59 research outputs found

    Island nucleation in the presence of step edge barriers: Theory and applications

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    We develop a theory of nucleation on top of two-dimensional islands bordered by steps with an additional energy barrier ΔES\Delta E_S for descending atoms. The theory is based on the concept of the residence time of an adatom on the island,and yields an expression for the nucleation rate which becomes exact in the limit of strong step edge barriers. This expression differs qualitatively and quantitatively from that obtained using the conventional rate equation approach to nucleation [J. Tersoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.72, 266 (1994)]. We argue that rate equation theory fails because nucleation is dominated by the rare instances when two atoms are present on the island simultaneously. The theory is applied to two distinct problems: The onset of second layer nucleation in submonolayer growth, and the distribution of the sizes of top terraces of multilayer mounds under conditions of strong step edge barriers. Application to homoepitaxial growth on Pt(111) yields the estimate ΔES0.33\Delta E_S \geq 0.33 eV for the additional energy barrier at CO-decorated steps.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Leiomyosarcoma presenting as a spontaneously ruptured renal tumor-case report

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    BACKGROUND: Ruptured renal neoplasms can be a catastrophic clinical presentation. Angiomyolipoma is the commonest renal tumor which presents in this fashion. Renal sarcomas are rare renal neoplasms. Renal leiomyosarcomas are the most common histological subtype of renal sarcomas, accounting for approximately 50–60% of the reported cases. These tumors are usually peripherally located and appear to arise from either the renal capsule or smooth muscle tissue in the renal pelvic wall. CASE PRESENTATION: A 70 years old male, with hypertension and ischemic disease, developed acute left flank pain. The general physician evaluated this using ultrasound, which showed a solid left renal mass. Two weeks later, he presented in the emergency room in a state of shock with a palpable flank mass. CT scan of the abdomen showed a large heterogeneous mass lesion in the left perinephric space with minimal post contrast enhancement. Per-operatively, large retroperitoneal hematoma was found within Gerota's fascia along with spleen plastered to the upper limit of hematoma. Nephrectomy and splenectomy were performed. Postoperative course was uneventful and patient was discharged on the 10(th )post-operative day. Histopathological evaluation of the specimen showed high-grade leiomyosarcoma CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous rupture of renal neoplasm is a rare clinical presentation. Angiomyolipoma is the commonest cause of spontaneous rupture of the kidney. Presentation of a leimyosarcoma as a ruptured renal neoplasm has not been previously reported in the English literature

    Spatio-temporal distribution of nucleation events during crystal growth

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    We consider irreversible second-layer nucleation that occurs when two adatoms on a terrace meet. We solve the problem analytically in one dimension for zero and infinite step-edge barriers, and numerically for any value of the barriers in one and two dimensions. For large barriers, the spatial distribution of nucleation events strongly differs from ρ2\rho^2, where ρ\rho is the stationary adatom density in the presence of a constant flux. The probability Q(t)Q(t) that nucleation occurs at time tt after the deposition of the second adatom, decays for short time as a power law [Q(t)t1/2Q(t)\sim t^{-1/2}] in d=1d=1 and logarithmically [Q(t)1/ln(t/t0)Q(t)\sim 1/\ln(t/t_0)] in d=2d=2; for long time it decays exponentially. Theories of the nucleation rate ω\omega based on the assumption that it is proportional to ρ2\rho^2 are shown to overestimate ω\omega by a factor proportional to the number of times an adatom diffusing on the terrace visits an already visited lattice site.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication on PR

    Crater formation by fast ions: comparison of experiment with Molecular Dynamics simulations

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    An incident fast ion in the electronic stopping regime produces a track of excitations which can lead to particle ejection and cratering. Molecular Dynamics simulations of the evolution of the deposited energy were used to study the resulting crater morphology as a function of the excitation density in a cylindrical track for large angle of incidence with respect to the surface normal. Surprisingly, the overall behavior is shown to be similar to that seen in the experimental data for crater formation in polymers. However, the simulations give greater insight into the cratering process. The threshold for crater formation occurs when the excitation density approaches the cohesive energy density, and a crater rim is formed at about six times that energy density. The crater length scales roughly as the square root of the electronic stopping power, and the crater width and depth seem to saturate for the largest energy densities considered here. The number of ejected particles, the sputtering yield, is shown to be much smaller than simple estimates based on crater size unless the full crater morphology is considered. Therefore, crater size can not easily be used to estimate the sputtering yield.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 5 EPS figures. For related figures/movies, see: http://dirac.ms.virginia.edu/~emb3t/craters/craters.html New version uploaded 5/16/01, with minor text changes + new figure

    Signature of multilayer growth of 2D layered Bi2Se3 through heteroatom-assisted step-edge barrier reduction

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    During growth of two-dimensional (2D) materials, abrupt growth of multilayers is practically unavoidable even in the case of well-controlled growth. In epitaxial growth of a quintuple-layered Bi2Se3 film, we observe that the multilayer growth pattern deduced from in situ x-ray diffraction implies nontrivial interlayer diffusion process. Here we find that an intriguing diffusion process occurs at step edges where a slowly downward-diffusing Se adatom having a high step-edge barrier interacts with a Bi adatom pre-existing at step edges. The Se???Bi interaction lowers the high step-edge barrier of Se adatoms. This drastic reduction of the overall step-edge barrier and hence increased interlayer diffusion modifies the overall growth significantly. Thus, a step-edge barrier reduction mechanism assisted by hetero adatom???adatom interaction could be fairly general in multilayer growth of 2D heteroatomic materials

    Self-diffusion along step bottoms on Pt(111)

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    First-principles total energies of periodic vicinals are used to estimate barriers for Pt-adatom diffusion along straight and kinked steps on Pt(111), and around a corner where straight steps intersect. In all cases studied, hopping diffusion has a lower barrier than concerted substitution. In conflict with simulations of dendritic Pt island formation on Pt(111), hopping from a corner site to a step whose riser is a (111)-micro facet is predicted to be more facile than to one whose riser is a (100)

    The N-Myc Down Regulated Gene1 (NDRG1) Is a Rab4a Effector Involved in Vesicular Recycling of E-Cadherin

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    Cell to cell adhesion is mediated by adhesion molecules present on the cell surface. Downregulation of molecules that form the adhesion complex is a characteristic of metastatic cancer cells. Downregulation of the N-myc down regulated gene1 (NDRG1) increases prostate and breast metastasis. The exact function of NDRG1 is not known. Here by using live cell confocal microscopy and in vitro reconstitution, we report that NDRG1 is involved in recycling the adhesion molecule E-cadherin thereby stabilizing it. Evidence is provided that NDRG1 recruits on recycling endosomes in the Trans Golgi network by binding to phosphotidylinositol 4-phosphate and interacts with membrane bound Rab4aGTPase. NDRG1 specifically interacts with constitutively active Rab4aQ67L mutant protein and not with GDP-bound Rab4aS22N mutant proving NDRG1 as a novel Rab4a effector. Transferrin recycling experiments reveals NDRG1 colocalizes with transferrin during the recycling phase. NDRG1 alters the kinetics of transferrin recycling in cells. NDRG1 knockdown cells show a delay in recycling transferrin, conversely NDRG1 overexpressing cells reveal an increase in rate of transferrin recycling. This novel finding of NDRG1 as a recycling protein involved with recycling of E-cadherin will aid in understanding NDRG1 role as a metastasis suppressor protein

    Copy Number Variation in Patients with Disorders of Sex Development Due to 46,XY Gonadal Dysgenesis

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD), ranging in severity from mild genital abnormalities to complete sex reversal, represent a major concern for patients and their families. DSD are often due to disruption of the genetic programs that regulate gonad development. Although some genes have been identified in these developmental pathways, the causative mutations have not been identified in more than 50% 46,XY DSD cases. We used the Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 to analyse copy number variation in 23 individuals with unexplained 46,XY DSD due to gonadal dysgenesis (GD). Here we describe three discrete changes in copy number that are the likely cause of the GD. Firstly, we identified a large duplication on the X chromosome that included DAX1 (NR0B1). Secondly, we identified a rearrangement that appears to affect a novel gonad-specific regulatory region in a known testis gene, SOX9. Surprisingly this patient lacked any signs of campomelic dysplasia, suggesting that the deletion affected expression of SOX9 only in the gonad. Functional analysis of potential SRY binding sites within this deleted region identified five putative enhancers, suggesting that sequences additional to the known SRY-binding TES enhancer influence human testis-specific SOX9 expression. Thirdly, we identified a small deletion immediately downstream of GATA4, supporting a role for GATA4 in gonad development in humans. These CNV analyses give new insights into the pathways involved in human gonad development and dysfunction, and suggest that rearrangements of non-coding sequences disturbing gene regulation may account for significant proportion of DSD cases