264 research outputs found

    Screening a Peptide Library by DSC and SAXD: Comparison with the Biological Function of the Parent Proteins

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    We have recently identified the membranotropic regions of the hepatitis C virus proteins E1, E2, core and p7 proteins by observing the effect of protein-derived peptide libraries on model membrane integrity. We have studied in this work the ability of selected sequences of these proteins to modulate the Lβ-Lα and Lα-HII phospholipid phase transitions as well as check the viability of using both DSC and SAXD to screen a protein-derived peptide library. We demonstrate that it is feasible to screen a library of peptides corresponding to one or several proteins by both SAXD and DSC. This methodological combination should allow the identification of essential regions of membrane-interacting proteins which might be implicated in the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion and/or budding

    CPR in medical schools: learning by teaching BLS to sudden cardiac death survivors – a promising strategy for medical students?

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training is gaining more importance for medical students. There were many attempts to improve the basic life support (BLS) skills in medical students, some being rather successful, some less. We developed a new problem based learning curriculum, where students had to teach CPR to cardiac arrest survivors in order to improve the knowledge about life support skills of trainers and trainees. METHODS: Medical students who enrolled in our curriculum had to pass a 2 semester problem based learning session about the principles of cardiac arrest, CPR, BLS and defibrillation (CPR-D). Then the students taught cardiac arrest survivors who were randomly chosen out of a cardiac arrest database of our emergency department. Both, the student and the Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) survivor were asked about their skills and knowledge via questionnaires immediately after the course. The questionnaires were then used to evaluate if this new teaching strategy is useful for learning CPR via a problem-based-learning course. The survey was grouped into three categories, namely "Use of AED", "CPR-D" and "Training". In addition, there was space for free answers where the participants could state their opinion in their own words, which provided some useful hints for upcoming programs. RESULTS: This new learning-by-teaching strategy was highly accepted by all participants, the students and the SCD survivors. Most SCD survivors would use their skills in case one of their relatives goes into cardiac arrest (96%). Furthermore, 86% of the trainees were able to deal with failures and/or disturbances by themselves. On the trainer's side, 96% of the students felt to be well prepared for the course and were considered to be competent by 96% of their trainees. CONCLUSION: We could prove that learning by teaching CPR is possible and is highly accepted by the students. By offering a compelling appreciation of what CPR can achieve in using survivors from SCD as trainees made them go deeper into the subject of resuscitation, what also might result in a longer lasting benefit than regular lecture courses in CPR

    Tuning Curvature and Stability of Monoolein Bilayers by Designer Lipid-Like Peptide Surfactants

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    This study reports the effect of loading four different charged designer lipid-like short anionic and cationic peptide surfactants on the fully hydrated monoolein (MO)-based Pn3m phase (Q224). The studied peptide surfactants comprise seven amino acid residues, namely A6D, DA6, A6K, and KA6. D (aspartic acid) bears two negative charges, K (lysine) bears one positive charge, and A (alanine) constitutes the hydrophobic tail. To elucidate the impact of these peptide surfactants, the ternary MO/peptide/water system has been investigated using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), within a certain range of peptide concentrations (R≤0.2) and temperatures (25 to 70°C). We demonstrate that the bilayer curvature and the stability are modulated by: i) the peptide/lipid molar ratio, ii) the peptide molecular structure (the degree of hydrophobicity, the type of the hydrophilic amino acid, and the headgroup location), and iii) the temperature. The anionic peptide surfactants, A6D and DA6, exhibit the strongest surface activity. At low peptide concentrations (R = 0.01), the Pn3m structure is still preserved, but its lattice increases due to the strong electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged peptide molecules, which are incorporated into the interface. This means that the anionic peptides have the effect of enlarging the water channels and thus they serve to enhance the accommodation of positively charged water-soluble active molecules in the Pn3m phase. At higher peptide concentration (R = 0.10), the lipid bilayers are destabilized and the structural transition from the Pn3m to the inverted hexagonal phase (H2) is induced. For the cationic peptides, our study illustrates how even minor modifications, such as changing the location of the headgroup (A6K vs. KA6), affects significantly the peptide's effectiveness. Only KA6 displays a propensity to promote the formation of H2, which suggests that KA6 molecules have a higher degree of incorporation in the interface than those of A6K

    Calcium Triggered Lα-H2 Phase Transition Monitored by Combined Rapid Mixing and Time-Resolved Synchrotron SAXS

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    BACKGROUND: Awad et al. reported on the Ca(2+)-induced transitions of dioleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG)/monoolein (MO) vesicles to bicontinuous cubic phases at equilibrium conditions. In the present study, the combination of rapid mixing and time-resolved synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was applied for the in-situ investigations of fast structural transitions of diluted DOPG/MO vesicles into well-ordered nanostructures by the addition of low concentrated Ca(2+) solutions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Under static conditions and the in absence of the divalent cations, the DOPG/MO system forms large vesicles composed of weakly correlated bilayers with a d-spacing of approximately 140 A (L(alpha)-phase). The utilization of a stopped-flow apparatus allowed mixing these DOPG/MO vesicles with a solution of Ca(2+) ions within 10 milliseconds (ms). In such a way the dynamics of negatively charged PG to divalent cation interactions, and the kinetics of the induced structural transitions were studied. Ca(2+) ions have a very strong impact on the lipidic nanostructures. Intriguingly, already at low salt concentrations (DOPG/Ca(2+)>2), Ca(2+) ions trigger the transformation from bilayers to monolayer nanotubes (inverted hexagonal phase, H(2)). Our results reveal that a binding ratio of 1 Ca(2+) per 8 DOPG is sufficient for the formation of the H(2) phase. At 50 degrees C a direct transition from the vesicles to the H(2) phase was observed, whereas at ambient temperature (20 degrees C) a short lived intermediate phase (possibly the cubic Pn3m phase) coexisting with the H(2) phase was detected. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The strong binding of the divalent cations to the negatively charged DOPG molecules enhances the negative spontaneous curvature of the monolayers and causes a rapid collapsing of the vesicles. The rapid loss of the bilayer stability and the reorganization of the lipid molecules within ms support the argument that the transition mechanism is based on a leaky fusion of the vesicles

    Self-Assembly in Monoelaidin Aqueous Dispersions: Direct Vesicles to Cubosomes Transition

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    Background: In the present study, synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and Cryo-TEM were used to characterize the temperature-induced structural transitions of monoelaidin (ME) aqueous dispersion in the presence of the polymeric stabilizer F127. We prove that the direct transition from vesicles to cubosomes by heating this dispersion is possible. The obtained results were compared with the fully hydrated bulk ME phase. Methodology/principal findings: Our results indicate the formation of ME dispersion, which is less stable than that based on the congener monoolein (MO). In addition, the temperature-dependence behavior significantly differs from the fully hydrated bulk phase. SAXS findings indicate a direct L(alpha)-V(2) internal transition in the dispersion. While the transition temperature is conserved in the dispersion, the formed cubosomes with internal Im3m symmetry clearly contain more water and this ordered interior is retained over a wider temperature range as compared to its fully hydrated bulk system. At 25 degrees C, Cryo-TEM observations reveal the formation of most likely closely packed onion-like vesicles. Above the lamellar to non-lamellar phase transition at 65 degrees C, flattened cubosomes with an internal nanostructure are observed. However, they have only arbitrary shapes and thus, their morphology is significantly different from that of the well-shaped analogous MO cubosome and hexosome particles. Conclusions/significance: Our study reveals a direct liposomes-cubosomes transition in ME dispersion. The obtained results suggest that the polymeric stabilizer F127 especially plays a significant role in the membrane fusion processes. F127 incorporates in considerable amount into the internal nanostructure and leads to the formation of a highly swollen Im3m phase

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Transcriptional Adaptation, Growth Arrest and Dormancy Phenotype Development Is Triggered by Vitamin C

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    BACKGROUND: Tubercle bacilli are thought to persist in a dormant state during latent tuberculosis (TB) infection. Although little is known about the host factors that induce and maintain Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) within latent lesions, O(2) depletion, nutrient limitation and acidification are some of the stresses implicated in bacterial dormancy development/growth arrest. Adaptation to hypoxia and exposure to NO/CO is implemented through the DevRS/DosT two-component system which induces the dormancy regulon. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that vitamin C (ascorbic acid/AA) can serve as an additional signal to induce the DevR regulon. Physiological levels of AA scavenge O(2) and rapidly induce the DevR regulon at an estimated O(2) saturation of <30%. The kinetics and magnitude of the response suggests an initial involvement of DosT and a sustained DevS-mediated response during bacterial adaptation to increasing hypoxia. In addition to inducing DevR regulon mechanisms, vitamin C induces the expression of selected genes previously shown to be responsive to low pH and oxidative stress, triggers bacterial growth arrest and promotes dormancy phenotype development in M. tb grown in axenic culture and intracellularly in THP-1 cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Vitamin C mimics multiple intracellular stresses and has wide-ranging regulatory effects on gene expression and physiology of M. tb which leads to growth arrest and a 'dormant' drug-tolerant phenotype, but in a manner independent of the DevRS/DosT system. The 'AA-dormancy infection model' offers a potential alternative to other models of non-replicating persistence of M. tb and may be useful for investigating host-'dormant' M. tb interactions. Our findings offer a new perspective on the role of nutritional factors in TB and suggest a possible role for vitamin C in TB

    Predicting new molecular targets for known drugs

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    Although drugs are intended to be selective, at least some bind to several physiological targets, explaining side effects and efficacy. Because many drug–target combinations exist, it would be useful to explore possible interactions computationally. Here we compared 3,665 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved and investigational drugs against hundreds of targets, defining each target by its ligands. Chemical similarities between drugs and ligand sets predicted thousands of unanticipated associations. Thirty were tested experimentally, including the antagonism of the β1 receptor by the transporter inhibitor Prozac, the inhibition of the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) transporter by the ion channel drug Vadilex, and antagonism of the histamine H4 receptor by the enzyme inhibitor Rescriptor. Overall, 23 new drug–target associations were confirmed, five of which were potent (less than 100 nM). The physiological relevance of one, the drug N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) on serotonergic receptors, was confirmed in a knockout mouse. The chemical similarity approach is systematic and comprehensive, and may suggest side-effects and new indications for many drugs

    Definitions and pathophysiology of vasoplegic shock.

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    Vasoplegia is the syndrome of pathological low systemic vascular resistance, the dominant clinical feature of which is reduced blood pressure in the presence of a normal or raised cardiac output. The vasoplegic syndrome is encountered in many clinical scenarios, including septic shock, post-cardiac bypass and after surgery, burns and trauma, but despite this, uniform clinical definitions are lacking, which renders translational research in this area challenging. We discuss the role of vasoplegia in these contexts and the criteria that are used to describe it are discussed. Intrinsic processes which may drive vasoplegia, such as nitric oxide, prostanoids, endothelin-1, hydrogen sulphide and reactive oxygen species production, are reviewed and potential for therapeutic intervention explored. Extrinsic drivers, including those mediated by glucocorticoid, catecholamine and vasopressin responsiveness of the blood vessels, are also discussed. The optimum balance between maintaining adequate systemic vascular resistance against the potentially deleterious effects of treatment with catecholamines is as yet unclear, but development of novel vasoactive agents may facilitate greater understanding of the role of the differing pathways in the development of vasoplegia. In turn, this may provide insights into the best way to care for patients with this common, multifactorial condition