721 research outputs found

    Non-invasive quantification of exercise-induced changes in regional left ventricular function in normals and patients with one vessel coronary artery disease using radionuclide ventriculography

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    To quantitate changes in regional left ventricular function induced by ischemia or scar, rest and exercise equilibrium radionuclide studies of 26 patients with one vessel coronary artery disease and 12 normal individuals were analysed with a new method for regional ejection fraction determination. A computer algorithm provided observer-independent segmental analysis from a centre of gravity of the left ventricular activity at end-diastole (left anterior oblique projection). Special segments were assigned for anteroseptal, inferoapical and posterolateral areas corresponding to the three main coronary arteries. Reproducibility using an unchanged camera positioning was excellent even for 2 min acquisition studies (r=0.93) and still good after repositioning (r=0.80 to 0.87). In normal areas, regional ejection fraction increased or showed no change during exercise. In contrast, it decreased significantly in regions supplied by stenosed coronary arteries (ischemia) and remained depressed in scar zones. The method proved to be valid for regional changes induced by left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary obstructions, but less for right coronary artery lesions. Global ejection fraction reflected a sum of all regional changes implying that regional analysis should be more sensitive in detecting coronary artery diseas

    Strong coupling between magnetic and structural order parameters in SrFe2As2

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    X-ray and Neutron diffraction as well as muon spin relaxation and M\"ossbauer experiments performed on SrFe2_2As2_2 polycrystalls confirm a sharp first order transition at T0=205T_0 = 205,K corresponding to an orthorhombic phase distortion and to a columnar antiferromagnetic Fe ordering with a propagation vector (1,0,1), and a larger distortion and larger size of the ordered moment than reported for BaFe2_2As2_2. The structural and the magnetic order parameters present an remarkable similarity in their temperature dependence from T0T_0 down to low temperatures, showing that both phenomena are intimately connected. Accordingly, the size of the ordered Fe moments scale with the lattice distortion when going from SrFe2_2As2_2 to BaFe2_2As2_2. Full-potential band structure calculations confirm that the columnar magnetic order and the orthorhombic lattice distortion are intrinsically tied to each other.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Prognostic significance of right ventricular ejection fraction for persistent complex ventricular arrhythmias and/or sudden cardiac death after first myocardial infarction: Relation to infarct location, size and left ventricular function

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    To assess the prognostic significance of right ventricular dysfunction after a first myocardial infarction for complex ventricular arrhythmias and or sudden cardiac death in relation to infarct location, size and left ventricular function, a series of 127 consecutive patients was prospectively studied and followed up for one year. Prior to hospital discharge, a 24-hour electrocardiographic recording and radionuclide angiocardiography were performed. Right ventricular ejection fraction was related to inferior infarct location and size (r = 0.45, P 0.40 vs. ≤ 0.40 showed that presence of complex ventricular ectopic activity and/or sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction was related not only to left, but also independently to right ventricular dysfunction. These results imply a significant prognostic contribution of right ventricular dysfunction to the occurrence of severe ventricular arrhythmias and/or sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction independent of and additive to left ventricular dysfunctio

    Strong coupling between Eu2+ spins and Fe2As2 layers in EuFe1.9Co0.1As2 observed with NMR

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    A combination of x-ray diffraction, magnetization, and 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were performed on single-crystal EuFe1.9Co0.1As2. The strength of the hyperfine interaction between the 75As nuclei and the Eu^(2+) 4f states suggests a strong coupling between the Eu^(2+) moments and the Fe1.9Co0.1As2 layers. Such a strong interlayer coupling may be due to an indirect exchange interaction between the localized Eu^(2+) 4f moments, mediated by the Fe 3d conduction electrons. Magnetic susceptibility as well as 75As-NMR measurements reveal a decrease of the SDW transition temperature to T_SDW = 120 K as a result of Co doping. A change of the slope in the temperature dependence of the NMR frequency of the 75As lower-satellite line was observed at 225 K. At the same temperature also a change of the satellite line shape was found. These changes of the NMR spectra may be caused by the formation of a nematic phase below 225 K in EuFe1.9Co0.1As2.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic and structural transitions in layered FeAs systems: AFe2As2 versus RFeAsO compounds

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    Resistivity, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on SrFe2As2 samples evidence a behavior very similar to that observed in LaFeAsO and BaFe2As2 with the difference that the formation of the SDW and the lattice deformation occur in a pronounced first order transition at T_0=205K. Comparing further data evidences that the Fe-magnetism is stronger in SrFe2As2 and in EuFe2As2 than in the other layered FeAs systems investigated up to now. Full potential LDA band structure calculations confirm the large similarity between the compounds, especially for the relevant low energy Fe 3d states. The relation between structural details and magnetic order is analyzed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Microscopic Study of the Superconducting State of the Iron Pnictide RbFe_2As_2

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    A study of the temperature and field dependence of the penetration depth \lambda of the superconductor RbFe_2As_2 (T_c=2.52 K) was carried out by means of muon-spin rotation measurements. In addition to the zero temperature value of the penetration depth \lambda(0)=267(5) nm, a determination of the upper critical field B_c2(0)=2.6(2) T was obtained. The temperature dependence of the superconducting carrier concentration is discussed within the framework of a multi-gap scenario. Compared to the other "122" systems which exhibit much higher Fermi level, a strong reduction of the large gap BCS ratio 2\Delta/k_B T_c is observed. This is interpreted as a consequence of the absence of interband processes. Indications of possible pair-breaking effect are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    FEELS: a full-spectrum enhanced emotion learning system for assisting individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder thatcan lead to a variety of social and communication challenges, andindividuals with ASD are at a higher risk of loneliness and depres-sion as a result of the disconnect and isolation they may feel fromthe rest of society as a result of their ASD. Interventions targetingimproved emotional detection has been clinically shown to be quitepromising; however, there are considerable barriers that make itchallenging to incorporate emotion detection within daily life sce-narios. Motivated by the need to fill this gap, we introduce theconcept of FEELS, a full-spectrum enhanced emotion learning sys-tem which could be useful as a tool to assist individuals with ASD.FEELS facilitates enhanced emotion detection by capturing a livevideo stream of individuals in real-time, then leveraging deep con-volutional neural networks to detect facial landmarks and a customhybrid neural network consisting of a time distributed feed-forwardneural network and a LTSM neural network to determine the emo-tional state of the individuals based on a sequence of facial land-marks over time. The feasibility of such an approach was exploredthrough the construction of a proof-of-concept FEELS system thatcan detect between five different basic emotional states: neutral,sad, happy, surprise, and anger. Future work will include extend-ing the proof-of-concept FEELS system to detect more emotionalstates and evaluate the system in more natural settings

    Ohmic contacts to n-type germanium with low specific contact resistivity

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    A low temperature nickel process has been developed that produces Ohmic contacts to n-type germanium with specific contact resistivities down to (2.3 ± 1.8) x10<sup>-7</sup> Ω-cm<sup>2</sup> for anneal temperatures of 340 degC. The low contact resistivity is attributed to the low resistivity NiGe phase which was identified using electron diffraction in a transmission electron microscope. Electrical results indicate that the linear Ohmic behaviour of the contact is attributed to quantum mechanical tunnelling through the Schottky barrier formed between the NiGe alloy and the heavily doped n-Ge.<p></p&gt

    Coronary artery disease and depression

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) as well as depression are both highly prevalent diseases. Both cause a significant decrease in quality of life for the patient and impose a significant economic burden on society. There are several factors that seem to link depression with the development of CAD and with a worse outcome in patients with established CAD: worse adherence to prescribed medication and life style modifications in depressive patients, as well as higher rates in abnormal platelet function, endothelial dysfunction and lowered heart rate variability. The evidence is growing that depression per se is an independent risk factor for cardiac events in a patient population without known CAD and also in patients with established diagnosis of CAD, particularly after myocardial infarction. Treatment of depression has been shown to improve patients' quality of life. However, it did not improve cardiovascular prognosis in depressed patients even though there is open discussion about the trend to better outcome in treated patients. Large scale clinical trials are needed to answer this question. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors seem to be preferable to tricyclic antidepressants for treatment of depressive patients with comorbid CAD because of their good tolerability and absence of significant cardiovascular side effects. Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort), an increasingly used herbal antidepressant drug should be used with caution due to severe and possibly dangerous interaction with cardioactive drug