94 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Interpolation Effects on Upsampling and Accuracy of Cost Functions-Based Optimized Automatic Image Registration

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    Interpolation has become a default operation in image processing and medical imaging and is one of the important factors in the success of an intensity-based registration method. Interpolation is needed if the fractional unit of motion is not matched and located on the high resolution (HR) grid. The purpose of this work is to present a systematic evaluation of eight standard interpolation techniques (trilinear, nearest neighbor, cubic Lagrangian, quintic Lagrangian, hepatic Lagrangian, windowed Sinc, B-spline 3rd order, and B-spline 4th order) and to compare the effect of cost functions (least squares (LS), normalized mutual information (NMI), normalized cross correlation (NCC), and correlation ratio (CR)) for optimized automatic image registration (OAIR) on 3D spoiled gradient recalled (SPGR) magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain acquired using a 3T GE MR scanner. Subsampling was performed in the axial, sagittal, and coronal directions to emulate three low resolution datasets. Afterwards, the low resolution datasets were upsampled using different interpolation methods, and they were then compared to the high resolution data. The mean squared error, peak signal to noise, joint entropy, and cost functions were computed for quantitative assessment of the method. Magnetic resonance image scans and joint histogram were used for qualitative assessment of the method

    Antidiabetic effects of Eucalyptus globulus on pancreatic islets: a stereological study

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    The leaves of Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) are used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in traditional medicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of eucalyptus on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced damage in pancreatic islands by stereological methods. Fifty mature normoglycaemic male Wistar rats, weighing 200-250 g, were selected and randomly divided into 5 groups (n = 10): control; STZ-induced diabetic (D) - by intraperitoneal injection of 60 mg/kg streptozotocin; treated control (TC); and treated diabetic (TD1, 2), respectively, received 20 and 62.5 g/kg of eucalyptus in their diet, and 2.5 g/L aqueous extract of eucalyptus in their drinking water from one week after induction of diabetes. After four weeks of the experiment, stereological estimation of volume density and total volume of islets and beta cells, volume-weighted mean islet volume, mass of the islets and pancreas, and total number of islets were carried out. Administration of eucalyptus significantly decreased the weight loss and increase of water and food intake in the treated diabetic groups in comparison to the STZ-induced diabetic (D) group. Volume density and total volume of islets, volume-weighted mean islet volume, mass of islets, and mass of pancreas of both treated diabetic groups were higher than the D group. In TD2, these stereological parameters increased significantly compared to the D group (p < 0.001). Volume density and total volume of beta cells increased 21% and 65%, respectively, in the TD2 group, but it was not statistically significant compared to the diabetic group (p > 0.05). The results suggested that Eucalyptus globulus with a dose-dependent manner ameliorates diabetic states by partial restoration of pancreatic beta cells and repair of STZ-induced damage in rats. This study suggests a beneficial effect of eucalyptus in the treatment of diabetes. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 2: 112-118

    Anthropometric measurements of the external nose in 18&#8211;25-year-old Sistani and Baluch aborigine women in the southeast of Iran

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    The human nose differs in its anatomy and morphology between different racial and ethnic groups. The objective of this survey was to provide data for clinical plastics of the nose, medical aesthetics and cosmetology, anthropology, nationality study, and medical jurisprudence in Sistani (Fars) and Baluch aborigines in the southeast of Iran. The subjects participating in this study were 400 volunteer Baluch and Sistani aborigine women (in both groups the number of subjects was 200) within the age range of 18&#8211;25 years. Anthropometric data were obtained from all subjects using standard anthropometric methods with a sliding calliper. The data were analyzed using SPSS 11.0. Values were expressed as mean &#177; standard deviation (SD). Student t-test was used to compare the results. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. The mean total length and height of the nose in the Sistani group was significantly (p < 0.001) lower than in the Baluch group (46.5 &#177; 1.8 vs. 53.0 &#177; 1.3; 44.0 &#177; 2.2 vs. 49.5 &#177; 2.0). The mean anatomic width of the nose in the Sistani group was higher than in the Baluch group (32.3 &#177; 1.3 vs. 31.4 &#177; 1.5 mm). The nasal index in the Sistani group was significantly (p < 0.001) higher than in the Baluch group (69.7 &#177; 3.5 vs. 59.2 &#177; 3.3). The most common type of nose was leptorrhine (fine nose), accounting for 55.5% in the Sistani group and 98.5% in the Baluch group. The most common type of face in both groups was leptoprosopic. In spite of significant differences in measurements of noses in the Sistani and Baluch groups, the most common types of nose and face were similar in these two groups

    Investigation on feeding behaviour of yellowfin seabream larvae, Acanthopagrus latus, fed on live food and microencapsulated diet

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    Feeding behavior of yellowfin seabream larvae during the first two weeks of larval life was studied by feeding larvae on different ratios of live food and microencapsulated diet (MED). Food consumption rate increased progressively with increasing larval weight. The results from visual observation of the larval guts under a light microscope indicated that yellowfin seabream larvae were able to ingest and digest MED from the onset of exogenous feeding. Comparing the average number of rotifers and MED ingested by larvae in treatments including either only live food or MED did not show any significant differences (P>0.05). In addition, the gut contents examination from the larvae fed simultaneously on both rotifer and MED, revealed that the larvae's tendency towards live food and/or MED was a function of live food density in the rearing tanks. The larvae preferentially ingest live food even when these are present at a very low concentration in comparison to MED. The mouth diameter of larvae has a strong influence on the amount of ingested rotifers and MED. There was a significant positive correlation between larvae growth and the average number of both live food and MED ingested by larvae in this trial (P0.05)

    Quality assessment of fish burgers from deep flounder (Pseudorhombus elevatus) and brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) during storage at -18ºC

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    Microbiological, chemical and sensory changes of fish burgers prepared from deep flounder (Pseudorhombus elevatus) and brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) were determined during storage at -18ºC for 5 months. Microbiological counts were including total plate count (TPC), total coliform (TC), Staphylococcus aureus, Psychotropic and Escherichia coli decreased throughout the frozen storage . Reduction of microbial load in brushtooth lizardfish was higher than that in deep flounder, except for Staphylococcus aureus counts that was almost equal in both groups. There was a significant increase in pH value in both groups (P<0.05) in first and second months of storage only. Moisture content increased in both groups at the end of 5th month, with increase of moisture in deep flounder fish burgers being higher than that in brushtooth lizardfish burgers. TVB-N values in both groups increased significantly (P<0.05 and P<0.008 for deep flounder and brushtooth lizardfish burgers, respectively) at the end of the second month, however, there was a decrease or no significant change afterward. TBA value of deep flounder fish burgers had a significant decrease (P<0.05) as storage time continued, however, it increased significantly in brushtooth lizardfish burgers at the end of second month (P<0.006) following by a decrease at the end of storage period. Peroxide value (PV) in both groups increased significantly (P<0.05 and P<0.002 in deep flounder and brushtooth lizardfish burgers, respectively) during storage time but a significant decrease was observed at the end of third and fourth months (P<0.005 and P<0.001 in deep flounder and brushtooth lizardfish burgers, respectively). Sensory parameters (color, texture, taste and general acceptability) for two groups decreased significantly (P<0.003 for all parameters in 2 groups) during storage with deep flounder fish burgers receiving higher scores than brushtooth lizardfish burgers at the beginning and end of the storage period

    Estimation of Balance Pruning and Green Pruning on Quantitative Tratis in Table Grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Yaghooti) in Sistan Region

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    Introduction  Yaghooti grape is the earliest grape variety in Iran and is the most important horticultural product in the Sistan region, which is cultivated in more than 90% of the vineyards of this region. Considering the massive project of transferring water through pipes for 46 thousand farmer's fields as a recent approach in agricultural programs of the sistan region and also the necessity of changing the cultivation pattern, the suitable contribution of the new cultivation pattern is allocated for grape. A grapevine canopy is defined as the shoots and leaves system. Bearing and green pruning are defined as factors allows the grape farmers to enhance and maximize their production and quality. Materials and Methods  In order to evaluate the effects of balance pruning and green pruning on some traits and fruit yield of Yaghooti grape, the present research was conducted in the Zahak agricultural research station during 2017-2021.This research was conducted as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design for three years. Four levels of bearing pruning intensity including: control or local custom (B1), 10 + 60 (B2), 10 + 40 (B3), and 10 + 20 (B4) considered as the first factor and four levels of intensity green pruning including; control or conventional local method (G1), pruning of cans from above eight leaves on the last cluster (G2), pruning of unproductive branches + pruning of cans from above eight leaves on the last cluster (G3), 4-pruning of branches without fruit from the bottom + pruning of unproductive branches + pruning the cans from the top of the eight leaves on the last cluster (G4) considered as the second factor in three replications. The study was conducted on 12-year-old vines of the Yaghooti cultivar, which were trained using the traditional system and spaced 3 meters apart in both directions. The data collected during cluster formation included morphological traits such as cluster length, cluster width, main and sub axes length of the cluster, berry diameter, cluster axes weight, berry weight, cluster weight, berry number in the cluster, and cluster/vine to fruit yield. The analysis of variance for each variable was performed using the PROC GLM procedure in SAS 9.4. Furthermore, the relationships between the evaluated morphological traits were determined using multiple linear regression. Results and Discussion  The results showed that bearing pruning had a significant effect on all traits except berry diameter. Green pruning had a significant effect on cluster length, total length of main and sub axes, cluster axis weight, berry weight, cluster weight, number of berries per cluster and yield. The balance pruning (20+10) caused to increase the cluster length, cluster width, berry diameter, cluster axis weight, total length of main and sub axes and berry weight by 32.5, 30.6, 8.97, 32.8, 34.4 and 15.3% compared to the control, respectively while but led to 33.8% reduction in cluster/vine compared to the control. The results of the study showed that pruning of G4 had a significant positive effect on the length and width of clusters, weight of cluster axes, total length of main and sub-axes, and berry weight, increasing them by 11%, 19.5%, 15.8%, 14.6%, and 11.9% respectively, compared to the control. The interaction between balance and green pruning had a significant effect on cluster weight, berry number in cluster, and yield. The B4G4 treatment resulted in a 137.4%, 82.3%, and 14.2% increase in cluster weight, berry number in cluster, and yield compared to the B1G1 treatment. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that cluster length, berry weight, cluster weight, and cluster/vine were the most important traits that influenced fruit yield in the Yaghooti grape. In general, the results showed that the interaction of balance and green pruning (B4G4) increases yield by 17.2% compared the control (B1G1). Conclusion  The shape and structure of the grape vine is very effective on the growth and development of the product. This determines the amount of photosynthesis and carbohydrates production. If the structure of the grape vine is changed in such a way that a greater portion of carbohydrates production belongs to the fruit, the grape production will significantly affected in terms of quality and quantity. Due to the fact that grapes are grown by creeping method in the Sistan region, fruit and green pruning (local custom) led to a high density in the plant crown which reduces light penetration as well as the ratio of producer to the consumer leaves. This method may negatively impact the quality and marketability of grape clusters by reducing the number and weight of the clusters and berries, as well as the length and width of the clusters. However, in this study, we increased the intensity of fruiting and green pruning, which resulted in a reduced crown density and less shading. Our utilized method directed the major portion of photosynthesis to the fruit, which led to quantitative and qualitative fruit yield increment

    Awareness and practice of cervical cancer and Pap smear testing in a teaching hospital in Tehran

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    Background: Cervical cancer is known to be preventable because of long period of pre-invasive stage, availability of screening tools, and effective treatments for early invasive cervical lesions. Screening is main measures to prevent the disease and Pap smear is a screening strategy for cervical cancer. Current paper aimed to evaluate levels of awareness and practice regarding Pap smear screening among women aged between 20 to 65 years in Tehran (Iran). Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study conducted in Tehran City of Iran in 2015 at Firoozgar Hospital. The research population included all married, widowed and divorced women aged 20-65 years. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation and Student�s t-tests in SPSS, ver. 23 (Chicago, IL, USA). Results: Among 90 individuals who have fill questionnaire completely, 66.6 subjects had Pap smear tests. 40 of the individuals aged between 30 to 39 and the education level is distributed equally between Intermediate, Diploma and graduate and only 3 percent of them, continue their education to higher level. There was a significant relationship between the awareness of Pap smear and educational level (of both wives and husbands). The people who have graduate degree, have the best awareness. Working women revealed higher level of awareness about Pap smear. Shame and fear of taking the cancer were the most common reasons which lead to avoidance in doing the test by the women, while the most encouraging factors for performing the test were the information mostly provided by physicians and after that, the information provided by friends. Conclusion: The awareness of Pap smear test which was measured by weighting different questions in the questionnaire by experts, prove that the women aged above 39, have an average level of awareness of Pap smear test. Due to high prevalence of cervical cancer and prolonged pre invasive course, role of Pap smear for early diagnosis necessitate the use of proper and inexpensive instructional methods to increase awareness in women about cervical cancer and preventive strategies. © 2016, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The Problem of Mixing up of Leishmania Isolates in the Laboratory: Suggestion of ITS1 Gene Sequencing for Verification of Species

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    Background: Leishmaniasis is endemic in Iran. Different species of Leishmania (L.) parasites are causative agents of this disease. Correct identification of Leishmania species is important for clinical studies,prevention, and control of the diseases. Mix up of Leishmania isolates is possible in the laboratory, so there is need for verification of species for isolates of uncertain identity. Different methods may be used for this purpose including isoenzyme electrophoresis and molecular methods. The isoenzyme lectrophoresis, due to its drawbacks, is feasible only in specialized laboratories while molecular methods may be more feasible. The aim of this research was to study the application of the internal transcribedspacer 1 (ITS1) sequencing method, in comparison to isoenzyme electrophoresis method, for verification of Leishmania species.Methods: Six Leishmania isolates were received from different research institutions in Iran. The species of these isolates were known by donating institution according to their isoenzyme profile. The species of these isolates were re-identified in Pasteur Institute of Iran by PCR amplification of ITS1 followed bysequencing and comparison of these sequences with Leishmania sequences in GenBank. Isoenzyme electrophoresis was performed for confirmation of the results of ITS1.Results: ITS1 sequence showed that some isolates were mixed up or contaminated with Crithidia. Isoenzyme electrophoresis confirmed the results of ITS1 sequences.Conclusion: ITS1 sequencing is relatively more feasible than the traditional isoenzyme electrophoresismethod and is suggested for verification of Leishmania species

    Analysis of SSR and AFLP Markers to Detect Genetic Diversity Among Selected Clones of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Keshmeshi

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    To assess the genetic differences between clones of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Keshmeshi, ten selected clones from a clonal selection programme were analysed by 23 Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) and seven AFLP primer combinations. No intra-varietal differences between the clones could be detected by SSRs, whereas eight out of the 499 AFLP fragments generated by the seven primer combinations were polymorphic. The number of markers ranged from 44 (E34-M34) to 97 (E31-M32), with an average of 71.3 fragments per primer combination. Cluster analysis based on the AFLP data separated all the clones of Keshmeshi in two groups. The first group included nine white berry skin clones without any genetic differences, and the second group with only a red berry skin clone. AFLP could only distinguish the red berry clone of Keshmeshi from other white berry clones

    Expression and characterization of a novel recombinant cytotoxin II from Naja naja oxiana venom: A potential treatment for breast cancer

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    Breast cancer (BC) is among the leading causes of mortality from cancer in women. Many of the available anticancer drugs have various side effects. Therefore, researchers are seeking novel anticancer agents particularly from natural compounds and in this regard, snake venom is still one of the main sources of drug discovery. Previous studies showed potential anticancer effects of Cytotoxin II (CTII) from Naja naja oxiana against the different types of cancers. In this study, a pET-SUMO-CTII vector was transformed into SHuffle® T7 Express, an Escherichia coli strain, for recombinant protein expression (rCTII) and the cytotoxic effects of this protein was assessed in MCF-7 cells. The flow cytometry assay was applied to measure the apoptosis and cell cycle. Also, mRNA levels of the Bax, Bcl2, P53, caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, caspase-10, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-3, and MMP-9 were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR to determine the underlying cellular pathways affected by rCTII. The results of this study showed that treatment with 4 μg mL−1 of rCTII enhanced apoptosis through the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Also, the increase of the cells' proportion in the sub-G1 phase as well as a reduction in S phase was observed. In addition, the expression of MMP-3 and MMP-9 was decreased in the treated group in comparison to the control group that may contribute to the reduced migratory ability of tumor cells. These experimental results indicate that rCTII has anti-proliferative potential, and so this protein could be a potential drug for BC therapy in combination with other drugs