99 research outputs found

    Let's talk! Socially intelligent agents for language conversation training

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    Организационные резервы повышения производительности труда на предприятиях нефтегазовой отрасли

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    Проблема повышения производительности труда в современной экономике России имеет значительную актуальность, поскольку повышение уровня производительности труда является важнейшим условием социально-экономического развития общества, устойчивого экономического роста и повышения конкурентоспособности национальной экономики. Актуальность представленного исследования определяется необходимостью повышения производительности труда на современных предприятиях России, что может быть достигнуто за счет реализации организационных резервов роста. Целью исследования является структурирование факторов, оказывающих влияние на уровень производительности труда, подтверждение значимости организационных резервов роста, апробация методики выявления организационных резервов повышения производительности труда. Методы исследования. В настоящей работе нашли применение методы сбора первичной экономической информации, включая анализ законодательных и нормативно-правовых актов РФ, официальных статистических данных, данных публичной отчетности отечественных предприятий, анализ прочих открытых источников информации, системный подход, методы статистического и сравнительного анализа. The country's labor productivity in modern Russia over recent years has acquired impressive relevance. Since it is a key indicator of overall economic efficiency, strong labor productivity growth has always been a sufficient condition for socio-economic development, economic stability and enhancing competitiveness of the national economy. The relevance of the study is determined by the urgency of the labor productivity growth at the modern Russian factories that can be achieved through realization of organizational reserves. The main aim of the study is identifying and structuring the factors that seem to affect labor productivity level. It is also pointed at corroborating the necessity of labor productivity growth and approbation of organizational reserves seeking method. Methods. In the present work different methods of information gathering and processing were used to obtain the economic data including the analysis of appropriate laws and regulations, official statistics, companies' public statements and reporting and other open available resources. Also system approach, comparative and statistical analysis were adopted in this research

    Interactive narration with a child: impact of prosody and facial expressions

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    International audienceIntelligent Virtual Agents are suitable means for interactive sto-rytelling for children. The engagement level of child interaction with virtual agents is a challenging issue in this area. However, the characteristics of child-agent interaction received moderate to little attention in scientific studies whereas such knowledge may be crucial to design specific applications. This article proposes a Wizard of Oz platform for interactive narration. An experimental study in the context of interactive story-telling exploiting this platform is presented to evaluate the impact of agent prosody and facial expressions on child participation during storytelling. The results show that the use of the virtual agent with prosody and facial expression modalities improves the engagement of children in interaction during the narrative sessions

    Managing Learner’s Affective States in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Abstract. Recent works in Computer Science, Neurosciences, Education, and Psychology have shown that emotions play an important role in learning. Learner’s cognitive ability depends on his emotions. We will point out the role of emotions in learning, distinguishing the different types and models of emotions which have been considered until now. We will address an important issue con-cerning the different means to detect emotions and introduce recent approaches to measure brain activity using Electroencephalograms (EEG). Knowing the influ-ence of emotional events on learning it becomes important to induce specific emo-tions so that the learner can be in a more adequate state for better learning or memorization. To this end, we will introduce the main components of an emotion-ally intelligent tutoring system able to recognize, interpret and influence learner’s emotions. We will talk about specific virtual agents that can influence learner’s emotions to motivate and encourage him and involve a more cooperative work, particularly in narrative learning environments. Pushing further this paradigm, we will present the advantages and perspectives of subliminal learning which inter


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