2,866 research outputs found

    Mode of hand training determines cortical reorganisation: A randomized controlled study in healthy adults

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    Objective: To evaluate two commonly used forms of hand training with respect to influence on dexterity and cortical reorganization. Subjects: Thirty healthy volunteers (mean age 24.2 years). Methods: The subjects were randomized to 25 min of shaping exercises or general activity training of the non-dominant hand. The dexterity and the cortical motor maps (number of excitable positions) of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle were evaluated pre- and post-training by the Purdue Peg Board test and transcranial magnetic stimulation, respectively. Results: After shaping exercises the dexterity increased significantly (p <= 0.005) for both hands, mostly so in the non-dominant hand. The cortical motor map of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle shifted forwardly into the pre-motor area without expanding. After general activity training, no significant improvements in dexterity were found for the non-dominant hand. The cortical motor map of the non-dominant abductor pollicis brevis muscle expanded significantly (p = 0.03) in the posterior (sensory) direction. Conclusion: These results indicate that shaping exercises, but not general activity training, increase dexterity of the trained non-dominant hand in parallel with a shift of location of active transcranial magnetic stimulation positions. Shifts of active cortical areas might be important for the interpretation of brain plasticity in common behavioural tasks

    Rapid and quantitative detection of homologous and non-homologous recombination events using three oligonucleotide MLPA

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    Embryonic stem (ES) cell technology allows modification of the mouse germline from large deletions and insertions to single nucleotide substitutions by homologous recombination. Identification of these rare events demands an accurate and fast detection method. Current methods for detection rely on Southern blotting and/or conventional PCR. Both the techniques have major drawbacks, Southern blotting is time-consuming and PCR can generate false positives. As an alternative, we here demonstrate a novel approach of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) as a quick, quantitative and reliable method for the detection of homologous, non-homologous and incomplete recombination events in ES cell clones. We have adapted MLPA to detect homologous recombinants in ES cell clones targeted with two different constructs: one introduces a single nucleotide change in the PCNA gene and the other allows for a conditional inactivation of the wild-type PCNA allele. By using MLPA probes consisting of three oligonucleotides we were able to simultaneously detect and quantify both wild-type and mutant alleles

    Dynamics between disturbances and motivations in educational mobile games

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    Can muon-induced backgrounds explain the DAMA data?

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    We present an accurate simulation of the muon-induced background in the DAMA/LIBRA experiment. Muon sampling underground has been performed using the MUSIC/MUSUN codes and subsequent interactions in the rock around the DAMA/LIBRA detector cavern and the experimental setup including shielding, have been simulated with GEANT4.9.6. In total we simulate the equivalent of 20 years of muon data. We have calculated the total muon-induced neutron flux in the DAMA/LIBRA detector cavern as Φμn = 1.0 ×10-9 cm-2s-1, which is consistent with other simulations. After selecting events which satisfy the DAMA/LIBRA signal criteria, our simulation predicts 3.49 ×10-5 cpd/kg/keV which accounts for less than 0.3% of the DAMA/LIBRA modulation amplitude. We conclude from our work that muon-induced backgrounds are unable to contribute to the observed signal modulation
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