25,852 research outputs found

    The GPRIME approach to finite element modeling

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    GPRIME, an interactive modeling system, runs on the CDC 6000 computers and the DEC VAX 11/780 minicomputer. This system includes three components: (1) GPRIME, a user friendly geometric language and a processor to translate that language into geometric entities, (2) GGEN, an interactive data generator for 2-D models; and (3) SOLIDGEN, a 3-D solid modeling program. Each component has a computer user interface of an extensive command set. All of these programs make use of a comprehensive B-spline mathematics subroutine library, which can be used for a wide variety of interpolation problems and other geometric calculations. Many other user aids, such as automatic saving of the geometric and finite element data bases and hidden line removal, are available. This interactive finite element modeling capability can produce a complete finite element model, producing an output file of grid and element data

    Review: Do the Different Sensory Areas within the Cat Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcal Cortex Collectively Represent a Network Multisensory Hub?

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    Current theory supports that the numerous functional areas of the cerebral cortex are organized and function as a network. Using connectional databases and computational approaches, the cerebral network has been demonstrated to exhibit a hierarchical structure composed of areas, clusters and, ultimately, hubs. Hubs are highly connected, higher-order regions that also facilitate communication between different sensory modalities. One region computationally identified network hub is the visual area of the Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcal cortex (AESc) of the cat. The Anterior Ectosylvian Visual area (AEV) is but one component of the AESc that also includes the auditory (Field of the Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcus - FAES) and somatosensory (Fourth somatosensory representation - SIV). To better understand the nature of cortical network hubs, the present report reviews the biological features of the AESc. Within the AESc, each area has extensive external cortical connections as well as among one another. Each of these core representations is separated by a transition zone characterized by bimodal neurons that share sensory properties of both adjoining core areas. Finally, core and transition zones are underlain by a continuous sheet of layer 5 neurons that project to common output structures. Altogether, these shared properties suggest that the collective AESc region represents a multiple sensory/multisensory cortical network hub. Ultimately, such an interconnected, composite structure adds complexity and biological detail to the understanding of cortical network hubs and their function in cortical processing

    Control of the red-legged earth mite and lucerne flea : treatment of seed with systemic insecticides

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    THE red-legged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Tuck.), and the lucerne flea, Sminthurus viridis (L.), are at present controlled effectively, cheaply and safely by a combined DDT/malathion spray (Jenkins, 1956, 1957) and this continues to be the general recommendation for farmers. However, this combination has some disadvantages. The DDT in the spray ensures some residual control of the earth mite but has the unfortunate property of toxicity to the bdellid mites which are useful predators of the lucerne flea. The malathion in the spray assists the DDT to control the earth mite and provides a good, quick kill of the lucerne flea, but it has no residual action. As a consequence, lucerne flea populations tend to build up again rapidly after treatment, unless a second treatment is applied

    Observation of Single Transits in Supercooled Monatomic Liquids

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    A transit is the motion of a system from one many-particle potential energy valley to another. We report the observation of transits in molecular dynamics (MD) calculations of supercooled liquid argon and sodium. Each transit is a correlated simultaneous shift in the equilibrium positions of a small local group of particles, as revealed in the fluctuating graphs of the particle coordinates versus time. This is the first reported direct observation of transit motion in a monatomic liquid in thermal equilibrium. We found transits involving 2 to 11 particles, having mean shift in equilibrium position on the order of 0.4 R_1 in argon and 0.25 R_1 in sodium, where R_1 is the nearest neighbor distance. The time it takes for a transit to occur is approximately one mean vibrational period, confirming that transits are fast.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Contributions to the Free Energy from the Electron-Phonon Interaction for Na, K, Al, and Pb

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    We calculate the adiabatic contributions to the free energy due to the electron--phonon interaction at intermediate temperatures, 0⩽kBT<ϵF0 \leqslant k_{B} T < \epsilon_{F} for the elemental metals Na, K, Al, and Pb. Using our previously published results for the nonadiabatic contributions we show that the adiabatic contribution, which is proportional to T2T^{2} at low temperatures and goes as T3T^{3} at high temperatures, dominates the nonadiabatic contribution for temperatures above a cross--over temperature, TcT_{c}, which is between 0.5 and 0.8 TmT_{m}, where TmT_{m} is the melting temperature of the metal. The nonadiabatic contribution falls as T−1T^{-1} for temperatures roughly above the average phonon frequency.Comment: Updated versio

    Low-energy interaction of composite spin-half systems with scalar and vector fields

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    We consider a composite spin-half particle moving in spatially-varying scalar and vector fields. The vector field is assumed to couple to a conserved charge, but no assumption is made about either the structure of the composite or its coupling to the scalar field. A general form for the piece of the spin-orbit interaction of the composite with the scalar and vector fields which is first-order in momentum transfer Q{\bf Q} and second-order in the fields is derived.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    Can Everett be Interpreted Without Extravaganza?

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    Everett's relative states interpretation of quantum mechanics has met with problems related to probability, the preferred basis, and multiplicity. The third theme, I argue, is the most important one. It has led to developments of the original approach into many-worlds, many-minds, and decoherence-based approaches. The latter especially have been advocated in recent years, in an effort to understand multiplicity without resorting to what is often perceived as extravagant constructions. Drawing from and adding to arguments of others, I show that proponents of decoherence-based approaches have not yet succeeded in making their ontology clear.Comment: Succinct analysis forthcoming in Found. Phy
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