496 research outputs found

    Helium Nova on a Very Massive White Dwarf -- A Light Curve Model of V445 Puppis (2000) Revised

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    V445 Pup (2000) is a unique object identified as a helium nova. Color indexes during the outburst are consistent with those of free-free emission. We present a free-free emission dominated light curve model of V445 Pup on the basis of the optically thick wind theory. Our light curve fitting shows that (1) the white dwarf (WD) mass is very massive (M_WD \gtrsim 1.35 M_\sun), and (2) a half of the accreted matter remains on the WD, both of which suggest that the increasing WD mass. Therefore, V445 Pup is a strong candidate of Type Ia supernova progenitor. The estimated distance to V445 Pup is now consistent with the recent observational suggestions, 3.5 < d < 6.5 kpc. A helium star companion is consistent with the brightness of m_v=14.5 mag just before the outburst, if it is a little bit evolved hot (\log T (K) \gtrsim 4.5) star with the mass of M_He \gtrsim 0.8 M_\sun. We then emphasize importance of observations in the near future quiescent phase after the thick circumstellar dust dissipates away, especially its color and magnitude to specify the nature of the companion star. We have also calculated helium ignition masses for helium shell flashes against various helium accretion rates and discussed the recurrence period of helium novae.Comment: 8 pages including 12 figures, to appear in Ap

    Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase

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    The spectral evolution of the nova V5587 Sgr has been monitored at Koyama Astronomical Observatory and Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory, Japan, from the early to nebula phase. The nova rebrightened several times. The spectra during the early phase showed emission lines of H α, H β, O I, He I, He II, N II, Fe II. Nova V5587 Sgr is classified into the Fe II type. The helium abundance of the nova is estimated as N(He)/N(H) = 0.134 ± 0.09. The light curve, the spectral evolution, and the helium abundance in V5587 Sgr are similar to those of the nova PW Vul

    V2051 Ophiuchi after superoutburst : out-of-plane material and the superhump light source

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    Aims. We performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the dwarf nova V2051 Oph at the end of its 1999 superoutburst. We studied and interpreted the simultaneous behaviour of various emission lines. Methods. We obtained high-resolution echelle spectroscopic data at ESO’s NTT with EMMI, covering the spectral range of 4000–7500 Å. The analysis was performed using standard IRAF tools. The indirect imaging technique of Doppler tomography was applied, in order to map the accretion disc and distinguish between the different emission sources. Results. The spectra are characterised by strong Balmer emission, together with lines of He i and the iron triplet Fe ii 42. All lines are double-peaked, but the blue-to-red peak strength and central absorption depth vary. The primary’s velocity was found to be 84.9 kms−1. The spectrograms of the emission lines reveal the prograde rotation of a disc-like emitting region and, for the Balmer and He i lines, an enhancement of the red-wing during eclipse indicates a bright spot origin. The modulation of the double-peak separation shows a highly asymmetric disc with non-uniform emissivity. This is confirmed by the Doppler maps, which apart from the disc and bright spot emission also indicate an additional region of enhanced emission in the 4th quadrant (+Vx, −Vy), which we associate with the superhump light source. Given the behaviour of the iron triplet and its distinct differences from the rest of the lines, we attribute its existence to an extended gas region above the disc. Its origin can be explained through the fluorescence mechanism

    Grazing Eclipsing Dwarf Nova CW Monocerotis: Dwarf Nova-Type Outburst in a Possible Intermediate Polar?

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    We observed the 2002 October-November outburst of the dwarf nova CW Mon. The outburst showed a clear signature of a premaximum halt, and a more rapid decline after reaching the outburst maximum. On two separate occasions, during the premaximum stage and near the outburst maximum, shallow eclipses were recorded. This finding confirms the previously suggested possibility of the grazing eclipsing nature of this system. The separate occurrence of the eclipses and the premaximum halt can be understood as a result of a combination of two-step ignition of an outburst and the inside-out propagation of the heating wave. We detected a coherent short-period (0.02549 d) signal on two subsequent nights around the optical maximum. This signal was likely present during the maximum phase of the 2000 January outburst. We interpret this signal as a signature of the intermediate polar (IP) type pulses. The rather strange outburst properties, strong and hard X-ray emission, and the low luminosity of the outburst maximum might be understood as consequences of the supposed IP nature. The ratio between the suggested spin period and the orbital period, however, is rather unusual for a system having an orbital period of ~0.176 d.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, to appear in PAS

    Diagnosing the Clumpy Protoplanetary Disk of the UXor Type Young Star GM Cephei

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    UX Orionis stars (UXors) are Herbig Ae/Be or T Tauri stars exhibiting sporadic occultation of stellar light by circumstellar dust. GM\,Cephei is such a UXor in the young (4\sim4~Myr) open cluster Trumpler\,37, showing prominent infrared excess, emission-line spectra, and flare activity. Our photometric monitoring (2008--2018) detects (1)~an \sim3.43~day period, likely arising from rotational modulation by surface starspots, (2)~sporadic brightening on time scales of days due to accretion, (3)~irregular minor flux drops due to circumstellar dust extinction, and (4)~major flux drops, each lasting for a couple of months with a recurrence time, though not exactly periodic, of about two years. The star experiences normal reddening by large grains, i.e., redder when dimmer, but exhibits an unusual "blueing" phenomenon in that the star turns blue near brightness minima. The maximum extinction during relatively short (lasting 50\leq 50~days) events, is proportional to the duration, a consequence of varying clump sizes. For longer events, the extinction is independent of duration, suggestive of a transverse string distribution of clumps. Polarization monitoring indicates an optical polarization varying 3%\sim3\%--8%\%, with the level anticorrelated with the slow brightness change. Temporal variation of the unpolarized and polarized light sets constraints on the size and orbital distance of the circumstellar clumps in the interplay with the young star and scattering envelope. These transiting clumps are edge-on manifestations of the ring- or spiral-like structures found recently in young stars with imaging in infrared of scattered light, or in submillimeter of thermalized dust emission.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Photometric study of new southern SU UMa-type dwarf novae and candidates: V877 Ara, KK Tel and PU CMa

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    We photometrically observed three dwarf novae V877 Ara, KK Tel and PU CMa. We discovered undisputed presence of superhumps in V877 Ara and KK Tel, with mean periods of 0.08411(2) d and 0.08808(3) d, respectively. Both V877 Ara and KK Tel are confirmed to belong to long-period SU UMa-type dwarf novae. In V877 Ara, we found a large decrease of the superhump period (dot(P)/P = -14.5 +/- 2.1 x 10^(-5)). There is evidence that the period of KK Tel decreased at a similar or a more exceptional rate. Coupled with the past studies of superhump period changes, these findings suggest that a previously neglected diversity of phenomena is present in long-period SU UMa-type dwarf novae. The present discovery of a diversity in long-period SU UMa-type systems would become an additional step toward a full understanding the dwarf nova phenomenon. PU CMa is shown to be an excellent candidate for an SU UMa-type dwarf nova. We examined the outburst properties of these dwarf novae, and derived characteristic outburst recurrence times. Combined with the recently published measurement of the orbital period of PU CMa, we propose that PU CMa is the first object filling the gap between the extreme WZ Sge-type and ER UMa-type stars.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A New SU UMa-Type Dwarf Nova, QW Serpentis (= TmzV46)

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    We report on the results of the QW Ser campaign which has been continued from 2000 to 2003 by the VSNET collaboration team. Four long outbursts and many short ones were caught during this period. Our intensive photometric observations revealed superhumps with a period of 0.07700(4) d during all four superoutbursts, proving the SU UMa nature of this star. The recurrence cycles of the normal outbursts and the superoutbursts were measured to be \sim50 days and 240(30) days, respectively. The change rate of the superhump period was -5.8x10^{-5}. The distance and the X-ray luminosity in the range of 0.5-2.4 keV are estimated to be 380(60) pc and log L_x = 31.0 \pm 0.1 erg s^{-1}. These properties have typical values for an SU UMa-type dwarf nova with this superhump period.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to appear in the VSNET special issue of PAS