20 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran PKn Melalui Metode Simulasi Di Kelas V SDN Pembina Tataba

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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PKn dapat ditingkatkan melalui metode simulasi pada siswa kelas V SDN Pembina Tataba. Tujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa melalui metode simulasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PKn pada siswa kelas V SDN Pembina Tataba. Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu (1) perencanaan (2) Pelaksanaan (3) observasi (4) refleksi. Pengumpulan data melalui teknik pemberian tes, wawancara, observasi dan pencatatan lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Pembina Tataba yang berjumlah 20 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan data awal siswa yang kategori tuntas 4 orang atau presentase ketuntasan klasikal 25%. Pada siklus 1 banyak siswa yang tuntas 10 orang presentase ketuntasan klasikal 55%. Sedangkan Siklus II banyaknya siswa yang tuntas 19 orang, presentase ketuntasan klasikal 90%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa metode simulasi dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Disarankan para guru untuk menggunakan hasil penelitian ini dengan baik dan dijadikan motivasi agar mampu melakukan penelitian tindakan kela

    Visualisasi Simpangan Vibrasi Dengan Metoda Espi

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    Simpangan vibrasi dari sebuah objek, yaitu membran bundar yang bervibrasi, telah diteliti untuk divisualkan dengan menggunakan metoda Time-average Electronic Speckel Pattern Interferometry. Objek dikopel dengan corong suara, yang dihubungkan dengan generator bunyi, dimana frekuensi dan tegangan luarannya dapat diatur. Frekuensi vibrasi objek adalah sama dengan frekuensi luaran generator bunyi. Sedangkan simpangan vibrasi objek dikontrol oleh tegangan luaran dari generator bunyi. Perekaman dilakukan dengan kamera CCD dan citra spekel hasil rekaman untuk setiap sequen disimpan di dalam file-file tersendiri di dalam komputer. Dengan metoda ini, disyaratkan waktu perekaman atau shutting-time dari kamera CCD haruslah lebih panjang daripada perioda getaran objek. Substraksi dilakukan antara citra spekel membran pada saat bervibrasi dengan citra spekel membran saat belum bervibrasi. Pada penelitian ini telah diamati visualisasi untuk rentang frekuensi antara 300 Hz sd. 1500 Hz dengan setiap kali Perubahan sebesar 50 Hz. Visualisasi hasil substraksi memperlihatkan bahwa tidak setiap tahapan frekuensi menunjukkan pola simpangan. Hanya pada frekuensi-frekuensi tertentu saja diperoleh citra dengan kualitas frinji yang memuaskan


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    Bearing adalah elemen mesin yang menyerupai poros berbeban, sehigga putaran atau gerak bolak-baliknya dapat berlangsung dengan halus, aman dan panjang umur. Bearing harus kokoh dan ulet untuk memungkinkan poros serta elemen mesin lainnya bekerja dengan baik. Jika bearing tidak berfungsi dengan baik maka prestasi seluruh sistem akan menurun atau tidak dapat bekerja dengan semestinya. Untuk itu, bahan dari bantalan yang merupakan baja karbon tinggi harus bersifat ulet dan tangguh. Untuk mendapatkan sifat logam yang diinginkan dilakukan proses Heat Treatment (perlakuan panas), khususnya pada outerĀ  dan inner ring. Pengujian kekerasan pada outerĀ  dan inner ring dari bantalan dilakukan setelah proses Heat Treatment. Pengujian kekerasan dengan menggunakan Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester, nilai dari kekerasan tersebut dapat langsung dibaca pada skala alat tersebut. Proses Heat Treatment outerĀ  dan inner ring dari bantalan XYZ dapat menghasilkan sifat-sifat mekanik yang diinginkan pabrik, yaitu angka kekerasan Rockwell 62-64 HRC. Jika hasil dari pengujian kekerasan nilainya sesuai dengan standar pabrik, maka outerĀ  dan inner ring tersebut memenuhi syarat kualitas pabrik

    Learning Strategies Used by Good EFL Adult Learners: a Case Study on University Students in Pare-Pare

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    This research aimed to find out the good EFL adult learners learning strategies in acquiring the foreign language and how the learning strategies affect the leaners achievement at Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. The method used in this research was qualitative method. The instrument were an interview and audio recorder. The participant of the research were the graduate students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare within the age of 25-65 as one of the criteria of adult learners. The result of the research showed that the learning strategies applied by the learner were direct and indirect strategy. Direct strategy covered memory related strategy, cognitive strategy and compensatory strategy while metacognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy were included in indirect strategy

    Communication Styles Used by Effective EFL Teachers in Classroom Interaction

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    This research was conducted to find out; (1) the characteristics of the effective teachers based on the students' perception; (2) to describe the communication styles used by EFL teachers in classroom interaction; (3) to find out when and why the teacher used the aggressive, assertive and passive style. This research applied mixed method research. The instruments of this research were questionnaire, observation, and interview. The sample of this research consisted of 265 students at SMA Ummul Mukminin boarding school Makassar, in academic 2017/2018. The subjects of the research were three experienced English teachers. The research finding based on students' perception to the EFL English teachers in each class showed that Mrs. Wal got 73.5% categorized as very effective teacher, Ms. WN got 76.9% categorized as very effective teacher, Mr. As got 65.2% categorized as effective teacher. The teacher was very effective described by students who had 20 positive attitudes that have to be done and 24 negative attitudes for ineffective teachers that must be avoided. Furthermore, the research revealed three findings in communication styles used by teachers. The first was aggressive style, the second was assertive style, and the third was passive style. The teachers used those styles based on the context and situation during English classroom process. The most dominant communication style used by the teacher was aggressive

    Podcast Effects on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension

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    Undoubtedly the Internet sources are absolutely beneficial to the senior high school students since they carried the target language together in itself. The present study aimed to explore podcast effects on EFL learners' listening comprehension. This study involved sixty students chosen from the eleventh grade students of the science department at SMU Negeri 1 luwu in 2017/2018 academic years. They divided into two groups, namely the experimental and control group. The listening comprehension test and the open-ended questions administered to fulfil the objectives of the study. The quantitative data were analysed by utilizing paired and independent samples t-test, and the qualitative data was analysed through an open coding technique by identifying, naming, and describing the phenomena of the gathered data. The quantitative results indicated that the use of podcast was more effective than the use of non-podcast. It was proven by the value of the mean score from both of the groups (53.73 Ėƒ 37,46). The different (df) of those two mean scores was statistically significant based on the the t - test value at 0.05 significance level. The probability value was smaller than significant level (0.000 < 0.05). In other words, the result of hypothesis testing found that t-value = 4.791 was higher than t-table = 2.000 (p=0.05, df =58). Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. In addition, the result of open-ended question analysis highlighted that podcast was attractive in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language listening comprehension.Podcast, Listening Comprehension, Learning Interes

    Socialization Of Dry Land Agricultural Development And Deep Groundwater Utilization In Salut Village, Kayaangan District, Lombok Utara Regency

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    The potential for dry land in North Lombok is very wide with the surrounding rivers mostly dry during the dry season. Sambik Rindang Hamlet is one of the dry lands that has the potential for productive agriculture, but has not been able to be utilized optimally. For this reason, the people of Sambik Rindang need to be given knowledge about this through socialization, so that they can make efficient use of dry land and groundwater so that farming can be carried out outside the rainy season. The aim of the socialization is to increase people's knowledge about irrigation water efficiency and irrigation methods for agriculture in dry land. This socialization was carried out with the stages of field review, field socialization, discussion and question and answer, evaluation and closing. Furthermore, this socialization service has succeeded in providing knowledge about efficient irrigation such as drip irrigation and pipelines, with productive farming. The service participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the socialization activities, questions about agriculture and irrigation were answered well by the team from the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Engineering. Evaluation of activities is carried out by the service team, from the field socialization activities to the end of the activity. The service participants were very proactive during the activity and had knowledge about efficient irrigation and productive farming methods. Thus the service participants have known efficient irrigation methods and have gained knowledge in utilizing dry land in order to have an economic impact on the family

    Analisa Performa Mesin Motor 4 Langkah 110cc Dengan Menggunakan Campuran Bioetanol-pertamax

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    Permasalahan tentang bahan bakar fosil yang mengemuka pada tahun-tahun ini adalah permasalahan tentang menipisnya jumlah bahan bakar fosil dan pemanasan global. Saat ini dirasa sangatlah penting untuk melanjutkan usaha observasi dan pengembangan teknologi berbahan bakar alternatif. Alkohol dengan kadar tinggi dapat digunakan secara langsung pada mesin, maupun dapat juga dicampurkan dengan kadar tertentu pada bensin sebagai bahan bakar. Pemanfaatan alkohol sebagai bahan bakar pengganti bensin, pertamax, pertalite atau sebagai campuran bensin diharapkan mampu mengurangi konsumsi pemakaian bahan bakar dari minyak bumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan campuran bensin dan ethanol serta jenis bahan bakar yang sesuai dan untuk mendapatkan unjuk kerja mesin motor bensin 4 langkah yang optimum. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu: pengujian torsi dan daya pada mesin 4 langkah 110cc dengan menggunakan campuran bioethanol-pertamax untuk variasi putaran mesin 5000-9000 rpm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar dengan menggunakan bahan bakar pertamax maupun campuran variasi pertamax dan ethanol (0%,30%, 50%, 70%) terjadi Perubahan karakteristik, yaitu peningkatan daya sampai dengan putaran 7000 rpm. Pada putaran yang tinggi, penambahan ethanol mampu memberikan torsi dibandingkan dengan pada saat menggunakan bahan bakar pertamax

    The prognosis of esophageal carcinoma staged irresectable (T4) by endosonography

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    Endosonography is an accurate preoperative staging technique for esophageal carcinoma. We retrospectively investigated a cohort of patients with carcinoma of the esophagus or gastric cardia that was endosonographically staged to be irresectable and studied whether their survival was influenced by the treatment received. Between April 1992 and July 1995, 654 patients were referred for endosonographic staging. We retrospectively searched our database for patients staged T4 and collected followup. Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox proportional hazards model were used to study the effect of treatment and various other factors on survival. Fifty-one patients (median age, 62 years; range, 44-87; 37 male) were staged T4 by endosonography. Followup was collected of all patients. Explorative surgery was chosen in 24 patients (47%), and the tumor was resected in 13 patients. Median survival in the surgical group was 9.67 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 6.03, 13.31) and 7.06 months (95% CI: 5.68, 8.44) in the nonsurgical group (not significant). Patients with infiltration in the respiratory tract had a 2.5 times higher risk of death than patients without (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.54; 95% CI: 1.30, 4.96). Patients staged irresectable by endosonography (T4 stage) have a very poor prognosis, regardless of further therapy. Survival of this group of patients was not influenced by surger