41 research outputs found

    Bosons Doubling

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    It is shown that next-nearest-neighbor interactions may lead to unusual paramagnetic or ferromagnetic phases which physical content is radically different from the standard phases. Actually there are several particles described by the same quantum field in a manner similar to the species doubling of the lattice fermions. We prove the renormalizability of the theory at the one loop level.Comment: 12 page

    Dirac monopole with Feynman brackets

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    We introduce the magnetic angular momentum as a consequence of the structure of the sO(3) Lie algebra defined by the Feynman brackets. The Poincare momentum and Dirac magnetic monopole appears as a direct result of this framework.Comment: 10 page

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics Viewed from Feynman Formalism

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    Dyson published in 1990 a proof due to Feynman of the Maxwell equations. This proof is based on the assumption of simple commutation relations between position and velocity. We first study a nonrelativistic particle using Feynman formalism. We show that Poincar\'{e}'s magnetic angular momentum and Dirac magnetic monopole are the direct consequences of the structure of the sO(3) Lie algebra in Feynman formalism. Then we show how to extend this formalism to the dual momentum space with the aim of introducing Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics which was recently the subject of a wide range of works from particle physics to condensed matter physics.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in the Proceedings of the Lorentz Workshop "Beyond the Quantum", eds. Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 2007. Added reference

    Renormalization Group in Quantum Mechanics

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    We establish the renormalization group equation for the running action in the context of a one quantum particle system. This equation is deduced by integrating each fourier mode after the other in the path integral formalism. It is free of the well known pathologies which appear in quantum field theory due to the sharp cutoff. We show that for an arbitrary background path the usual local form of the action is not preserved by the flow. To cure this problem we consider a more general action than usual which is stable by the renormalization group flow. It allows us to obtain a new consistent renormalization group equation for the action.Comment: 20 page

    Semiclassical quantization of electrons in magnetic fields: the generalized Peierls substitution

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    A generalized Peierls substitution which takes into account a Berry phase term must be considered for the semiclassical treatment of electrons in a magnetic field. This substitution turns out to be an essential element for the correct determination of the semiclassical equations of motion as well as for the semiclassical Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition for energy levels. A general expression for the cross-sectional area is derived and used as an illustration for the calculation of the energy levels of Bloch and Dirac electrons

    Semiclassical Dynamics of Electrons in Magnetic Bloch Bands: a Hamiltonian Approach

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    y formally diagonalizing with accuracy â„Ź\hbar the Hamiltonian of electrons in a crystal subject to electromagnetic perturbations, we resolve the debate on the Hamiltonian nature of semiclassical equations of motion with Berry-phase corrections, and therefore confirm the validity of the Liouville theorem. We show that both the position and momentum operators acquire a Berry-phase dependence, leading to a non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics. The equations of motion turn out to be identical to the ones previously derived in the context of electron wave-packets dynamics.Comment: 4 page