163 research outputs found

    Gaya Pengasuhan Orang Tua Authoritative Dapat Menumbuhkan Motif Berprestasi Pada Diriiself Anak Dan Remaja

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    Perolehan tinggi rendah Nilai ujian Nasional (NUN) siswa SMA/remaja, dipengaruhi, diantaranya, oleh faktor internal siswa, dalam hal ini adalah faktor motivasional yaitu faktor motivasi berprestasi. Adanya motivasi berprestasi pada diriIself anak dan remaja, dikarenakan adanya motif berprestasi pada derajat yang tinggi dalam diri/se/f-nya. Motif berprestasi, atau kebutuhan berprestasi (N- Ach), adalah suatu keinginan untuk menjadi unggul dengan derajat tinggi, yang tefdapat pada dmlself anak dan remaja. Bagaimana terbentuk dan meningkatkan motif berprestasi pada diriIself anak dan remaja, artikel ini mencoba memaparkannya

    School Education System and Integrated Based Curriculum

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    There is a tendency for teachers to package student learning experiences firmly compartmentalized between one field of study and another, learning that separates the presentation of subjects firmly will only make learning difficult for students because such separation provides an artificial learning experience. This research uses a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. The data collection technique uses in-depth interviews, observations, documents, and questionnaires. The results showed that 1. The integrated education carried out is to integrate Islamic boarding school education and education in schools which refers to the typical curriculum of the Integrated Salafi Islamic Boarding School Darussyifa Al-Fithroh, Sukabumi Regency. 2. The integration-based curriculum that exists at Yaspida Sukabumi Islamic College is a curriculum that integrates the pesantren and school curriculum with components of an integrated-based curriculum, community-based curriculum, competency-based curriculum, and amaliah worship-based curriculu

    Deep Venous Reconstruction: A Case Series

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    Objectives This study aims to review a case series of deep venous reconstruction procedures performed at one centre by a single consultant. Methods A retrospective review of deep venous reconstruction procedures performed by a single consultant from 1994 to 2013 was carried out and all notes were reviewed for outcomes. A 58-month cumulative patency rate was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Results Nineteen patients underwent deep venous reconstruction procedures including the Palma bypass, May-Husni bypass, femoral vein transposition and axillary vein transplant techniques from 1994 to 2013. Eleven patients were male and eight were female with a mean average age of 45.2 years (range 29-63). Clinical severity of disease ranged from C3 to C6, and 16 patients had a confirmed history of deep vein thrombosis. Cumulative primary patency rate for all reconstructions at 58 months was 89.5%, with two patients occluding and 17 remaining patent at last follow-up. Conclusion Deep venous reconstructions, particularly the Palma and May-Husni procedures, are feasible and can have good outcomes in patients failed by endovascular techniques and other more conservative therapies

    Effectiveness of Durian Peel Extract as A Natural Anti-Bacterial Agent

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    Durian (durio zibertinus) is a native tropical fruit from Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. Durian peel is the highest composition of durian fruit (60-75%), and is still considered as waste that causes environmental problems. This study aimed to analyze the content of secondary metabolites extract, to analyze the anti-bacterial activity of durian peel extract against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and to calculate the effectiveness of durian skin durian peel extract as a natural anti-bacterial ingredient in hand sanitizer products by using the paper disc method. Durian peel was extracted with ethanol to obtain extract solution which was then separated from the solvent and applied as an ingredient for hand sanitizer. The Analysis results showed that durian peel extract contains triterpenoids, alkaloids, and saponins, which are phytochemical compounds that anti-bacterial function. Durian peel extract at concentration of 1% wt. inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella thyposa and Sthapylococcus aureus with a clear zone diameters of 7.4 mm, 8.2 mm and 8.6 mm, respectively. In anti-septic tests, hand sanitizer samples containing durian peel extract showed that the interaction between the concentration of durian peel extract and the sampling duration simultaneously gave a significant effect in reducing the number of microorganism colonies.

    Pemanfaatan Web Cam Dengan Metoda Principal Components Untuk Sistem Presensi Karyawan Pada Komputer

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    This paper discuss about the applied of webcam on a presention system to verified an image of human face based on his/herself training images. This system was the biometric system because the system used some of human bodies as an object to verified. The method that used in this system was Principal Components Analysis (PCA) which can reduce the complexity of an face image into a simple set of weight. PCA used only a few of training images to verified an unknown image so it can reduce the time that waste to train the training images. The concept that used in this verification method is to compared the weight of training images with the weight of test image

    Perencanaan Sistem Rainwater Harvesting Yang Berbasis Value Engineering

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    Beberapa tahun terakhir, air hujan mulai dipertimbangkan untuk memenuhi sebagian kebutuhan air domestik di perkotaan. Salah satu cara pemanfaatan air hujan untuk daerah perkotaan adalah dengan menggunakan sistem Rainwater Harvesting (RWHS). Pada penelitian ini, RWHS dicoba diterapkan pada sebuah Perumahan X yang terletak di Surabaya Barat. Terdapat beberapa komponen RWHS yang direncanakan yaitu: talang air, pipa penyaluran, dan bak tampungan. Teknik value engineering digunakan dalam proses perencanaan sistem ini untuk merencanakan sebuah sistem yang efektif dan efisien. Selain itu, metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) juga digunakan pada perencanaan sistem ini untuk mencari aspek desain prioritas menurut warga Perumahan X dan hasil analisanya akan dijadikan acuan perencanaan. Aspek desain yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah biaya, kualitas, perawatan, estetika, dan dampak lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek desain yang paling diprioritaskan adalah dampak lingkungan, diikuti oleh biaya dan kualitas, perawatan, dan terakhir estetika. Talang air yang dipakai adalah talang kotak 120 mm x 110 mm dengan panjang talang 13,9 m. Pipa mendatar dan pipa tegak memakai pipa tipe AW dengan diameter 3/4” dan panjang masing-masing 1,44 m dan 9,55 m. Pada perencanaan bak tampungan dipillih mengunakan bak tampungan dengan kapasitas minimal 2000 liter. Kombinasi perencanaan RWHS terbaik yang disarankan adalah talang air menggunakan talang PVC, pipa penyaluran menggunakan pipa PVC, dan bak tampungan menggunakan bak tampungan plastik dengan kapasitas 2200 liter

    Near-brane SU(6) origin Higgs in Scherk-Schwarz breaking of five-dimensional SU(6) GUT

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    The symmetry breaking of five-dimensional SU(6) GUT is realized by Scherk-Schwarz mechanisms through trivial and pseudo nontrivial orbifold S1/Z2 breakings to produce dimensional deconstruction 5D SU(6) \rightarrow4D SU(6). The latter also induces near-brane weakly-coupled SU(6) Baby Higgs to further break the symmetry into SU(3)C \otimes SU(3)H \otimes U(1)C. The model successfully provides a scenario of the origin of (Little) Higgs from GUT scale, produces the (intermediate and light) Higgs boson with the most preferred range and establishes coupling unification and compactification scale correctly.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure