121 research outputs found


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    Se reseñan los siguientes libros: * La ilusión, por el doctor Carlos Rodbíguez Etchart, págs. 253, Coni Hnos. editores * Vrédénsky A. — Loguika kak tchast teorii poznania, San Petersburgo, 1912. * Biometría.— Procedimientos estadísticos aplicados á la antropometría, por Manuel Velázquez Andrade, 16 págs. * La Patagonia Central. — Descripción física y política de la Gobernación del Chubut, por Marcelino Martínez, 167 págs. * L’année psychologique, por Alfredo Binet * La Enseñanza en Alemania, por Alejandro Fuenzalida; páginas 440, Santiago de Chile. * Anales de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires; publicados bajo la dirección del doctor Juan A. García; págs. 90. * Nuevo Mundo Moral, por Carlos N. Vergara, págs. 800, Buenos Aires. * Páginas de un maestro, por Juan R. Dahlquist, págs. 215. — Colección de artículos, conferencias y discursos, con un prólogo del Dr. M. Domíriguez. * Educación, por el Dr. Raúl Villarroel, págs. 86, Santa Fe. * Ideales practicados y practicables, por el Dr. J. B. Zubiaur, Buenos Aires, 1913. * Internado Sarmiento, exclusivo para estudiantes del Colegio Nacional de Dolores. * Anales de la Sociedad Química Argentina, t. I, Enero 1913. 96 págs. * Every day problems in teaching, por M. V. O’Shea, 1913. * Educación vocacional, por Luis Felipe González, Costa Rica 1913, págs. 48. * Escuela Normal Nacional «Bernardino Rivadavia» del Azul; informe del Director, años 1911 y 1912. * Cyclopia of Education, Monroe, Paul. A. — Tercer volumen, 4o, XI-682 págs. y 16 grabados. New York, The Macmillan Com-pany, 1912. * Die Differentielle Psychologie, Stern, W. — 1 vol. 8», IX-503 págs. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1911.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    A theory of moving form perception: Synergy between masking, perceptual grouping, and motion computation in retinotopic and non-retinotopic representations

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    Because object and self-motion are ubiquitous in natural viewing conditions, understanding how the human visual system achieves a relatively clear perception for moving objects is a fundamental problem in visual perception. Several studies have shown that the visible persistence of a briefly presented stationary stimulus is approximately 120 ms under normal viewing conditions. Based on this duration of visible persistence, we would expect moving objects to appear highly blurred. However, in human vision, objects in motion typically appear relatively sharp and clear. We suggest that clarity of form in dynamic viewing is achieved by a synergy between masking, perceptual grouping, and motion computation across retinotopic and non-retinotopic representations. We also argue that dissociations observed in masking are essential to create and maintain this synergy

    Visual masking: past accomplishments, present status, future developments

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    Visual masking, throughout its history, has been used as an investigative tool in exploring the temporal dynamics of visual perception, beginning with retinal processes and ending in cortical processes concerned with the conscious registration of stimuli. However, visual masking also has been a phenomenon deemed worthy of study in its own right. Most of the recent uses of visual masking have focused on the study of central processes, particularly those involved in feature, object and scene representations, in attentional control mechanisms, and in phenomenal awareness. In recent years our understanding of the phenomenon and cortical mechanisms of visual masking also has benefited from several brain imaging techniques and from a number of sophisticated and neurophysiologically plausible neural network models. Key issues and problems are discussed with the aim of guiding future empirical and theoretical research

    Audiotactile interactions in temporal perception

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    Sur la fondation de nouvelles colonies d’Aphaenogaster (Messor) barbara nigra [Hym.]

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    Piéron H. Sur la fondation de nouvelles colonies d’Aphaenogaster (Messor) barbara nigra [Hym.]. In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 12 (16),1907. pp. 280-282

    Sur la fondation de nouvelles colonies d’Aphaenogaster (Messor) barbara nigra [Hym.]

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    Piéron H. Sur la fondation de nouvelles colonies d’Aphaenogaster (Messor) barbara nigra [Hym.]. In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 12 (16),1907. pp. 280-282