24 research outputs found

    The Effect of Using Six Dimensional Strategy PDEODE in Teaching Science on the Basic Eighth Grade Students' Achievement and their Attitudes towards it

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of using PDEODE strategy on the eighth grade students’ achievement  in science and their attitudes towards the strategy. To achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of eighth grade students was selected, consisting of 61 students distributed in two groups: an experimental of 31 female students who studied science using PDEODE strategy, and a control group of 30 female students who studied via the regular method. Two instruments were built; The first was an achievement test, which was applied on both groups before and after treatment, and the second was an attitude scale, which was applied on the experimental group after treatment. The results revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement of female students attributed to the teaching strategy on the test level as a whole, and at the level of knowledge fields (remembering, understanding, analyzing), for the benefit of the experimental group. There were, however,  no differences  between the two groups at the applying  level. The results also indicated that the attitudes of students in the experimental group towards learning with PDEODE strategy were high and positive

    The Level of Understanding of the Nature of Science among the Biology Teachers in the Directorate of Irbid and Its Relation to the Level of their Explanation of Biological Phenomena

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    هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى مستوى فهم معلمي الأحياء لطبيعة العلم، وعلاقته بمستوى تفسيرهم للظواهر البيولوجية. وتكونت عينة الدراسة من 120 معلماً ومعلمة يدرّسون مادة الأحياء في مديرية لواء قصبة إربد. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة طُوّر اختبار يقيس مستوى فهم معلمي الأحياء لطبيعة العلم، كما أُعدّ اختبار آخر يقيس مستوى تفسير معلمي الأحياء للظواهر البيولوجية، وطبقا على عينة الدراسة. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن مستوى فهم معلمي الأحياء لطبيعة العلم كان بدرجة متوسطة على الاختبار ككل، وعلى كل بعد من أبعاده، وعدم وجود فروق دالة في مستوى فهم معلمي الأحياء لطبيعة العلم تعزى لأثر كل من جنس المعلم، وسنوات خبرته، والتفاعل بينهما. وأشارت النتائج أن مستوى تفسير معلمي ومعلمات الأحياء للظواهر البيولوجية كان مرتفعاً، وعدم وجود فروق دالة في مستوى قدرة المعلمين على تفسير الظواهر البيولوجية تعزى لأثر كل من جنس المعلم، وسنوات خبرته، والتفاعل بينهما. كما أشارت النتائج إلى وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة بين مستوى فهم معلمي الأحياء لطبيعة العلم، وقدرتهم على تفسير الظواهر البيولوجية.The study aimed to identify the level of understanding of the nature of science among the Biology teachers in the directorate of Irbid and its relation to the level of their explanation of Biological phenomena. The sample of the study comprised 120 teachers who teach biology in the directorate of Irbid Kasbah district. A test was developed to measure the level of teachers' understanding of the nature of science. Another test was developed to measure the level of teachers' explanation of the biological phenomenon. The tools was applied on the sample study. The results pointed out a moderate degree of teachers' understanding of the nature of science, and showed that there were no significant differences in the level of teachers' understanding due to their gender, the number of years of experience, or the interaction between them. In addition, the results pointed out a high degree of teachers' explanation of biological phenomena, and there were no significant differences in the ability of teachers to explain the biological phenomenon due to their gender, the years of experience or the interaction between them. In addition, the findings revealed a significant correlation between teachers' understanding of the nature of science and their ability to explain biological phenomena

    The Effect of Using Fryer Teaching Model on 7th Grade Students' Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and their Attitudes toward it

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of using Fryer teaching model on 7th grade students' acquisition of scientific concepts. The researchers were interested in testing if differences between students’ acquisitions of scientific concepts were dependent on previous achievement. Also important was to test if students' acquisition of scientific concepts correlated with attitudes towards using Fryer model. To achieve the objectives of the study, a quasi-experimental method was used. Two instruments were developed: a test to measure the acquisition of the scientific concepts and a questionnaire to measure students' attitudes. The study sample consisted of 72 students who were divided into two groups: one (n=37) studied science using Fryer model; the other (n=35) used the traditional method. At the end of the experiment, concepts acquisition test was administered to both groups; while the attitude scale was administered to the experimental group. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the acquisition of scientific concepts in favor of the experimental group; and the previous achievement in favor of high achievers. There was an interaction effect between method and previous achievement. The results also revealed a statistically significant correlation between the acquisition of scientific concepts and attitudes towards learning using Fryer model among 7 graders

    Quality of Life and its Relation to Self-Esteem for a Sample of Drugs Addicts

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    The study aimed to identify the quality of life and its relation to self-esteem for a sample of drug addicts, as well as the differences between returning to addiction once and returning to addiction more than once in these variables. The study sample consisted of 70 male drug addicts using tramadol, cannabis, and alcohol who frequented the drug treatment center of the anti-narcotics program in Jordan. Two scales were used to assess the quality of life and self- esteem. The study results showed a significant correlation between quality of life and self-esteem. Moreover, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the means of drug addicts in favor of addiction once and those returning to addiction more than once in both quality of life and self-esteem for the drug addicts returning to addiction once

    Leading with Love and Its Relationship to Faculty Members Job Loyalty in Jordanian Universities

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    In This study we investigate the relationship between academic leaders practice of leading with love and faculty members job loyalty in Jordanian public universities, the study recruited (358) faculty members. The study finds that academic leaders practice leading with love to a high degree and that faculty members have high job loyalty. Additionally, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between practicing leadership by love and faculty members job loyalty. The study suggests that adopting leadership by love can enhance employee performance and achieve job satisfaction in universities

    The Role of Religion on Suicidal Behavior, Attitudes and Psychological Distress in University Students: A Multinational Study

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the association of religion to suicidal behavior, attitudes and psychological distress in 5572 students from 12 countries by means of a self-report questionnaire. Our results showed that an affiliation with Islam was associated with reduced risk for suicide ideation, however affiliating with Orthodox Christianity and no religion was related to increased risk for suicide ideation. While affiliating with Buddhism, Catholic religion and no religion associated with lowered risk for attempting suicide, affiliation with Islam was related to heightened risk for attempting suicide. Affiliation with Hinduism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, other religions and with no religion was associated with decreased risk for psychological distress but those reported affiliating with Islam evinced greater risk for psychological distress. The associations of the strength of religious belief to suicidal ideation and attempts were in the expected direction for most but it had a positive relation in respondents affiliating with Catholicism and other religions. Students reporting affiliation with Islam, Orthodox religion and Buddhism were the least accepting of suicide but they displayed a more confronting interpersonal style to an imagined peer with a suicidal decision. It was concluded that the protective function of religion in educated segments of populations (university students) and in university students residing in Muslim countries where freedom from religion is restricted or religion is normative and/or compulsory is likely to be limited. Our findings suggest that public policies supporting religious freedom may augment the protective function of religion against suicide and psychological distress

    Suicidal Behavior and Psychological Distress in University Students: A 12-Nation Study. Archives of Suicide Research

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    This study investigated the prevalence of suicidal behavior and psychological distress in university students across 12 nations. A total of 5572 university students from 12 countries were surveyed about suicide ideation, suicide attempts and psychological distress by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Almost 29% of the samples reported having contemplated suicide and 7% reported attempting suicide. Of the total sample, 51.1% scored above the General Health Questionnaire-12 ≥ 3 cut-off point, 41.6% above the GHQ-12 ≥ 4 cut-off point, and 33.8% scored above the GHQ-12 ≥ 5 cut-off point. While odds of suicide ideation were elevated in Austria and the UK, reduced ORs were detected for China, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Turkey. Similarly, while odds of suicide attempt were high in Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and to some extent in Turkey, reduced ORs were observed for Austria, China, Italy, Japan and the USA. Elevated ORs for psychological distress were seen in Japan, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Turkey but reduced ORs were noted in Austria, China, Iran, Italy and the USA. Psychological distress was strongly associated with reports of suicide ideation and attempts. Suicide ideation, suicide attempt and psychological distress are common in university students but their rates vary depending on the sociocultural context. Due attention should be devoted to the mental health needs of young adults enrolled in higher educational institutions and more cross-cultural research is warranted to better understand the etiology of the observed intersocietal variations in suicidal behavior and psychological distress

    Cross - national comparisons of attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons in university students from 12 countries

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    This paper reports the results of a comparative investigation of attitudes to suicide and suicidal persons in 5,572 university students from 12 countries. Participants filled out two scales measuring attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons, a measure of psychological distress together with the questions about suicidal behavior. Results showed that the highest suicide acceptance scores were observed in Austrian, UK, Japanese and Saudi Arabian samples and the lowest scores were noted in Tunisian, Turkish, Iranian and Palestinian samples. While the highest social acceptance scores for a suicidal friend were noted in Turkish, US, Italian and Tunisian samples, the lowest scores were seen in Japanese, Saudi Arabian, Palestinian and Jordanian samples. Compared to participants with a suicidal past, those who were never suicidal displayed more internal barriers against suicidal behavior. Men were more accepting of suicide than women but women were more willing to help an imagined suicidal peer. Participants with accepting attitudes towards suicide but rejecting attitudes towards suicidal persons reported more suicidal behavior and psychological distress, and were more often from high suicide rate countries and samples than their counterparts. They are considered to be caught in a fatal trap in which most predominant feelings of suicidality such as hopelessness or helplessness are likely to occur. We conclude that in some societies such as Japan and Saudi Arabia it might be difficult for suicidal individuals to activate and make use of social support systems

    Migration experiences of Jordanian nurses working in the UK

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    Background. Many nurses have migrated to the United Kingdom (UK) as a result of workforce shortages in the health care system. This is part of worldwide shortages, which creates international mobility for professionals, in health and other sectors, a migration, which has consequences for source and host countries. Literature on migration is limited by the lack of accurate data and rigorous studies, but a range of theoretical frameworks address issues explaining push and pull factors, and consequences of migration for individuals. Few studies currently report on the experience of migrant nurses before, during, and after transition. Aim. This study examines the personal and professional experiences of Jordanian nurses migration to the UK. Design and methods. Using a qualitative biographic approach, data about migrant nurses was collected by survey and semi-structured interviews. The UK Nursing and Midwifery Council database was accessed to identify Jordanian migrant nurses, with the population broadened by snowball sampling. In total 52 nurses responded to demographic survey. A subsample of 13 nurses was interviewed in person and 12 were interviewed by telephone. Findings. Three key themes were identified. First, Jordanian nurses have challenged the ‘status quo’ and taken a decision to move to the UK, in response to the push or pull of work conditions, educational opportunities, career development, wages, travel and adventure. Second, ‘source to host country: disconnecting and connecting’ shows that Jordanian nurses disconnected many relations in Jordan or the Gulf States when they moved and established additional work and social relations in the UK. Third, ‘away from home: professional transformation and routes diversion’ reported on the shifting in Jordanian nurses’ professional and personal life in the UK. Conclusion. This thesis argues that while migration theories focus on economic, using a case study of nursing and incorporating the professional and personal helps identify future migration movement