598 research outputs found

    Fibre DFB lasers in a 4x10 Gbit/s WDM link with a single sinc-sampled fibre grating dispersion compensator

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    WDM transmission and dispersion compensation at 40 Gbit/s over 200 km standard fibre is demonstrated on a 100 GHz grid using four high power single-polarisation single-sided output DFB fibre laser based transmitters and a single 4 channel WDM chirped fibre Bragg grating dispersion compensator

    Optimisation of DSF and SOA based phase conjugators by incorporating noise-suppressing fibre gratings

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    We compare the performance of dispersion-shifted-fibre (DSF) and semiconductor-optical-amplifier (SOA) based phase conjugators for a 10 Gb/s non-return-to-zero system with respect to conversion efficiency, noise figure and distortion. Fibre gratings are used for signal extraction and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) suppression, allowing closer wavelength spacing and reducing the conjugation noise figure by up to 12 dB. Despite the higher SOA conversion efficiency, both conjugators give similar noise figures with ASE suppression. However, the DSF based conjugator has the advantage of distortion tolerance at higher input power. Introduction: Optical phase conjugation has attracted much recent research attention due to its potential application for group-velocity-dispersion and self-phase-modulation compensation in mid-point spectral inversion (MPSI) systems, and also for coherent wavelength conversion in optical switching and routing. The two most promising optical phase conjugation techniques are four-wave mixing (FWM) in either dispersion-shifted fibre (DSF), or semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA). A DSF based conjugator requires phase matching close to its zero dispersion wavelength for efficient four-wave mixing. This restricts its wavelength flexibility compared to an SOA based conjugator which offers a much wider conversion bandwidth. Furthermore, the low FWM conversion efficiency in passive DSF seems to make the SOA a preferred phase conjugating medium. However, in a practical communication system, conjugation optical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is more important than conversion efficiency. The noise at the conjugate wavelength is usually dominated by the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise from the pump and signal. The reduction of this noise has been demonstrated in an SOA based conjugator (i) by bandpass filtering of the pump and/or signal waves before mixing, and (ii) by the insertion of a notch filter at the conjugate wavelength before the conjugator. In this letter, SOA and DSF based conjugators are compared by investigating the conversion efficiency, noise and eye opening in a 10 Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) externally-modulated system, using an identical filtering network. We report for the first time the use of fibre gratings for efficient ASE noise filtering and conjugate signal extraction. The performance enhancement using these noise-suppressing gratings is also investigated

    The Solar Flare Iron Abundance

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    The abundance of iron is measured from emission line complexes at 6.65 keV (Fe line) and 8 keV (Fe/Ni line) in {\em RHESSI} X-ray spectra during solar flares. Spectra during long-duration flares with steady declines were selected, with an isothermal assumption and improved data analysis methods over previous work. Two spectral fitting models give comparable results, viz. an iron abundance that is lower than previous coronal values but higher than photospheric values. In the preferred method, the estimated Fe abundance is A(Fe)=7.91±0.10A({\rm Fe}) = 7.91 \pm 0.10 (on a logarithmic scale, with A(H)=12A({\rm H}) = 12), or 2.6±0.62.6 \pm 0.6 times the photospheric Fe abundance. Our estimate is based on a detailed analysis of 1,898 spectra taken during 20 flares. No variation from flare to flare is indicated. This argues for a fractionation mechanism similar to quiet-Sun plasma. The new value of A(Fe)A({\rm Fe}) has important implications for radiation loss curves, which are estimated.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Highly Ionized Potassium Lines in Solar X-ray Spectra and the Abundance of Potassium

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    The abundance of potassium is derived from X-ray lines observed during flares by the RESIK instrument on the solar mission CORONAS-F between 3.53 A and 3.57 A. The lines include those emitted by He-like K and Li-like K dielectronic satellites, which have been synthesized using the CHIANTI atomic code and newly calculated atomic data. There is good agreement of observed and synthesized spectra, and the theoretical behavior of the spectra with varying temperature estimated from the ratio of the two GOES channels is correctly predicted. The observed fluxes of the He-like K resonance line per unit emission measure gives log A(K) = 5.86 (on a scale log A(H) = 12), with a total range of a factor 2.9. This is higher than photospheric abundance estimates by a factor 5.5, a slightly greater enhancement than for other elements with first ionization potential (FIP) less than about 10 eV. There is, then, the possibility that enrichment of low-FIP elements in coronal plasmas depends weakly on the value of the FIP which for K is extremely low (4.34 eV). Our work also suggests that fractionation of elements to form the FIP effect occurs in the low chromosphere rather than higher up, as in some models.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Ion Charge States in Halo CMEs: What can we Learn about the Explosion?

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    We describe a new modeling approach to develop a more quantitative understanding of the charge state distributions of the ions of various elements detected in situ during halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite. Using a model CME hydrodynamic evolution based on observations of CMEs propagating in the plane of the sky and on theoretical models, we integrate time dependent equations for the ionization balance of various elements to compare with ACE data. We find that plasma in the CME ``core'' typically requires further heating following filament eruption, with thermal energy input similar to the kinetic energy input. This extra heating is presumably the result of post eruptive reconnection. Plasma corresponding to the CME ``cavity'' is usually not further ionized, since whether heated or not, the low density gives freeze-in close the the Sun. The current analysis is limited by ambiguities in the underlying model CME evolution. Such methods are likely to reach their full potential when applied to data to be acquired by STEREO when at optimum separation. CME evolution observed with one spacecraft may be used to interpret CME charge states detected by the other.Comment: 20 pages, accepted by Ap

    A Unified Picture of the FIP and Inverse FIP Effects

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    We discuss models for coronal abundance anomalies observed in the coronae of the sun and other late-type stars following a scenario first introduced by Schwadron, Fisk & Zurbuchen of the interaction of waves at loop footpoints with the partially neutral gas. Instead of considering wave heating of ions in this location, we explore the effects on the upper chromospheric plasma of the wave ponderomotive forces. These can arise as upward propagating waves from the chromosphere transmit or reflect upon reaching the chromosphere-corona boundary, and are in large part determined by the properties of the coronal loop above. Our scenario has the advantage that for realistic wave energy densities, both positive and negative changes in the abundance of ionized species compared to neutrals can result, allowing both FIP and Inverse FIP effects to come out of the model. We discuss how variations in model parameters can account for essentially all of the abundance anomalies observed in solar spectra. Expected variations with stellar spectral type are also qualitatively consistent with observations of the FIP effect in stellar coronae.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Educating the future workforce: building the evidence about interprofessional learning

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    This paper addresses the theme of interprofessional education for health and social care professionals as it effects on the development of the work force. The drivers for change in the UK, typified by the Bristol Royal Infirmary and Victoria Climbié inquiries and the response to this in the form of Department of Health policy, are discussed. The need for rapid development of the evidence base around this subject is evident form literature reviews of the impact of interprofessional education. Directions for future research and investment in this area are proposed including the need for a stronger theoretical base and for longitudinal studies over extended periods of time in order to examine short, medium and long term outcomes in relation to health care practice


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    Seiring perkembang dan kemajuan teknologi yang ada suatu karya seni yang sesungguhnya mulai tergantikan dengan setiap fasilitas teknologi yang memberikan berbagai hal yang mudah dan instan dalam  menciptakan suatu karya yang menarik, di Indonesia sendiri karena perkembangan zaman yang demikian ketergantugan akan teknologi makin tinggi akibatnya kreatifitas mulai memiliki batasan-batasan karena tidak dapat berdiri sendiiri oleh karena ini juga rasa penghargaan akan suatu karya yang di lakukan dengan ketrampilan yang telaten kurang terpakai atau bahkan kurang dihargai. Oleh sebab itu tema arsitektur zaman renaissance Italia yang bergaya kontemporer lewat pembahasan  dari “Ilusi Anamorfosis dalam Arsitektur” dipilih sebagai suatu tema yang memberikan edukasi bagi masyarakat luas untuk melihat dan menghargai lebih dalam suatu karya yang memiliki unsur seni yang dapat diterapkan dalam arsitektur dan memberikan motifasi bagi generasi selanjutnya dalam berkarya.Pada tulisan ini, dimuat informasi mengenai kajian teoritik yaitu pengkajian tema ilusi anamorfosis dalam arsitektur dan studi preseden dari penerapan atau aplikasi tema pada objek-objek arsitektural kemudian dilanjutkan dengan strategi implementasi tema degan membandingan antara teori dan studi preseden. hal-hal apa saja yang berkaitan dengan arsitektural untuk mencari tahu  implementsi tema pada objek arsitektur.Ilusi anamorfosis lebih cocok diterapkan pada bangunan komersial karena keunikan yang menjual dan menjadi daya tarik, tenik ini juga lazim di gunakan pada interior bangunan, gubahan masa, ruang luar dan selubung / fasade bangunan. Implementasi ilusi tersebut umumnya diimplementasikan pada elemen arsitektural yang dapat dilihat secara langsung, karena tema Ilusi anamorfosis dalam Arsitektur mengandalkan teknik visualisasi untuk dapat dinikmati / dirasakan. Lewat anamorfosis ini arsitektur dan seni menjadi suatu kesatuan yang menghasilkan karya yang tidak umum dijumpai dan menjadi hal yang dapat membangkitkan semangat atau motifasi bagi para seniman maupun masyarakat dalam berkarya baik di dunia seni maupun dalam arsitektural. Kata Kunci :  Ilusi, Anamorfosis, Arsitektu

    Non-Maxwellian Proton Velocity Distributions in Nonradiative Shocks

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    The Balmer line profiles of nonradiative supernova remnant shocks provide the means to measure the post-shock proton velocity distribution. While most analyses assume a Maxwellian velocity distribution, this is unlikely to be correct. In particular, neutral atoms that pass through the shock and become ionized downstream form a nonthermal distribution similar to that of pickup ions in the solar wind. We predict the H alpha line profiles from the combination of pickup protons and the ordinary shocked protons, and we consider the extent to which this distribution could affect the shock parameters derived from H alpha profiles. The Maxwellian assumption could lead to an underestimate of shock speed by up to about 15%. The isotropization of the pickup ion population generates wave energy, and we find that for the most favorable parameters this energy could significantly heat the thermal particles. Sufficiently accurate profiles could constrain the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the shocked plasma, and we discuss the distortions from a Gaussian profile to be expected in Tycho's supernova remnant.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
