Limbostomy is presented, which combines intravital microendoscopy with an osteotomy. This design allows a modular combination of an internal fixator plate with a gradient refractive index (GRIN) lens at various depths in the bone marrow and can be combined with a surgical osteotomy procedure. The field of view (FOV) covers a significant area of the fracture gap and allows monitoring cellular processes in vivo. The GRIN lens causes intrinsic optical aberrations which have to be corrected. The optical system was characterized and a postprocessing algorithm was developed. It corrects for wave front aberration-induced image plane deformation and for background and noise signals, enabling us to observe subcellular processes. Exemplarily, we quantitatively and qualitatively analyze angiogenesis in bone regeneration. We make use of a transgenic reporter mouse strain with nucleargreen fluorescent protein and membrane-bound tdTomato under the Cadherin-5 promoter. We observe two phases of vascularization. First, rapid vessel sprouting pervades the FOV within 3-4 days after osteotomy. Second, the vessel network continues to be dynamically remodeled until the end of our observation time, 14 days after surgery. Limbostomy opens a unique set of opportunities and allows further insight on spatiotemporal aspects of bone marrow biology, for example, hematopoiesis, analysis of cellular niches, immunological memory, and vascularization in the bone marrow during health and disease

    Synergistic strategy for multicolor two-photon microscopy: application to the analysis of germinal center reactions in vivo

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    Simultaneous detection of multiple cellular and molecular players in their native environment, one of the keys to a full understanding of immune processes, remains challenging for in vivo microscopy. Here, we present a synergistic strategy for spectrally multiplexed in vivo imaging composed of (i) triple two-photon excitation using spatiotemporal synchronization of two femtosecond lasers, (ii) a broad set of fluorophores with emission ranging from blue to near infrared, (iii) an effective spectral unmixing algorithm. Using our approach, we simultaneously excite and detect seven fluorophores expressed in distinct cellular and tissue compartments, plus second harmonics generation from collagen fibers in lymph nodes. This enables us to visualize the dynamic interplay of all the central cellular players during germinal center reactions. While current in vivo imaging typically enables recording the dynamics of 4 tissue components at a time, our strategy allows a more comprehensive analysis of cellular dynamics involving 8 single-labeled compartments. It enables to investigate the orchestration of multiple cellular subsets determining tissue function, thus, opening the way for a mechanistic understanding of complex pathophysiologic processes in vivo. In the future, the design of transgenic mice combining a larger spectrum of fluorescent proteins will reveal the full potential of our method

    Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in liver injury and hepatic fibrogenesis

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of transmembrane pattern recognition receptors (PRR) that play a key role in innate and adaptive immunity by recognizing structural components unique to bacteria, fungi and viruses. TLR4 is the most studied of the TLRs, and its primary exogenous ligand is lipopolysaccharide, a component of Gram-negative bacterial walls. In the absence of exogenous microbes, endogenous ligands including damage-associated molecular pattern molecules from damaged matrix and injured cells can also activate TLR4 signaling. In humans, single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TLR4 gene have an effect on its signal transduction and on associated risks of specific diseases, including cirrhosis. In liver, TLR4 is expressed by all parenchymal and non-parenchymal cell types, and contributes to tissue damage caused by a variety of etiologies. Intact TLR4 signaling was identified in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the major fibrogenic cell type in injured liver, and mediates key responses including an inflammatory phenotype, fibrogenesis and anti-apoptotic properties. Further clarification of the function and endogenous ligands of TLR4 signaling in HSCs and other liver cells could uncover novel mechanisms of fibrogenesis and facilitate the development of therapeutic strategies

    Undiagnosed Phenylketonuria Can Exist Everywhere: Results From an International Survey

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    peer reviewedMany countries do not have a newborn screening (NBS) program, and immigrants from such countries are at risk for late diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU). In this international survey, 52 of 259 patients (20%) with late diagnosed PKU were immigrants, and 145 of the 259 (55%) were born before NBS or in a location without NBS. © 2021 The Author