602 research outputs found

    Theoretical studies of photoexcitation and ionization in H_2O

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    Theoretical studies are reported of the complete dipole excitation and ionization spectrum in H_2O employing Franck–Condon and static‐exchange approximations. Large Cartesian Gaussian basis sets are used to represent the required discrete and continuum electronic eigenfunctions at the ground‐state equilibrium geometry, and previously devised moment‐theory techniques are employed in constructing the continuum oscillator‐strength densities from the calculated spectra. Detailed comparisons are made of the calculated excitation and ionization profiles with recent experimental photoabsorption studies and corresponding spectral assignments, electron impact–excitation cross sections, and dipole (e, 2e)/(e, e+ion) and synchrotron‐radiation studies of partial‐channel photoionization cross sections. The various calculated excitation series in the outer‐valence (1b(^−1)_1, 3a(^−1)_1, 1b(^−1)_2) region are found to include contributions from valence‐like 2b_2 (σ*) and 4a_1(γ*) virtual orbitals, as well as appropriate nsa_1, npa_1, nda_1, npb_1, npb_2, ndb_1, ndb_2, and nda_2 Rydberg states. Transition energies and intensities in the ∼7 to 19 eV interval obtained from the present studies are seen to be in excellent agreement with the measured photoabsorption cross section, and to provide a basis for detailed spectral assignments. The calculated (1b(^−1)_1)X(^ 2)B_1, (3a_1(^−1))^2A_1, and (1b_2(^−1))(^2)B_2 partial‐channel cross sections are found to be largely atomic‐like and dominated by 2p→kd components, although the 2b_2(σ*) orbital gives rise to resonance‐like contributions just above threshold in the 3a_1→kb_2 and 1b_2→kb_2 channels. It is suggested that the latter transition couples with the underlying 1b_1→kb_1 channel, accounting for a prominent feature in the recent high‐resolution synchrotron‐radiation measurements. When this feature is taken into account, the calculations of the three outer‐valence channels are in excellent accord with recent synchrotron‐radiation and dipole (e, 2e) photoionization cross‐sectional measurements. The calculated inner‐valence (2a_1(^−1)) cross section is also in excellent agreement with corresponding measured values, although proper account must be taken of the appropriate final‐state configuration‐mixing effects that give rise to a modest failure of the Koopmans approximation, and to the observed broad PES band, in this case. Finally, the origins of the various spectral features present in the measured 1a_1 oxygen K‐edge electron energy‐loss profile in H_2O are seen to be clarified fully by the present calculations

    Theoretical dissociation energies for ionic molecules

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    Ab initio calculations at the self-consistent-field and singles plus doubles configuration-interaction level are used to determine accurate spectroscopic parameters for most of the alkali and alkaline-earth fluorides, chlorides, oxides, sulfides, hydroxides, and isocyanides. Numerical Hartree-Fock (NHF) calculations are performed on selected systems to ensure that the extended Slater basis sets employed for the diatomic systems are near the Hartree-Fock limit. Extended Gaussian basis sets of at least triple-zeta plus double polarization equality are employed for the triatomic system. With this model, correlation effects are relatively small, but invariably increase the theoretical dissociation energies. The importance of correlating the electrons on both the anion and the metal is discussed. The theoretical dissociation energies are critically compared with the literature to rule out disparate experimental values. Theoretical (sup 2)Pi - (sup 2)Sigma (sup +) energy separations are presented for the alkali oxides and sulfides

    On the electron affinity of the oxygen atom

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    The electron affinity (EA) of oxygen is computed to be 1.287 eV, using 2p electron full configuration-interaction (CI) wave functions expanded in a 6s5p3d2f Slater-type orbital basis. The best complete active space self-consistent field - multireference CI (CASSCF-MRCI) result including only 2p correlation is 1.263 eV. However, inclusion of 2s intrashell and 2s2p intershell correlation increases the computed EA to 1.290 at the CASSCF-MRCI level. At the full CI basis set limit, the 2s contribution to the electron affinity is estimated to be as large as 0.1 eV. This study clearly establishes the synergistic effect between the higher excitations and basis set completeness on the electron affinity when the 2s electrons are correlated

    Optimized time-dependent perturbation theory for pulse-driven quantum dynamics in atomic or molecular systems

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    We present a time-dependent perturbative approach adapted to the treatment of intense pulsed interactions. We show there is a freedom in choosing secular terms and use it to optimize the accuracy of the approximation. We apply this formulation to a unitary superconvergent technique and improve the accuracy by several orders of magnitude with respect to the Magnus expansion.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Potential Astrophysics Science Missions Enabled by NASA's Planned Ares V

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    NASA s planned Ares V cargo vehicle with its 10 meter diameter fairing and ~60,000 kg payload mass to L2 offers the potential to launch entirely new classes of space science missions such as 8-meter monolithic aperture telescopes, 12- meter aperture x-ray telescopes, 16 to 24 meter segmented telescopes and highly capable outer planet missions. The paper will summarize the current Ares V baseline performance capabilities and review potential mission concepts enabled by these capabilities

    Potential Science Missions Enabled by NASA's Planned Ares V

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    NASA s planned Ares V cargo vehicle with its 10 meter diameter fairing and ~60,000 kg payload mass to L2 offers the potential to launch entirely new classes of space science missions such as 8-meter monolithic aperture telescopes, 12-meter aperture x-ray telescopes, 16 to 24 meter segmented telescopes and highly capable outer planet missions. The paper will summarize the current Ares V baseline performance capabilities and review potential mission concepts enabled by these capabilities

    Low-Energy Nondipole Effects in Molecular Nitrogen Valence-Shell Photoionization

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    Observations are reported for the first time of significant nondipole effects in the photoionization of the outer-valence orbitals of diatomic molecules. Measured nondipole angular-distribution parameters for the 3sigmag, 1piu, and 2sigmau shells of N2 exhibit spectral variations with incident photon energies from thresholds to ~200 eV which are attributed via concomitant calculations to particular final-state symmetry waves arising from (E1)[direct-product](M1,E2) radiation-matter interactions first-order in photon momentum. Comparisons with previously reported K-edge studies in N2 verify linear scaling with photon momentum, accounting in part for the significantly enhanced nondipole behavior observed in inner-shell ionization at correspondingly higher momentum values in this molecule

    Comment on Fano Line Shapes Reconsidered: Symmetric Photoionization Peaks from Pure Continuum Excitation

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    A Comment on the Letter by U. Eichmann. T. F. Gallagher, and R. M. Konik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 233004 (2003). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply