305 research outputs found

    Teknologi Pendidikan sebagai Pembelajaran Kompetitif untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa: Studi Kasus di Salah Satu SMA di Salatiga

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara atau metode yang tepat guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di salah satu SMA di Salatiga dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai sarana perbaikan proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan instrument angket yang dibagikan secara acak kepada 64 siswa SMA “X”di Salatiga. Teknologi pendidikan merupakan suatu perangkat bantu untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar mengajar supaya lebih efektif, menarik dan efisien, serta dapat membantu guru ataupun siswa untuk mendapatkan materi dengan cepat dan dapat belajar secara mandiri. Teknologi pendidikan dapat berupa audio, visual dan audio visual. Teknologi dalam pendidikan ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil prestasi siswa dan mutu pendidikan yang ada serta menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif, inovatif, menarik dan menantang. Penelitian ini memiliki manfaat yaitu untuk mendapatkan metode pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa, sehingga mutu pendidikan di SMA “X”Salatiga dapat meningkat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prestasi belajar (nilai rata-rata siswa) dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan keuletan siswa dalam belajar, sehinngga metode pembelajaran yang tepat adalah dengan metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif. Dalam penelitian ini didapat beberapa saran untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif dan menggunakan teknologi pendidikan sebagai media pembelajaran. Beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan membuat film, membuat poster dengan menggunakan software yang ada, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan skype atau guru membuat online game yang sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan

    Intraoperative haemodynamic profile in patients undergoing lower limb and abdominal surgery under subarachnoid block using 0.5% hyperbaric levobupivacaine: an observational study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to detect if intrathecal hyperbaric Levobupivacaine provided anaesthesia with more stable hemodynamic profile than 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for lower limb and abdominal surgery.Methods: This observational study was carried out on 60 Adult patients between 18-65 Years of age, in ASA I and II undergoing lower abdominal surgery. Subarachnoid block using 3.0 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric Levobupivacaine (15 mg) was used as anaesthesia for surgery. Vitals recorded first in operation theatre were taken as baseline and were compared with subsequent readings till closure to judge the fall in blood pressure. Frequencies of parameters falling more than 30% from baseline, amount of IV fluids, vasopressors administered and complications were recorded. The data collected was displayed as mean with a standard deviation and frequency with percentage. Statistical analysis was performed using in stat computer software.Results: On analysis of the data it was found that fall in hemodynamic parameters was significantly lower in the Levobupivacaine group. It was observed that maximum onset of motor block was after 5 minutes, VAS after 4 minutes and loss of pinprick sensation was achieved at T-4 level after 4 minutes. Haemodynamic complications, which required therapeutic interventions, were hypotension (5%), bradycardia (3%), a total of 8%, who required urgent intervention as vasopressors and inotropes.Conclusions: 0.5% Hyperbaric Levobupivacaine, has onset of action similar to other local anaesthetics used for subarachnoid block, but has better hemodynamic profile in comparison to Hyperbaric 0.5% Bupivacaine, the commonly used local anaesthetic agent used for Spinal Anaesthesia

    Electromechanical effect in cholesteric liquid crystals with fixed boundary conditions

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    We describe a number of experiments to demonstrate the electromechanical effect in cholesteric liquid crystals. The Lehmann rotation phenomenon of drops with stress free boundary conditions is the most convincing effect produced by this coupling. In samples with fixed boundary conditions, the cross coupling produces a distortion of the profile of the azimuthal angles of the director. We have used a conoscopic technique to demonstrate this distortion in thick samples containing negative dielectric anisotropy materials. A strong linear electrooptic effect of electromechanical origin is produced in materials with a weak positive dielectric anisotropy. We provide an evidence that a twisted nematic cell without any chiral molecules also exhibits the electromechanical effect, due to the macroscopic chirality of the medium in such a cell

    Infant Mortality Trends Among Georgia Residents, 1995-2003: Targeting Healthy People’s 2010 Goals

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    Population-based trends in infant mortality among Georgia Residents between 1995 and 2003 were assessed on characteristics such as race, birth weight, neonatal and post-neonatal periods, and cause of death. A statistical analysis was conducted to show that the Georgia infant mortality rate (IMR) remained constant throughout the study period and averaged 8.67 per 1,000 live births. The analysis revealed racial disparities, with an IMR ranging from 6.03 in white infants to 13.76 in black infants, with less than one percent (0.86%) change, on average, among the differences between black and white mortality rates across the nine-year period. The disparities were also evident in infants with low birth weight (LBW) and very low birth weight (VLBW). Black infants born with LBW (12.9%) and VLBW (9.98%) have more than twice the rate of infant mortality compared to white infants born with LBW (6.64%) and VLBW (1.12%). Mortality in the neonatal period accounted for more than half (67.96%) of all infant deaths and exhibited considerable ethnic differences. Among all groups, black male neonates (10.7) have the highest mortality rates. The average neonatal mortality rate across the entire study period is 5.89 (SD=0.20); the average postneonatal mortality rate across the entire study period is 2.78 (SD=0.22). The five leading causes of death among Georgian infants in descending order were: birth defects, prematurity and low birth weight, Sudden Unexplained Infant Deaths (SUID), other perinatal conditions and respiratory conditions with racial differences in the ordering

    Association between Serum Lycopene and Lung Cancer Mortality: An 18-Year Follow-up Study of a National Cohort

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    Background: Lycopene is a carotenoid found in some fruits and vegetables that is responsible for the red pigment in tomatoes and tomato products. While many studies have shown a link between lycopene and protection against the initiation and/or progression of lung cancer, data on its effect on lung cancer survivability is limited. Objective: The primary objective of this study was to see if there was a link between lycopene levels in the blood and lung cancer mortality. A secondary goal was to see if dietary factors influence lycopene levels in the blood. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 14,358 adults who took part in Phase II of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III was carried out (1991- 1994). This dataset served as the baseline for a 15-year (1991-2006) follow-up study, which was correlated with the National Death Index database. The Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model was used to calculate the HR for all-cause and cancer-related deaths for individuals with high, moderate, and low serum lycopene levels. Results: The unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) of deaths associated with low serum lycopene levels (25 percent cutoff) was 1.67 (95 percent CI=1.24-2.23) and 1.00, respectively (ref). After controlling for multiple risk factors such as age and gender, the HR for lung cancer fatalities was 1.45 (95% CI=1.08-1.96) for low serum levels (25 percent cutoff) with a reference value of 1.00. For low vs. high serum lycopene levels, the adjusted HR for lung cancer death using 3-level categorization (and adjusted for fruits and vegetables) was 1.67 (95 percent CI=1.03-2.71). In addition, the adjusted HR for lung cancer death using 3-level categorization (and unadjusted for fruits and vegetables) was 1.68 (95 percent CI=1.04-2.72) for low serum lycopene levels vs. high serum lycopene levels. Conclusions: The results suggest that high serum lycopene levels may reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer. Furthermore, lycopene may not only reduce the risk of lung cancer development but may also improve survival among lung cancer patients. More research is needed to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying this association

    Effect of ultra dry seed storage on longevity of onion (Allium cepa) and chinaaster (Callistephus chinensis) under ambient and controlled temperatures.

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    Not AvailableUltra dry seed storage was studied in onion (Allium cepa L.) and china aster [Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees] to find out its effect on seed longevity under ambient and controlled low temperatures. Seeds of onion cultivars Arka Kalyan and Arka Niketan ultra dried to 2.8 and 2.6 %, respectively, and seeds of china aster cultivar Arka Kamini ultra dried to 3.0% were compared with seeds of respective cultivars having moisture content close to recommended levels for packing in moisture proof containers. These seeds were hermetically sealed in aluminium pouches and stored at ambient and controlled (constant 15°C) temperatures. The initial germination in onion was 90.0 and 88 % in Arka Niketan and Arka Kalyan, respectively, and it remained unaffected after ultra drying. During storage, ultra dry seeds and seeds with ~5% moisture content of both varieties showed no significant reduction in seed germination, first count, seedling vigour and field emergence even after 54 months of storage both under ambient and controlled temperatures. In china aster, seeds with 5.9% moisture showed decline in seed viability and vigour under ambient temperature after 18 months of storage and rapid decline was noticed after 24 months of storage, reaching zero at 36 months but at 15°C showed no decline in viability up to 48 months of storage. Ultra dry seeds maintained higher viability and vigour at both ambient and at 15°C even after 48 months of storage. Genetic fidelity tests on onion seed clearly demonstrated that neither the profiles of soluble proteins and enzymes nor the DNA were affected by ultra drying.Institute fun

    Valvulogenesis of a living, innervated pulmonary root induced by an acellular scaffold

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    Heart valve disease is a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide with no effective medical therapy and no ideal valve substitute emulating the extremely sophisticated functions of a living heart valve. These functions influence survival and quality of life. This has stimulated extensive attempts at tissue engineering “living” heart valves. These attempts utilised combinations of allogeneic/ autologous cells and biological scaffolds with practical, regulatory, and ethical issues. In situ regeneration depends on scaffolds that attract, house and instruct cells and promote connective tissue formation. We describe a surgical, tissue-engineered, anatomically precise, novel off-the-shelf, acellular, synthetic scaffold inducing a rapid process of morphogenesis involving relevant cell types, extracellular matrix, regulatory elements including nerves and humoral components. This process relies on specific material characteristics, design and “morphodynamism”.</p

    Side-Specific Endothelial-Dependent Regulation of Aortic Valve Calcification Interplay of Hemodynamics and Nitric Oxide Signaling

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    Arterial endothelial cells maintain vascular homeostasis and vessel tone in part through the secretion of nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we determined how aortic valve endothelial cells (VEC) regulate aortic valve interstitial cell (VIC) phenotype and matrix calcification through NO. Using an anchored in vitro collagen hydrogel culture system, we demonstrate that three-dimensionally cultured porcine VIC do not calcify in osteogenic medium unless under mechanical stress. Co-culture with porcine VEC, however, significantly attenuated VIC calcification through inhibition of myofibroblastic activation, osteogenic differentiation, and calcium deposition. Incubation with the NO donor DETA-NO inhibited VIC osteogenic differentiation and matrix calcification, whereas incubation with the NO blocker l-NAME augmented calcification even in 3D VIC–VEC co-culture. Aortic VEC, but not VIC, expressed endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) in both porcine and human valves, which was reduced in osteogenic medium. eNOS expression was reduced in calcified human aortic valves in a side-specific manner. Porcine leaflets exposed to the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ increased osteocalcin and α-smooth muscle actin expression. Finally, side-specific shear stress applied to porcine aortic valve leaflet endothelial surfaces increased cGMP production in VEC. Valve endothelial-derived NO is a natural inhibitor of the early phases of valve calcification and therefore may be an important regulator of valve homeostasis and pathology