82 research outputs found

    What we know about Mars (but otherwise wouldn't) if it is the shergottite parent body

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    The evidence that some meteorites may actually be samples of fairly large solar system bodies, specifically the moon and the planet Mars was presented. The proposed martian meteorites, called shergottites are igneous rocks that crystallized from molten magmas. Their crystallization ages are much too young to have formed by internal melting within small asteroids, and the unusual chemical composition of gases trapped when these rocks were severely shocked matches that of the martin atmosphere measured by Viking. The implications of these samples for martian evolution was discussed and suggested, that if Mars is the shergottite parent body, the martian interior is much more like that of the earth than has been previously thought. Shergottites explain presence of small magnetic field indicate that volatileement concentratins in Mars should be similar to the Earth, and explain the great lengths of volcanic flows on the martian surface

    Wet inside and out? Constraints on water in the Martian mantle and on outgassed water, based on melt inclusions in SNC meteorites

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    Constraints on the volatile inventory and outgassing history of Mars are critical to understanding the origin of ancient valley systems and paleoclimates. Planetary accretion models for Mars allow either a volatile-rich or volatile-poor mantle, depending on whether the accreted materials were fully oxidized or whether accretion was homogeneous so that water was lost through reaction with metallic iron. The amount of water that has been outgassed from the interior is likewise a contentious subject, and estimates of globally distributed water based on various geochemical and geological measurements vary from a few meters to more than a thousand meters. New data on SNC meteorites, which are thought to be Martian igneous rocks, provide constraints on both mantle and outgassed water

    Heliocentric zoning of the asteroid belt by aluminum-26 heating

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    Variations in petrology among meteorites attest to a strong heating event early in solar system history, but the heat source has remained unresolved. Aluminum-26 has been considered the most likely high-energy, short-lived radionuclide (half-life 0.72 million years) since the discovery of its decay product - excess Mg-26 - in Allende CAI's. Furthermore, observation of relict Mg-26 in an achondritic clast and in feldspars within ordinary chondrites (3,4) provided strong evidence for live Al-26 in meteorite parent bodies and not just in refractory nebular condensates. The inferred amount of Al-26 is consistent with constraints on the thermal evolution of both ordinary and carbonaceous chondrite parent objects up to a few hundred kilometers in diameter. Meteorites can constrain the early thermal evolution of their parent body locations, provided that a link can be established between asteroid spectrophotometric signature and meteorite class. Asteroid compositions are heliocentrically distributed: objects thought to have experienced high metamorphic or even melting temperatures are located closer to the sun, whereas apparently unaltered or mildly heated asteroids are located farther away. Heliocentric zoning could be the result of Al-26 heating if the initial amount of the radionuclide incorporated into planetesimals was controlled by accretion time, which in turn varies with semimajor axis. Analytic expressions for planetary accretion may be integrated to given the time, tau, required for a planetesimal to grow to a specified radius: tau varies as a(sup n), where n = 1.5 to 3 depending on the assumptions about variations in the surface density of the planetesimal swarm. Numerical simulations of planetesimal accretion at fixed semimajor axis demonstrate that variations in accretion time among small planetesimals can be strongly nonlinear depending on the initial conditions and model assumptions. The general relationship with semimajor axis remains valid because it depends only on the initial orbit properties and distribution of the planesimal swarm. In order to demonstrate the basic dependence of thermal evolution on semimajor axis, we parameterized accretion time across the asteroid belt according to tau varies as a(sup n) and calculated the subsequent thermal history. Objects at a specified semimajor axis were assumed to have the same accretion time, regardless of size. We set the initial Al-26/Al-27 ratio = 6 x 10(exp -5) and treated n and tau(sub 0) at a(sub 0) = 3 AU as adjustable parameters. The thermal model included temperature-dependent properties of ice and rock (CM chondrite analog) and the thermodynamic effects of phase transitions

    Chemical Mixing Model and K-Th-Ti Systematics and HED Meteorites for the Dawn Mission

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    The Dawn mission will explore 4 Vesta, a large differentiated asteroid believed to be the parent body of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite suite. The Dawn spacecraft carries a gamma-ray and neutron detector (GRaND), which will measure the abundances of selected elements on the surface of Vesta. This study provides ways to leverage the large geochemical database on HED meteorites as a tool for interpreting chemical analyses by GRaND of mapped units on the surface of Vesta

    Pyroxene equilibration temperatures in metamorphosed ordinary chondrites

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    Ordinary chondrites are divided into petrographic types based on observed mineralogical and textural properties consistent with progressive thermal metamorphism from low grade (type 3) to high (type 7). Regardless of the exact cause of the metamorphism, higher-type chondrites should retain information concerning peak temperatures reached and for what duration. Using the two-pyroxene geothermometer of Lindsley, we have calculated the equilibration temperatures for 26H, L and LL type 5 and 6 ordinary chondrites, to investigate the relative peak temperatures and equilibration-states reached by these various meteorite classes. The Lindsley thermometer relies on a detailed accounting of non-quadrilateral components in pyroxenes, whose recalculated compositions are then plotted onto an empirically-derived polythermal diagram from which temperatures can be interpolated. The reported uncertainty of this method is plus or minus 50 C; in addition, close spacing of isotherms on the graph (particularly for orthopyroxene compositions) increase this uncertainty. We have parameterized the Lindsley polythermal quadrilateral for 1 atm pressure (less than 2 bar), and interpreted recalculated coordinates directly in terms of 25 C temperature intervals. Meteorites selected for this study include both relatively shocked and unshoked specimens; heavily weathered or visibly brecciated specimens were avoided. Temperatures were calculated from orthopyroxene (opx) and clinopyroxene (cpx) analyses within one relative percent of ideal sums and stoichiometry. Histograms summarizing the calculated temperatures for type 5 and 6 ordinary chondrites are shown

    K/TH in Achondrites and Interpretation of Grand Data for the Dawn Mission

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    The Dawn mission will explore 4 Vesta [1], a highly differentiated asteroid believed to be the parent body of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite suite [e.g. 2]. The Dawn spacecraft is equipped with a gamma-ray and neutron detector (GRaND), which will enable measurement and mapping of elemental abundances on Vesta s surface [3]. Drawing on HED geochemistry, Usui and McSween [4] proposed a linear mixing model for interpretation of GRaND data. However, the HED suite is not the only achondrite suite representing asteroidal basaltic crusts; others include the mesosiderites, angrites, NWA 011, and possibly Ibitira, each of which is thought to have a distinct parental asteroid [5]. Here we critically examine the variability of GRaND-analyzed elements, K and Th, in HED meteorites, and propose a method based on the K-Th systematics to distinguish between HED and the other differentiated achondrites. Maps of these elements might also recognize incompatible element enriched areas such as mapped locally on the Moon (KREEP) [6], and variations in K/Th ratios might indicate impact volatilization of K. We also propose a new mixing model using elements that will be most reliably measured by GRaND, including K

    Possible Ni-Rich Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Sequence in the Columbia Hills: Evidence from the Spirit Rover

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    The Spirit rover landed on geologic units of Hesperian age in Gusev Crater. The Columbia Hills rise above the surrounding plains materials, but orbital images show that the Columbia Hills are older [1, 2]. Spirit has recently descended the southeast slope of the Columbia Hills doing detailed measurements of a series of outcrops. The mineralogical and compositional data on these rocks are consistent with an interpretation as a magmatic sequence becoming increasingly olivine-rich down slope. The outcrop sequence is Larry s Bench, Seminole, Algonquin and Comanche. The "teeth" on the Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) wore away prior to arrival at Larry s Bench; the data discussed are for RAT brushed surfaces

    Do Mesosiderites Reside on 4 VESTA? an Assessment Based on Dawn Grand Data

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    Almost a century ago, simple petrographic observations were used to suggest a close genetic link between eucrites and the silicates in mesosiderites [1]. Mesosiderites are composed of roughly equal proportions of silicates that are very similar in mineralogy and texture to howardites, and Fe, Ni metal (Fig. 1) [2]. This similarity has led some to conclude that mesosiderites come from the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) parent asteroid [3, 4]. Subsequent petrologic study demonstrated a number of differences between mesosiderite silicates and HEDs that are more plausibly explained as requiring separate parent asteroids [5]. However, HEDs and mesosiderites are identical in oxygen isotopic composition, and this has been used to argue for a common parent 4 Vesta [6]

    Morphology and Composition of the Surface of Mars: Mars Odyssey THEMIS Results

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    The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on Mars Odyssey has produced infrared to visible wavelength images of the martian surface that show lithologically distinct layers with variable thickness, implying temporal changes in the processes or environments during or after their formation. Kilometer-scale exposures of bedrock are observed; elsewhere airfall dust completely mantles the surface over thousands of square kilometers. Mars has compositional variations at 100-meter scales, for example, an exposure of olivine-rich basalt in the walls of Ganges Chasma. Thermally distinct ejecta facies occur around some craters with variations associated with crater age. Polar observations have identified temporal patches of water frost in the north polar cap. No thermal signatures associated with endogenic heat sources have been identified

    Macro vs. Micro: Relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite

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    We present the main results obtained comparing the visible-near infrared (VIS-NIR) spectra Vesta s surface with howardites, eucrites, diogenites (HED). HEDs are commonly associated with Vesta s composition based on spectral similarities. Because of such association, much effort is being made to merge the information from HEDs as well as Vestoids - with that from Vesta to characterize the lithologic diversity of the surface of this asteroid and to infer clues regarding its thermal history. However, while the HEDs are a class of meteorites well studied in the laboratory, the only spectral data available for Vesta until now were telescopic observations which are limited in terms of observation conditions, spatial resolution and Signal to Noise Ratio. The Dawn spacecraft, orbiting around Vesta since July 2011, is performing detailed observations of this body and thus improving our knowledge of its properties. Dawn s scientific payload includes an imaging spectrometer, VIR-MS, sensitive to the VIS-NIR spectral range. VIR-MS began acquiring spectra during the approach phase started in May 2011 and will continue its observations through July 2012 when the spacecraft will depart Vesta to travel to Ceres. The VIR-MS spatial resolution depends upon the mission phase (approach, survey, high altitude, low altitude). However, spectra acquired by VIR-MS have already exceeded the spatial resolution of ground-based telescopic observations, with resolution in the approach phase ranging from 2.5 up to 0.8 km/pixel. Moreover, the observations are uniformly distributed in latitude and longitude allowing us to have a global view of Vesta s crust spectral properties. Using the information provided by VIR spectra, we studied the distribution of the spectral heterogeneities on the surface and we used our findings to perform a comparison with HEDs spectra in the VIS-NIR spectral range searching for analogies and/or incompatibilities. In our analysis, we focused on a method to compare the results obtained at microscopic scale on HEDs samples and the one obtained at macroscopic scale on the surface of Vesta. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of vestan thermal history. The intent of this study is to improve our understanding of the connection between Vesta and the HED samples, which is one of the primary Dawn scientific objectives. This work is supported by an Italian Space Agency (ASI) grant and by NASA through the Dawn project and a Dawn at Vesta Participating Scientist grant
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