49 research outputs found

    Quantum estimation via minimum Kullback entropy principle

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    We address quantum estimation in situations where one has at disposal data from the measurement of an incomplete set of observables and some a priori information on the state itself. By expressing the a priori information in terms of a bias toward a given state the problem may be faced by minimizing the quantum relative entropy (Kullback entropy) with the constraint of reproducing the data. We exploit the resulting minimum Kullback entropy principle for the estimation of a quantum state from the measurement of a single observable, either from the sole mean value or from the complete probability distribution, and apply it as a tool for the estimation of weak Hamiltonian processes. Qubit and harmonic oscillator systems are analyzed in some details.Comment: 7 pages, slightly revised version, no figure

    A simple two-module problem to exemplify building-block assembly under crossover

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    Theoretically and empirically it is clear that a genetic algorithm with crossover will outperform a genetic algorithm without crossover in some fitness landscapes, and vice versa in other landscapes. Despite an extensive literature on the subject, and recent proofs of a principled distinction in the abilities of crossover and non-crossover algorithms for a particular theoretical landscape, building general intuitions about when and why crossover performs well when it does is a different matter. In particular, the proposal that crossover might enable the assembly of good building-blocks has been difficult to verify despite many attempts at idealized building-block landscapes. Here we show the first example of a two-module problem that shows a principled advantage for cross-over. This allows us to understand building-block assembly under crossover quite straightforwardly and build intuition about more general landscape classes favoring crossover or disfavoring it

    Using Datamining Techniques to Help Metaheuristics: A Short Survey

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    International audienceHybridizing metaheuristic approaches becomes a common way to improve the efficiency of optimization methods. Many hybridizations deal with the combination of several optimization methods. In this paper we are interested in another type of hybridization, where datamining approaches are combined within an optimization process. Hence, we propose to study the interest of combining metaheuristics and datamining through a short survey that enumerates the different opportunities of such combinations based on literature examples

    A Neuro-Evolutionary Approach to Electrocardiographic Signal Classification

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    International audienceThis chapter presents an evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) classifier system as a heartbeat classification algorithm designed according to the rules of the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011 (Moody, Comput Cardiol Challenge 38:273-276, 2011), whose aim is to develop an efficient algorithm able to run within a mobile phone that can provide useful feedback when acquiring a diagnostically useful 12-lead Electrocardiography (ECG) recording. The method used to solve this problem is a very powerful natural computing analysis tool, namely evolutionary neural networks, based on the joint evolution of the topology and the connection weights relying on a novel similarity-based crossover. The chapter focuses on discerning between usable and unusable electrocardiograms tele-medically acquired from mobile embedded devices. A preprocessing algorithm based on the Discrete Fourier Transform has been applied before the evolutionary approach in order to extract an ECG feature dataset in the frequency domain. Finally, a series of tests has been carried out in order to evaluate the performance and the accuracy of the classifier system for such a challenge

    Bovine proteins containing poly-glutamine repeats are often polymorphic and enriched for components of transcriptional regulatory complexes

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    peer-reviewedBackground: About forty human diseases are caused by repeat instability mutations. A distinct subset of these diseases is the result of extreme expansions of polymorphic trinucleotide repeats; typically CAG repeats encoding poly-glutamine (poly-Q) tracts in proteins. Polymorphic repeat length variation is also apparent in human poly-Q encoding genes from normal individuals. As these coding sequence repeats are subject to selection in mammals, it has been suggested that normal variations in some of these typically highly conserved genes are implicated in morphological differences between species and phenotypic variations within species. At present, poly-Q encoding genes in non-human mammalian species are poorly documented, as are their functions and propensities for polymorphic variation. Results: The current investigation identified 178 bovine poly-Q encoding genes (Q ≥ 5) and within this group, 26 genes with orthologs in both human and mouse that did not contain poly-Q repeats. The bovine poly-Q encoding genes typically had ubiquitous expression patterns although there was bias towards expression in epithelia, brain and testes. They were also characterised by unusually large sizes. Analysis of gene ontology terms revealed that the encoded proteins were strongly enriched for functions associated with transcriptional regulation and many contributed to physical interaction networks in the nucleus where they presumably act cooperatively in transcriptional regulatory complexes. In addition, the coding sequence CAG repeats in some bovine genes impacted mRNA splicing thereby generating unusual transcriptional diversity, which in at least one instance was tissue-specific. The poly-Q encoding genes were prioritised using multiple criteria for their likelihood of being polymorphic and then the highest ranking group was experimentally tested for polymorphic variation within a cattle diversity panel. Extensive and meiotically stable variation was identified. Conclusions: Transcriptional diversity can potentially be generated in poly-Q encoding genes by the impact of CAG repeat tracts on mRNA alternative splicing. This effect, combined with the physical interactions of the encoded proteins in large transcriptional regulatory complexes suggests that polymorphic variations of proteins in these complexes have strong potential to affect phenotype.Dairy Australia (through the Innovative Dairy Cooperative Research Center

    Mobilité et accessibilité aux services et aux transports des femmes âgées à Montréal

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    From recombination of genes to the estimation of distributions I. binary parameters

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    Abstract. The Breeder Genetic Algorithm (BGA) is based on the equation for the response to selection. In order to use this equation for prediction, the variance of the tness of the population has to be estimated. For the usual sexual recombination this can be di cult. In this paper the new points (o spring) are generated from distributions, a uniform distribution and a distribution generated by univariate marginal distributions. For a class of unimodal tness functions the performance of the BGA is analytically computed. The results are compared to gene recombination methods. The uniform distribution is approximately generated by line recombination ďż˝ recombination methods acting independently on each gene approximate the second distribution.

    Stochastic Analysis of Cellular Automata and the Voter Model

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    We make a stochastic analysis of both deterministic and stochastic cellular automata. The theory uses a mesoscopic view, i.e. it works with probabilities instead of individual configurations used in micro-simulations. We make an exact analysis by using the theory of Markov processes. This can be done for small problems only. For larger problems we approximate the distribution by products of marginal distributions of low order. The approximation use new developments in efficient computation of probabilities based on factorizations of the distribution. We investigate the popular voter model. We show that for one dimension the bifurcation at alpha = 1/3 is an artifact of the mean-field approximation

    Coarse graining selection and mutation

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    Abstract. Coarse graining is defined in terms of a commutative diagram. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given in the continuously differentiable case. The theory is applied to linear coarse grainings arising from partitioning the population space of a simple Genetic Algorithm (GA). Cases considered include proportional selection, binary tournament selection, and mutation. A nonlinear coarse graining for ranking selection is also presented. Within the context of GAs, the primary contribution made is the introduction and illustration of a technique by which the possibility for coarse grainings may be analyzed. A secondary contribution is that a number of new coarse graining results are obtained.